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Soon To Mars

Liria López Machado

The Earth
Earth Mars & Earth Mars
★ Temperature → 14ºC ★ Temperature → -63ºC
(min. -88ºC ; max. 58ºC)
★ Internal structure: crust, (min. -140ºC ; max. 30ºC)
★ Gravity → 9.8 m/s2 mantle and core ★ Gravity → 3.7 m/s2
★ Atmosphere ★ Volcanic activity ★ Atmosphere
○ N → 78% ★ Geological composition: ○ N → <2%
○ O2 → 21% stones and minerals ○ O2 → 0.13%
○ CO2 → 0.04% ★ Water presence in solid ○ CO2 → 96%
○ H2O → 1% state ○ H2O → 0.006%
★ Year → 365 days ★ Presence of natural ★ Year → 687 days
★ Size (diameter) → 12 742 km satellites ★ Size (diameter) → 6779 km
Gravity - Breathing - Body Shape
One big problem our specie would have living in Mars would be the gravity. Our
body is adapted to The Earth’s gravity, it works based on that gravity. The best
example of this is our respiratory system, since we use the pressure difference to
breath. We don’t know how would affect us to live in a less-gravity environment,
but we can say it won’t be good. Another good point would be our body shape.
Our bones, specially the spine, are adapted to having 1 atm of pressure on them,
changing that would be really bad for us.
The solution to this problem would be making some sort of dome with some kind
of electromagnetic camp to increase the attraction to the ground up to The
Atmosphere - Breathing
Another big problem humans would have to address would be the amount of O2
and CO2 in Mars’ atmosphere. Oxygen is essential for humans to breath, and CO2
is really bad at the same time. In our planet, there’s a lot more oxygen in the
atmosphere for us to breath than CO2, but these quantities are different in the red
planet, 96% CO2 and 0.13% O2.
Addressing this problem is a little bit more complicated than the other one, but
not impossible. Lowering the carbon dioxide levels is not that hard, and we have
techniques nowadays used to stop the greenhouse effect. Increasing the O2 levels
would be a little bit more complicated, since we need a lot of oxygen in the
atmosphere, and the process to obtain it takes a lot longer, we would need a lot of
time to archive this, and keep doing it to renovate the air in the colony.

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