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Feeding Terrarium Decoration

to keep everything illuminated. Come to an expert

about this to know what is the best for you to buy.

It’s also recommended the use of a thermometer to

Snakes are carnivorous. You need to be Terrarium’s decoration is not that much of an
know the exact conditions inside the terrarium.
conscious of that and you must not important thing, but it will help our snake to feel
change their diet.
Air Circulation
comfortable and happier in its hause. Things like
plants, trees, caves or rocks will make our snake’s
That being said, the best foodstuff for them are the
habitat a better place to live.
mice. Alive or dead is up to you, but it is
recommended for them to be alive, so the snakes The habitat must be well ventilated. If it is not, the
terrarium can turn into a breeding ground for Every decoration has a different function. For
can stimulate their instincts. Some centres breed example, plants will help us keep the humidity rate
mice specifically for this, so it isn’t difficult to find diseases.
and caves will give our snake a place to hide and
them. cool out.
If the terrarium is a normal/small size, it’s
Another thing to keep in mind is that snakes eat a recommended to use grilles: one at the bottom front
and other in the upper back. También procura manejarla con cuidado, sin
lot, so you have to be very attentive on how you asustarla para que no tenga reacciones
feed them, so they have the exact amount of food inesperadas.
Another option, used if the terrarium is a lot bigger,
they need.
is to use extractors and fans.
Snakes don’t need to drink that much but they need
to always have access to a water container so they
can drink whenever they want.
Different races of snakes have different health

conditions and different life behaviors. Knowing your
Although they need to be hot, the terrarium also
snake’s race is very important for this, so you don’t
needs to be damp. Humidity helps reptiles to
misunderstand your snake’s behaviors.
regulate their corporal temperature.
When you have a snake you need to know what is
There are some diseases more common than
the best habitat for them, you need them to be There are a lot of methods to keep it damp:
● Humidifiers others so it’s important for you to recognise them.
comfortable and happy in their terrarium so you
succeed in owning one. ● Water container
Snakes don’t need vaccines most of the time but it
● Special plants
is recommended for them to have biannual
The terrarium must be spacious. Depending on the
type of snake you own, it should be longer, higher or
wider. It has to imitate the snake's natural habitat
If their temperature is lower or higher than it should
and it should have a place for the snake to hide. be, it can cover up illness symptoms.
Substratum is an important thing for the animals. It
The terrarium should stay around 27ºC. For this, has to be chosen depending on the snake's needs,
you should get a heat bulb; along with a normal bulb and never depending on personal pleasure.
Acquisition of a Snake
To own a snake you need a CITES permit. Once
you make sure you have it, you shouldn’t have a
problem getting a snake, but you have to make sure
you aren’t getting an illegal one. The are 3
prohibited reptiles in Canada:

● Boidae: all species of Anaconda and Cuban

● Pythonidae: Amethystine python and
Boelen’s python.
● Varanidae: Komodo Dragon and Nile

Poisonous snakes are also prohibited as pets.

Transport and Traveling

The best way of transporting a snake is in a fabric
bag. You have to make sure they are kept warm and
damp all the trip, so you should put a heat
accumulator and a fresh water container next to

The same thing applies when you are traveling

between countries or in a plane.

A CITES Certificate of Ownership permit, or “Pet

Passport”, is needed if you are travelling between
countries or in a plane. This permit lasts 3 years.

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