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Chuquipiondo Taricuarima, Jessica Sarita
Cárdenas Cárdenas, Jimena
Pezo Guevara Jeyson Ivan
Mirano Mas,Luz Clarit

Comportamiento Organizacional

Arteaga Alvarez ,Pablo Richard

Tarapoto - Perú

Attributes:Refer to the inherent quality or characteristic of a person, such as

intelligence,language,knowledge, skills, aptitudes, attitudes, values ​and habits.

Behavior:The way in which people behave in certain situations, people or events,

but always taking into account the influence that exists in relation to social or
environmental factors.

Equilibrium:It means that when you still do not have enough base to support
yourself, you are standing up and do not fall, also the balance helps to improve
confidence, prevents falls and helps you to be active.

Empowerment: Develop in a person the confidence and security in himself, in his

abilities, in his potential and in the importance of his actions and decisions to affect
his life positively.

Innovation: To innovate is to improve what exists, providing new options that meet
the needs of consumers, or even creating new products so that they are successful
in the market.

Influence: Influence is the quality that grants the ability to exercise a certain control
over power by someone or something.

Independent: That has no dependency, that does not depend on another.

Interpretation: Explain or declare the meaning of something, and mainly that of a


Limitations: It refers to setting limits to something, while the notion of limit is linked
to a line that separates two territories, to the extreme that a certain time reaches, to
the extreme that the mental and physical can reach, or to a restriction.
Leadership:Set of management skills that an individual has to influence the way of
being or acting of people or in a given work group, making this team work
enthusiastically towards the achievement of its goals and objectives.

Organizational:They are administrative systems created to achieve goals or

objectives with the support of the people themselves, or with the support of human
talent and available resources.

Psychological: Psychology is the science that studies human behavior and mental

Responsibilities: It is fulfilling all our obligations on time, as well as making the

right decisions and being able to answer for our actions.

Self-efficacy:They are knowledge that we have about our capabilities and

confidence to achieve a goal or face a situation.

Summary:The summary is a writing that synthesizes the main ideas of a text.

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