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Social media

Social media is now an essential component of how we communicate and socialise in the
modern world. It has facilitated stronger relationships between individuals by enabling the
exchange of ideas and countless opportunities for pleasure. Unrestricted access to social
media platforms has raised questions about children's safety and wellbeing, though. Younger
kids could lack the maturity and sense of responsibility to recognise these risks, making
them more likely to share sensitive information or fall for frauds. Social media can make
youngsters more vulnerable to privacy issues while also defending them against online
predators and abuse. It is crucial to support age limitations on social media sites in order to
allay these worries. These limitations would prevent kids from accessing potentially
hazardous material and provide a safer online environment.

To start, the fact that privacy concerns are a major issue when it comes to social media
platforms is one of the primary justifications for enacting age limitations. One of the most
important incidents that raises awareness of this issue is the 2019 case in which Tiktok, a
popular short form video app, was fined $5.7 million for violating children's privacy standards
and regulations. By gathering personal information from children under the age of 13 without
obtaining parental consent, Tiktok allegedly broke the Children's Online Privacy Protection
Act, according to the Federal Trade Commision, better known as the FTC. Additionally, the
FTC revealed that Tiktok had disregarded parental requests to delete personal information
from users under the age of 13. This instance highlights the necessity for social media
platforms to establish age limitations in order to safeguard the privacy of younger members.
Children and teenagers are more vulnerable to privacy intrusions because they might not
fully comprehend the risks of disclosing personal information online. Social media platforms
can guarantee that users are old enough to grasp the dangers and make judgements about
publishing personal details by enforcing age limitations. Many users may not have given
their informed consent for the usage of their information since they are unaware of how
much of it is being shared. Regulators can give social media platforms a strong message
that companies must take privacy problems seriously and make sure that their users'
personal information is secured by imposing fines for privacy law violations.

Online predators are those people who utilise the internet to draw attention and exploit kids
and teenagers for sex. They commonly utilise social media sites to communicate with their
victims, gain their trust, and create connections with them. They may request improper
photographs, videos, or personal information from their victims after they establish a
connection with them, or even arrange a meeting. Age limitations on social media apps can
be used to stop children and teenagers from being exposed to internet predators. One of the
notable cases that draws attention to this issue is the one involving a juvenile who was
sexually abused in 2018 after being groomed online for a year by a 28-year-old guy named
John Blair Burns. The youngster was utilising social media platforms like Instagram and
Snapchat when she first met Burns. For a year, Burns encouraged the girl to engage in
sexual activity by sending her explicit messages and images. Later, Burns made
arrangements to meet the girl in person, which led to his assault on her. The dangers posed
by online predators and the vulnerabilities of young people who utilise social media are
highlighted by this incident.
Furthermore Cyberbullying is a subset of online harassment in which someone bullies,
intimidates, or degrades another person via electronic devices, social networking websites,
or messaging services. Cyberbullying can result in emotional anguish, anxiety, sadness, and
in severe situations, even suicide. Social media platforms must thus introduce age
restrictions to shield younger users from this destructive behaviour. Age limitations on social
media sites are crucial in avoiding cyberbullying since younger users are more susceptible to
this type of harassment. Social media firms can help shield young users from the potential
harm that cyberbullying can do by only allowing older, more responsible users access to
their sites. Social media networks usually include features like private messaging,
anonymous profiles, and the option to publish comments or photographs that can be seen by
a broad audience. By limiting access to these tools, social media platforms can lessen the
likelihood that cyberbullying will take place there. Age restrictions can also help parents and
guardians keep tabs on their children's online activities and safeguard them against
cyberbullying. When social media platforms have age restrictions in place, parents and
guardians can feel more secure knowing that their children aren't exposed to unsuitable
content or hazardous interactions with others.

Some people may argue that there should be no social media restrictions because the right
to curate an online platform may be directly or indirectly restricted by regulations of social
media corporations. Strong protections against these limitations are provided by the First
Amendment. By exempting digital corporations from the majority of intermediary liability for
speech that appears on their platforms, Congress has provided extra protections for the

Age limitations on social media apps are crucial for preserving the security and welfare of
young users, it might be said. These restrictions aid in upholding concerns about privacy,
avoiding exposure to internet predators, and reducing cyberbullying. Prioritising young users'
safety over unlimited access to social media platforms is crucial.

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