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Integrative learning product

Matter: Ethics, Society and Profession


NAME: Yazir Eliezer Saldaña Facundo

GROUP: 604

Matricula: 1991461

This work is a dilemma about how poverty influences food security since it is
a case that at present it is very important to give it importance. Currently this
is aggravated by the volatility in food prices due to the swings in financial
markets, the energy and ecological crisis.

Poverty and accelerated urbanization influence food insecurity and poor

nutrition, compounded by food price volatility due to financial market
swings, the energy and ecological crisis
Poverty and human rights such as the right to food trial

Poverty and human rights such as the right to food and social security are interrelated. The right to
adequate food was a fundamental human right, although hundreds of millions of people remained
food insecure. Poverty and growing inequality are one of the underlying causes of food insecurity.
Poverty undermines or nullifies the rights to adequate food, housing, health, water, education and
others.Social protection can play an essential role in the progressive realization of the right to
adequate food for all. Social protection programmes contribute to the eradication of poverty and
famine through the transfer of resources to people living n poverty, which allows them to
generate income, protect their assets and accumulate human capital. Prior to COVID-19, there was
already a major malaise spreading throughout the world due to inequalities and lack of respect for
economic, social and cultural rights. Human rights considerations have often been absent from
development and economic work. COVID-19 has exposed the fragility of most economies, with
millions of them falling into poverty. The four fundamental elements of the right to food are as

Availability: Food must be available from natural resources, either through food production,
cultivation of land and livestock, or through other means of obtaining food, such as fishing,
hunting or gathering. Food must be available for sale in markets and stores.

Accessibility: Food must be affordable. People must be able to access an adequate diet without
compromising on other basic needs, such as school fees, medicines or rent. Food should be
accessible to all, including physically vulnerable individuals such as children, the sick, persons with
disabilities or the elderly. They should also be accessible to persons in remote areas and to victims
of armed conflict or natural disasters, as well as to prisoners.

Adequacy: The diet must satisfy the dietary needs taking into account the age of the person, his
living conditions, health, occupation, sex, etc. Food must be safe for human consumption and free
of harmful substances. Sustainability: Food must be accessible to present and future generations.

Food insecurity and hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean are closely associated with, but not
confused with, extreme poverty. insufficient food for the development of a normal and
nutritionally inadequate life, affects not only those living in extreme poverty but also broader
strata and groups residing in particular areas or regions in each country. Among the shortages
faced by the population in extreme poverty, the lack of access to food is, by its consequences, the
most serious and urgent to eradicate.

The recognition of the importance of eliminating the most extreme situations of hunger is
expressed in the fact that the first development goal of the Millennium Declaration is the
eradication of hunger on the planet. Specific targets are set for this objective, giving it the same
priority as poverty alleviation. The permanent inadequacy of adequate food quantity and quality
to meet the energy needs of the entire population (undernourishment) finds its most serious
manifestation in child malnutrition. Of the two forms it assumes: low weight and shortness of
height with respect to age, growth delay is particularly important in the countries of the region,
due to both its greater incidence and the irreversibility of its negative effects on the development
of individuals and society.

It has been pointed out that the objective of food policy is to contribute to overcoming the food
insecurity of the population. That is, that all people have, at all times, physical and economic
access to sufficient safe and nutritious food to meet their nutritional needs and food preferences
in order to lead an active and healthy life.

Food aid programmes aimed at the distribution of food rations, subsidies, training and technical
assistance operate in the countries of the region with the strong participation of internal and
external actors, both public and private. The forms of coordination in each case are varied, from
almost total autonomy, which even presents some characteristics of competence, to complete
interaction and mutual dependence.

The experiences of each country are varied, some are articulated with regional programmes and
others operate independently. However, there are similarities in including school feeding
programmes for infants, pregnant and breastfeeding women and community support for rural

La desnutrición temprana tiene efectos adversos a lo largo de la vida, como disminución del
desempeño escolar, aumento en el riesgo de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles y reducción
de la capacidad de trabajo y del rendimiento intelectual. la seguridad alimentaria al ser
insuficiente en la mayoría de los hogares de América latina consecuencia de los bajos niveles que
se tienen de recursos económicos. Algunas de las enfermedades derivadas de la falta de seguridad
alimentaria son: Anemia, caries dentales, diabetes, hipertiroidismo, hipotiroidismo, obesidad,
osteoporosis y raquitismo. Governments are often tasked with preventing a transitory problem
from becoming permanent because households cannot replenish their resources, adding that early
malnutrition has adverse effects throughout life, such as decreased school performance, increased
risk of chronic non-communicable diseases and reduced working capacity and intellectual

According to the National Health and Nutrition Survey (ENSANUT), malnutrition is considered a
lagging disease, which during pregnancy and the first 2 to 3 years of life increases the risk of
morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases.

According to the National Institute of Public Health of Mexico, malnutrition in the child is the
direct result of an inadequate diet, in quantity or quality, and the cumulative effect of repeated
episodes of infectious diseases or other conditions. These factors stem from insufficient access to
nutritious food, poor health services, inadequate environmental sanitation and inappropriate
home-care practices. According to this authority, in Mexico, 5% of children under 5 have low
weight, 13% have low height and 3% are in a state of pathological weight loss.
One of the ways to eradicate or prevent this problem is to strengthen the allocation of resources
to food and health support programs aimed at containing this reduction in the lack of food


In conclusion, I speak specifically about the ethical dilemma of poverty and human rights,
especially the right to food. It was emphasized that adequate food is a human right and poverty is
an underlying cause of food insecurity, and the fundamental elements of the right to food, which
are Availability, Accessibility, Adequacy and Sustainability, were disclosed.

 Fecha de elaboración: 16-17 diciembre 2003 el Caribe, C. E. P. A. L. y. (2004). Pobreza

Hambre y Seguridad Alimentaria En Centroamerica y Panama. United Nations.
 Fecha de elaboración: 2020. Referencia:ACNUDH | La pobreza, el derecho a la
alimentación y a la protección social. (2021, December 20). Retrieved October 7, 2022,

 Csáki, Csaba, y G., Buchenreider (2011), “Efects of the

Financial and Economic Crisis on the Rural Landscape as well
as the Agri-Food Sector inEurope and Central Asia”, Society
and Economy
 Pardo, S., Ortega Díaz, Araceli, Pardo, S., & Ortega Díaz, Araceli. (2014). Pobreza
alimentaria y desarrollo en México. El Trimestre Económico, 81(321), 43–105. Retrieved

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