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GECLWR-18 - The Life and Works of Rizal

Assignment 1

Write a thought paper:

Is the teaching of Rizal course realistic given the dangers and sensitivity of
literature as means of communication in learning nationalism, patriotism,
and volunteerism? Do we really learn nationalism and patriotism with the
present pedagogy of Rizal course?

Jose Rizal's teachings are highly relevant to the Filipino people, particularly the youth,
who need to rededicate their lives to the ideals of freedom and nationalism for which our
heroes sacrificed their lives. It's important to honor him for dedicating his life to forming
the Filipino character and for providing us with a source of inspiration for our patriotism
through his writings.

It is possible to relate Rizal's principles and teachings to the problems and circumstances
that currently plague our society and thereby gain a greater appreciation and
comprehension of everything that Rizal fought and died for. We have a duty to better
ourselves because we are young adults who have been entrusted with making decisions
about the future of our country. What better motivation could there be?

Most people wonder why it’s important to study Rizal’s life when all he did is write
literature. It is through his writings that he revealed how cruel and abusive the Spaniards
truly are in their treatment of the Filipino people. He also enlightened his fellow
countrymen to take up arms and stand up for their right. It’s because of this that he was
imprisoned but that didn’t falter him and inspired him to continue writing. It is Rizal who
uplifted his generation and emphasized that the youth is the hope of our nation. We can
take a lot from Rizal’s life, like being aware of what goes on in our country and not just
idly accept the injustice we receive in our country

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