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The main point/argument of the author is that there are no universal moral principles
and that morality varies from society to society. Her supporting arguments include
that different cultures have different beliefs about what is right and wrong, and these
beliefs should be respected. Judging other cultures based on one's cultural standards
is unfair and unjust because every culture has its unique background and
circumstances that shape its morals. Ethical relativism promotes tolerance and
understanding among different cultures, which can lead to a more peaceful world.
There is no objective way to establish the superiority of one set of values over
another, as every culture believes its values reflect reality. Overall, Benedict argues
that ethical relativism allows for greater cultural diversity and promotes mutual
respect across societies, leading to a more harmonious global community.

2. Yes, I agree with the author’s arguments since moral beliefs and practices are not
universal but are instead shaped by cultural and historical factors. There is no
objective standard for morality that can be applied to all cultures, as stated by Ruth
Benedict. I believe that moral beliefs and practices should be judged based on their
cultural context. Her stand on ethical relativism by promoting cultural diversity
prevents the imposition of one’s culture’s values on another which I also agree with
because we can understand and accept different cultural perspectives and values,
rather than imposing one particular moral framework on all societies.

3. Yes, I think the author's argument concerning ethical relativism helps clarify moral
issues such as conflict of moral beliefs and views because it can help clarify moral
issues such as conflict of moral beliefs and views by emphasizing the idea that
different societies and cultures have distinct moral codes shaped by their values,
traditions, and experiences. This approach provides a framework to understand how
individuals hold diverse moral beliefs based on their background and cultural context.
It also acknowledges that there is no one "correct" set of moral principles universally
applicable to all people or situations. Instead, understanding ethical relativism helps
facilitate meaningful dialogue and encourages tolerance and mutual respect in
situations of conflicting moral beliefs.

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