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Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, is the third-largest city in the country.

People usually call Ankara

"Gray City," because Ankara is the city where all government work is done and the weather is always
cloudy. Besides its cloudy weather, I think Ankara is a beautiful city, especially in the fall and spring. The
leaves that grow in the spring and turn red in the fall elicit various emotions in humans, but they are not
the only reason Ankara is a beautiful city. The other reason is the historic buildings. Ankara was the place
where wars and deals were made. Ankara Kalesi, the First TBMM Building, Anıtkabir, and more. Also,
there are important landmarks: Atakule and some mosques. If you do not like this stuff, Ankara is a city
full of culture and art. There are so many museums and exhibitions. There are no seas in Ankara, but peo-
ple who live here love the city because of its weather, landmarks, and basically everything. There is no
turning back once you fall in love here. 

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