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Jaida Vue

Mrs. Aguilar

EDUC 10, Spring 2023

29 January 2023

Reflection #1

Being the youngest in my family, I have admired the way my family has taken care of

me. I have always felt the unconditional love, support, and motivation, which has carried me to

be the individual I am today. To have the opportunity to be able to experience such feelings, it

has inspired me to show the same love and support with children in pursuing education.

Through education, I want to leave an inspirational part of me with every student I come

in contact with. Whether it be words of wisdom, advice, or motivation, I want every student to

have a piece of me that was able to alter their mind and spirit. For instance, “Like a pianist

moving through a favorite sonata or a lawyer cross-examining a witness, teachers often draw

their deepest satisfactions from the act of applying their craft” (Ryan et al. 7). I believe that if I

apply my knowledge and words to students who wish to excel in education, the world will grow

and foster.

There are so many children around the world that do not have access to such education

that we have here in America. I take this subject close to my heart because my people - the

Hmong people - back in Laos do not have equivalent education systems. There are so many

children with huge potential; however, they can’t get the chance to experience the life of a

student because of poverty. This reason being, I believe that teaching and seeing the process of

children growing and learning is a beautiful aspect in life. In the book, Those Who Can, Teach, it

states, “Being important to others satisfies profound human needs, and teachers know about and
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appreciate this potential to affect the lives of others” (Ryan et al. 6). Making a difference and

providing an impact on students is an intrinsic reward, in which this reward allows me to feel a

sense of accomplishment.

Though I have dedicated much of my time to teaching and coaching children, I

personally do not see myself pursuing the teaching profession. My aspirations for my future do

not align with the profession, but I will continue to deliver my time with teaching students and

improving my platform on inspiring students to pursue education.

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