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Ji 己 Earth 遁

Ji 己 Earth is also known as the Six Harmony 六合 or Ming Tang 明堂
Star and it is very positive when original and unconventional thinking is
called for. It may also be referred to as the Earth Gate 地戶. Ji Earth may
often be regarded as an indication of a trap, and that it is necessary to
tread carefully. It is also connected with graveyards and darkness.

Ji Earth is associated with a sense of innovativeness and will always be Ji
able to think of a way around a problem. Creativity is the strength of Ji
Earth, but it is also not above the creative use of devious, unscrupulous
and underhanded methods.

When this Stem is timely, it denotes smooth progress. If untimely, it is

represents selfishness or self-centredness.

Qi Men Dun Jia Compendium 307


門 A. The 10 Stem Attributes

寶 Ji 己 is also known as the Six Harmony 六合 or
鑑 奇門代表 Ming Tang 明堂 star and it is good for invention
Name in Qi Men and creation. In some literature, it is also
known as the Earth Gate 地戶.

Represents Grave

己 五行
Yin Earth 陰土
Ji Five Element

Direction Centre 中央

Season Long Summer

Month March, June, September, December

308 Qi Men Dun Jia Compendium


Imagery 景象 遁

天文 寶
Astronomy Celestial Great One, Moon

地理 Rural area, low-lying land, plain, flatland, paddy
Environment fields, cemetery, farmland

People Actor/actress, dancer, secretary, mother

物品 己
Material Bedding, pocket, underwear, toilet paper, shoes Ji

Building Delivery room

事業 Performing arts, typesetting, service, maternal

Career and child care industries

Nourishment Spices, sweets, preserved meat

性格 One that is docile, compliant, willing and

Characteristic generous. He or she can also be impartial, stingy
and lazy.

Physical Fitness Still and calm

Voice Melodious and clear

Internal Organ Spleen, pancreas, muscle

Body Part Belly and face, tongue

Taste Sweet and spicy

Colour Light yellow

Qi Men Dun Jia Compendium 309


遁 Timeliness 得令失令

When it is timely, it denotes a person who is highly educated and

often enlightens other people. When it is untimely, it denotes a
person struggling to preserve his or her own integrity.


Hourly Correspondence 天干時應

Good for invention and creation. Highly innovative and creative.

Able to fix and rebuild the city and territory.

In divination, this hour denotes one that will be visited by distant

relatives within fifty days, and gain financial support from a Noble
person within half a year.

310 Qi Men Dun Jia Compendium


B. Ji 己 and the Stems Combo 門

地盤 格局名稱 英文格局名稱 吉凶 解說

Earthly Chinese English Rating Descriptions 寶
Stem Term Term 鑑
This formation is likely to
contribute to feelings that
one is working very hard
and achieving very little.
There will be obstacles and
frustrations at every turn 己
and one may feel that his Ji
or her peers are always one
甲 Dog Meets
犬遇青龍 step ahead. If the Door is
Yang Green
inauspicious the effects will
Wood Dragon
be even more profound,
if the Door is auspicious,
however, one may find that
the help of a Noble person
will help to turn a corner
and that one’s dreams are
not so far out of reach after

This formation suggests

that one is trying to
navigate forward without
a map and that one is
unable to obtain the data
needed in order to make

墓神不明 Hidden an informed decision. Do
Yin Grave Deity not be tempted to leap
without looking; it will only
lead to disaster. Accept the
way things are for the time
being and allow the luxury
of stepping out of the race.
Keep a low profile.

Qi Men Dun Jia Compendium 311


門 地盤 格局名稱 英文格局名稱 吉凶 解說
Earthly Chinese English Rating Descriptions
遁 Stem Term Term

寶 There will be a great
鑑 number of obstacles in the
way but on this occasion
it would be unwise for to
accept the status quo. Be
prepared to fight for what
丙 Fire
火悖地戶 one desires, be bold and
Yang Rebelling Ï
take the initiative. Women
己 Fire Earth Door
would be well advised
to watch their behaviour
and make sure that they
maintain their sense of
morality as an adulterous
affair could spell disaster.

As Xu 戌 is a Fire Grave, it
calls to mind an image of
the Phoenix, the flaming
bird that rises from the
ashes, for this reason the
formation is referred to as
Red Phoenix Enters Grave
朱雀入墓. This formation
丁 suggests that some murky
朱雀入墓 Phoenix
Yin waters will need to be
Fire navigated, there is a risk of
complaints and even legal
action and the truth of the
matter may not always be
clear. Be mindful of what
is said, make sure that
there is no way for one’s
words to be twisted or

312 Qi Men Dun Jia Compendium


地盤 格局名稱 英文格局名稱 吉凶 解說 門
Earthly Chinese English Rating Descriptions
Stem Term Term

When going through some

troubled times, it may be

a comfort to know that
help is on the way. Noble
people will be able to lend
戊 Dog Meets their support and there
犬遇青龍 Green will soon be a solution to
Earth Dragon one’s problems. If the Door
is auspicious one may be 己
able to achieve a great
deal, if it is inauspicious
one may yet find his or her
efforts are wasted.

The Earth Meets Ghost

formation is a Fu Yin 伏吟
formation which, as we
know, is an indication of
obstacles to overcome
and problems in moving
forward. It is important

Ji Earth Door to note that on this
Yin 地戶逢鬼 Meets occasion the Ji 己 is in the
Ghost cemetery which has some
unfortunate ramifications
in connection with illness.
If there is someone who is
battling an illness, it is likely
that they will take a turn for
the worse.

Qi Men Dun Jia Compendium 313


門 地盤 格局名稱 英文格局名稱 吉凶 解說
Earthly Chinese English Rating Descriptions
遁 Stem Term Term

寶 There may be legal
鑑 wrangles which cost time
as well as money and iti
may leave one feeling
uncomfortable, as though
one’s private life has
been made thoroughly
庚 public. One needs to be
己 Geng
明堂伏殺 Bright Hall
Ï careful that someone is
Ji Hidden
Metal not working to create
the appearance of guilt
when no crime has been
committed. The best
form of defence, on this
occasion, will be to turn the
other cheek, let them make
the first aggressive move.

Despite the feeling of riding

high and all the posturing,
one may not be achieving
his or her full potential.

遊魂入墓 Spirit Enters Ï
Be wary that the desire
Grave for financial reward is not
preventing one from seeing
all the possibilities and
everything that one is truly
capable of.

314 Qi Men Dun Jia Compendium


地盤 格局名稱 英文格局名稱 吉凶 解說 門
Earthly Chinese English Rating Descriptions
Stem Term Term

This formation denotes

an inauspicious outcome.

Dishonesty is the cause
of all troubles; someone is
壬 keeping secrets and telling
地網高張 Earthly Net Ï lies. There is a possibility
High Stretch
Water of adultery, betrayal and
some significant scandal.
Be cautioned against these 己

Plans are unlikely to unfold

as anticipated and there
may be yet more troubles
Earthly waiting ahead. One could

地刑玄武 Punishment Ï
fall ill and, if this formation
Black meets with an inauspicious
Tortoise door, there is even the
possibility of a brush
with the law and a prison

Auspicious Moderate Inauspicious

All English terms for the formations are unique literary expressions of the author and are
exclusive to the Joey Yap school of Qi Men Dun Jia.

Qi Men Dun Jia Compendium 315

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