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Interview Question

Participant 1
How would you describe My daily routine or set up when I had online lab classes, I was inside
your daily routine/set-up the room, and there was my computer next to my bed, that's all, then
during in online
laboratory class? my daily routine was attend online class and fall asleep, that's how it
was every day.

How will you describe For me, online lab classes are pretty useless, because I didn't even
your experience in learn the actual thing compared to online, like when we had the
attending online
laboartory classes? subject of forensic toxicology, forensic chemistry, and photography, I
didn't even get to hold a real camera, didn’t learn how to do crime
scene photography like that, I also didn't learn how to take samples
from crime scene scenes, that's all, so for me my experience at the
online lab is very awful and useless for me.
Can you describe the For me, the challenges that I encountered then are, it seems like a
encountered challenges waste, it's a waste of time that I took an online lab, because the most
that you had during your
online laboratory challenging part there is that I didn't even learn how to do the actual
classes? things, so it's like even after I finish my course, after I finish that
subject, I feel like I didn't learn anything, I just learned how to draw a
camera that’s all, that's the only challenge, I'm really challenged there
like I didn't learn anything.
Participant 2
My set up for the lab classes is typical, I was on the computer
where I listen to professor for our lab classes, and then it’s just
typical like how the online class set up, that's all I use in lab
class, except for the activities that require standing and moving, I
will transfer the online class to my phone. In the room when
there is nothing actual to do but when there is an actual act I go
to the kitchen there at my table to work.

The activities are difficult to do if there is not much instruction

like you are alone at home, but in terms of stress level it is not
that stressful because it is open time and the professors give a lot
of time to pass the activity but that is the only problem It's really
hard to do without someone at home.
The challenges are what I told you about the lack of supervision,
but you don't have someone to guide you, so what you were
given was instruction, on paper. They will insist that it is
necessary, we will provide it, not the school.
How may the students narrate t
Participant 3 Participant 4
So my set up in the online laboratory class is that “My set-up during the online laboratory class is just a
I only have a place in my room which is the normal online class, specifically I have two cellular
corner side and it’s the most quiet so that I can phones, one is for the lecture purposes then the other
certainly focus on the online lab since it is very is for the video camera".
difficult for me or for all of us because its new to
all of us and we're only used to f2f classes.

If I will describe my experience in the online lab "I could describe it as difficult, the online laboratory
class, it's so draining to the point that you want to classes is difficult as compared into the traditional
understand the lesson but you can't execute that classroom wherein you can experience the actual
since it's an online class then you can't do what laboratory unlike in the online class you can't really
your professor does because you don't have focus and you don't experience the real laboratory".
materials, you don't have materials at home that
are enough for you to provide what is described
or taught by your professor.
Maybe one of the problems I've had here is the " The internet connection is weak, then sometimes
noise from the neighbors or unnecessary noises your neighbors are noisy so you can't really focus
and due to that noises, it's hard to focus, and the during online class or online laboratory class. And
house isn't really fit for studying because there's a maybe one of the difficulties which I have
lot of household chores to do, like that, so I can't experienced is that you can't understand the discussion
really focus. because it's only conducted online and there are many
students narrate their lived experiences in their online laboratory classes?
Participant 5
"It is quite flexible in terms of doing household chores.
While I listens on the discussion, I can wash the dishes, I
can do whatever I wanted and at the same time I’ve learn
something. It is not just an online class, which you just only

" So, in the part of the online laboratory that I’ve

experienced, I'm not saying that I didn't learn anything, but
what I learned was limited only because I couldn't see, touch
the materials and I couldn't suggest or comment in time. So,
instead of saying it, I am ashamed to say it in order just to
end the time".
"First is the internet connection problem. Second,
losing a focus. Instead of attending the class only, what
often happens is that you are being to do tasks at our
home. Third, I can no longer write because my focus is
sometimes instead of listening on the discussion, I just
go to Facebook."
r online laboratory classes?
Participant 6
"It's fine, but honestly it's boring to set up an
online laboratory, it's just an online laboratory, it
wouldn’t go to the school. When you only think
that it is conducted online, somewhat boring like
that, that's it”. Specifically, "I have my own room
and my own device, so it's fine in that aspect, it's
really just what's in my mindset".

" Honestly, I don't like the online lab class, right?

Instead of being in your laboratory at school,
where you are using the equipment that you should
be using is you can’t. You're locked in your room,
that's all... you're facing the laptop, you're holding
the equipment’s, you're with your mouse, that's it".
"I feel that my environment here is not friendly to
study. I really prefer the one at school. There are
more distractions, where in when you are doing an
activity, you just want to lie down”.
Participant 7 Participant 8
During the online classes, I do not really prepare So to describe my daily routine during
myself for anything unlike during to a face to face my laboratory classes back when I was a
classes. In face to face classes, Im required to bring 2nd year student is that even before the
and prepare materials that will be used in laboratory discussion started or it was late at night
activities such as laboratory gowns and gloves. In such before the classes started, I did advance
reading because when the discussion
cases such as chemistry classes, there are materials that itself -study or listen, it is very difficult
being required. For example in our classes with Maam to digest information from Prof.
Babor, we are required to bring sample blood which
needs me to wake up 30 minutes or 1 hour early before
the class. In online classes, there is nothing special to

For the experience ma'am, I must say it's a struggle and My experience is pretty challenging
the online laboratory classes are disappointing. Since ma'am, because no matter what advance
that's because it started during our 2nd year that we reading, watching on youtube, or any
have a laboratory which started with forensic study, when you don't perform an
photography and suppository identification, it's experiment through face-to-face set up
it's really hard to understand.
unfortunate that we can't execute what we actually do
in forensic photography which is, mainly focusing
really in film processing, in photo processing that we
didn't really do during the semester
Maybe in general speaking, it's really hard to Maybe ma'am about the challenges,
understand what is discussed during online laboratory everyone will agree with me that the
classes, especially when it comes to procedures biggest hindrance in online
because we don't have specific materials that we can laboratory classes is the internet
do with those in that class. For example, in forensic connection because we have a
photography, we don't have films here, or cameras, we software where we do virtual
don't have chemicals to process a photo. As for experiments, when there's not a good
identification, there are no fingerprints, slabs, connection, we are getting a low
magnifying glasses, or comparators, to do those score and we struggle with the
processes. That's right, those are the main challenges experiment reports we have which is
during attending online laboratory courses. It seems to needed to accomplish after a virtual
be lacking. experiment ma'am
Participant 9 Participant 10
Daily routine laboratory class is okay, it's My daily setup during online laboratory class
not too much of a hassle because you're just is to ready my coffee before joining in
at home, then your setup is just more synchronous meetings and try my best to pay
comfortable because you're just at home attention as much as I can.

Since it's an online class, don't stick to what I can describe my experience in attending
your professor says, you have to do extra laboratory classes as something that is unfamiliar
research and new for me to participate.
Challenges that I encountered are power One of the encountered challenges that I had
outages, no electricity, and the internet during online laboratory classes is the laziness to
problem attend the class itself because I get bored of the
taught that I could watch the experiment and
activities but cannot experience it being done in
Interview Question
Participant 1
Can you describe your As for the technical aspect, the only challenge I had is that
learning challenges that sometimes when the internet is slow, I find it difficult to
you had in online
laboratory in terms of submit those online activities, it's even harder to forward
technical aspect sometimes because the internet is slow, and it’s difficult to

Can you narrate your When I submit there are instances where the canvas or our
coping mechanisms in internet is slow, so what I do is, I message our professors to
overcoming challenges of
online laboratory classes give an extension even just for an hour just so I can submit,
in terms of technical after all, our professors are considerate.
Can you describe the In terms of tools and equipment’s, like I said before, I didn't
challenges that you had
during your online even hold a camera, we do not also have a camera at home, I
laboratory classes in terms didn't learn how to take actual crime scene photography, I
of tools and equipment in didn't learn any of it and besides that, like our subject of
requiring to your laboratory
subjects? forensic instrumentation, I didn't even touch a microscope, I
didn't learn to use a microscope at all.

How did you cope with the I didn't really cope with whatever my challenges were, I didn't
challenges brough upon by
perceived lack of do anything, it was like I just let it go if I didn't understand
demonstration by something, I just let it go because I already had in my mind
instructors with the taught what they said before that they would also have an enrichment
skills during online
laboratory classes? class, so I let it go just. I didn't search anymore, I just waited
for the enrichment, and then my shortcomings or questions
were filled.
How your professors Some professors are very considerate, especially now that we
guide you effectively to are on online set up, they are really good at what they do, they
adopt in the new learning
environment? guide us through the online set up, besides, it's really good,
there's nothing to say, they guided us so well.
Participant 2
In the technical aspect, for example the cellphones and
computer we use, we are not sure if they will continue to work,
suppose what if we lose the electricity altogether, what will you
do about that, and then in cellphone mostly cameras of our
cellphones are not so high quality to take photos, then we often
get full memory because of the videos and the actual
demonstrations, so it's really difficult here in the technical
aspect. The memory of my cellphone and my camera is full,
and it's difficult to transfer files to the computer just so you can
edit a video like that.

Maybe my coping mechanism for the challenges brought by

online laboratory classes in terms of technical aspects is that
whenever there is a power outage or slow internet, I go to the
store to load to have a data connection. Whenever my phone's
storage is full, I delete unnecessary apps or files in order to
submit activities to the canvas.
As for the tools and equipment’s, that's what I told you, it's not
the school that provides them, we still provide them, especially
the ones that look like carbon paper, and we provide pencils
and bond paper, and then like forensic chemistry and
toxicology, there are tools that are required in the activities but
we will not do it anymore because we don't have the tools so it
seems that the growth of our education is limited in the online

I coped in a way that I make it sure that before the end of the
day I can watch the video recording of our prof with regards to
the activity we did that day. Sometimes I would just copy or
imitate what my classmate did especially when I didn't know
how to do the activity because the instructions given were not
that clear.
Mostly, our professor guidance is just sometimes through either
video or the natural instructions of the activities, and other than
that explain it each, but mostly that's not it, their explanation is
not detailed. So in the end it's like we'll just ask our classmates
and then we'll just imitate what they did.
How may the students describe their coping mechanism
Participant 3
First of all, the internet connection, especially when
there is no electricity, since not everyone can access
data when they go to class or aside from that, the
connection is not stable because not all those who
have wifi are always that fast, so there are still some
slow ones. Therefore, the knowledge or the lesson
that is obtained is not clear. The second one, is the
system breach especially when the storage of the
phone or the laptop is limited, it lag, and the system
is lagging so by that I find it difficult to join the

At home, what my parents did to help me was to

add more mbps to our internet and whenever the
power goes out I go to our yard where the signal is
strong so I can use a data connection but sometimes
it's still not enough to attend an online class without
having an intermittent connection.
As I said before, it is very difficult to execute
properly online due to lack of tools and equipments
because we do not have individual materials given
or can be provided because they are not that cheap,
or students cannot afford to buy the materials or
tools and equipments needed for that online lab

I will carefully watch the video recordings of our

prof demonstrating a certain activity that needs to be
submitted within the day and if I have tools or
equipments that our prof uses in the demonstration,
I will go along so that I can somehow understand
the activity taught.
To be honest, the prof didn't help anything in
adopting because it's up to you how you study the
lessons, actually, prof are only teaching but then my
own coping mechanism for this is to read all the
power points or the recordings also that they upload
on canvas so that I can understand the whole
learnings on our lessons, because if you base it on
what they teach, you will not really be able to
absorb all the learnings because the knowledge you
will get is not enough.
How may the students describe their coping mechanisms for overcoming the challenges of online lab
Participant 4 Participant 5
" So, sometimes there's no internet connection, " First of all, the internet connection
sometimes my cellular phone got drained and you especially when it rains, even if you want to
can't avoid that, you can't charge the phone because attend the class with a load it happens that
there's a power interruption that you can't really avoid there is no signal. Then the professor, if he is
especially during the pandemic”. not a techy, he will be delayed in discussion,
instead of teaching right away he/she fixing
things. That's why we, as students, go to
YouTube Academy”.

"my coping mechanism to overcome the challenges of "For me, it's better that we have an extra load
online laboratory classes in terms of technical aspect is because we can't… we can say that there is
that I have a back-up cellphone or I have a back-up often no internet connection like us in Porac.
load or data for me to cope especially when there is an There is no electricity every month
emergency like brown- outs or suddenly lose internet throughout the day, then the TL connection is
or the signal is weak". still weak, so there must be a load".
"I cannot afford or avail the laboratory supplies or " I had a bit of a hard time because not
laboratory tools that our teacher requires from us everything that our professor wants is we
because you can't go out during the pandemic and lack have it on our home. So, you have to
of financial constraints for that, so I'm just improvising improvise, borrow stuff or go to another
tools in order to accomplished the assignments or the classmate. So, instead of taking the time to do
activity during the online laboratory class”. the activity first, it becomes a hindrance".

“I coped in the laboratory classes even though there is "I did reresearch in advance on YouTube
really a lack of demonstration especially since we are because it's easier for me to get it there
not face to face which are online classes. I coped up because they are more enhanced because it
by reviewing the actual doing in terms of only takes a little time unlike online, they will
demonstration. I also watch YouTube videos which consume the two hours when on YouTube
I’ve make it actual to myself". they can discuss in full in 10 minutes".
" Maybe through chats, they always remind us about “Actually, they didn’t the one who give the
the assignments or activities that were missed. guide, so it's like we guided them on how to
Because I have an experienced that I have an activity teach properly. So, what we do is like an
which I’ve missed then our professors reminded me exchange of knowledge. They teach us, we
through chats or group chats". teach them as if they are equal”.
hallenges of online laboratory classes?
Participant 6 Participant 7
For instance, there is a chance that the In the technical aspect, ma'am, I must say,
internet connection got weak or other my learning aspect in the online
way around is the logging, wherein the laboratory class was really low.
laptop logs. It's even more difficult Thankfully, there was a laboratory
when they are together, the internet is enrichment in June if I'm not mistaken.
slow and the laptop keeps logging". Because if that didn't happen, I really
wouldn't know anything. That's why
when it comes to the online laboratory, I
must say, it's not effective.

"So one of the challenges is, the So mam, I had coping mechanisms or
internet is slow or when the internet is should I say the coping mechanisms that I
lost the most effective or the usual did during the online laboratory classes is
thing to do there is to switch to mobile that I was still looking for external
data. Another is when the device, for resources that I can use as a basis for what
example the laptop, if there is an extra is happening specifically. Supposedly,
device, I pretend I have a phone, I can when we did our forensic photography, I
then open MS Teams, Zoom or I can really knew how the process was, it
also do what should be being made”. wasn't even discussed with us actually, I
looked for external videos that I could use
as a basis for how it was done, so that's
what I did to improvise.
" Let me use the example of our For me, ma'am, the learning challenges
forensic ballistics, right.. if we are like depend on the professor. Because I've
in the laboratory, we can handle the encountered some professors who are able
firearms, we can examine the bullets. to execute a really good discussion during
But because we are in an online class, the online laboratory courses, the kind
we only have pictures. So, we won't be that even though we don't have equipment
able to actually experience the things, and tools here at home, we understand
it seems regrettable, right?". how to do it. And as for what, so far that's
all I can answer your question.

"Actually, this is the biggest challenge I can't totally claim that I was able to cope
during the online laboratory classes. up totally with the challenges that we
So, the only thing I do, aside from self- weren't taught during the online
study, instead of reading the modules laboratory classes, but there was
given by the professors, I just only something like a remedy during summer
watched them on YouTube videos, the when there was laboratory enrichment.
discussions that other people do or So, I thought that I wouldn't be able to
sometimes I just ask my classmates or cope up anymore because I won’t be able
when it's not really possible I ask the to view external videos that would be
professors, that's it". limited of external resources, but
thankfully the laboratory enrichment
really helped and totally coped up in the
laboratory classes that we missed.
" I think that our professors, they are Ma'am, just like I told you earlier in the
doing their best so that somehow we previous questions, it depends on the
can learn something in the laboratory professors who teach the subject. Because
activities, they are still aligned with there are professors who, although online,
what they are teaching, For instance; really teach well, only specifically way
instead of seeing or touching the things back. I studied first lie identification
sometimes they instructed us just draw techniques, he teaches well. And I also
it, at least you can see what kind of have professors, for example, our Gen Ed
appearance of the equipments are, in Chemistry, somehow the online
that's it". simulation laboratory activities helped,
and I must say, it's on the average level.
Participant 8 Participant 9
In the technical aspect, ma'am, there is The technical aspect is difficult because
not much problem on our part because sometimes there are activities that you can
it's in an online setup, when the improve more if you do them face-to-face
connection is good, we can follow the than online.
professor's discussion.

When it comes to technical aspects Actually, if you don't have a wifi connection
during our online laboratory classes, you can rely on data if you have data on
it became my coping mechanism or your phones.
my address in the struggle that there
is no internet and sometimes no
power, if I know that the internet is
weak, I will buy load maybe one
hundred at night, and if I really can't
get data or there's really no power, I
will go to my classmates house and
connect Wi-Fi there with my
classmates in Angeles. The best
solution for me is either I buy load or
use wifi in my classmates house.
That is my strategy on how I can do
my online class. I'm also lucky
because I have seniors and buddies
who are willing to buy load whenever
they know that we don't really have
internet or don't have a money to buy
There was no interaction, face-to- It's not difficult because it's just a bit heavy
face, during our time, so we couldn't financially, you can buy it outside and just
use the laboratory and pieces of the make it more comfortable at home
required equipment.

When it comes to the fact that we That's right, after he discusses, if he doesn't
really can't digest what the professors discuss his topic properly, do some extra
want to convey, the number one thing research about it to better understand what
I do is read articles or ask my your prof is discussing.
classmates if they really understood
and the seniors, of course, our seniors
are there to help us understand the
lessons because they are already
knowledgeable in that field. My last
resort is if I really want to understand
a topic, I message the professor so
that it can be clear, I will ask him
questions that I know he can answer
and that I can understand.
I am pretty sure, ma'am, that our Our professor just tells us not to get confused
professors did their best during the and focus on what he is discussing so that we
can better understand what the professor is
online set up because I saw that they teaching, it is still effective even if it is on an
doubled or tripled their effort to make online platform.
us understand the discussion.
Participant 10
There are things that are confusing in
technical aspect, base from our experience
the used of simulation in genchem I had a
hard time learning how to do the activity at
the same time applied the lessons our prof
discussed during the chem lecture.
Simulation for me was complicated and time

Self-study and online group study became

my coping mechanism in overcoming the
challenges. If I did not get the lesson and felt
like I would not fail in successfully doing the
given performance tasks, I would ask my
buddies to guide me through chat or through
The use of different applications using limited
material or only platforms such as laptop, one
time when my laptop hang during an activity, the
activity was not saved so I had to do it again
from the start.

I searched similar activities online and

thoroughly studied it with my buddies.
They explained the activity and guided us on
how to do the activity.
Interview Question
Participant 1
Do you think that online I feel like it's up to the student, if it's effective for him,
laboratory ckasses is if he learns something, because as for me, I’m slow, it
effective? Why or Why seems that my attention span is too short even if it's
not? only about 5 minutes online class, I’m doing nonsense,
that's why I can say that the online laboratory classes
are not effective for me, because let’s say for example
when I was task to draw, I’m not even going to do it
right away but then I can just take pictures on google,
marked it, that's all how I can say that it's not effective .

How would you compare I can compare that traditional classroom is actually better
your learning experience than the online, because in the traditional classroom we have
into traditional classroom no choice but to listen to our professors, we really focus there
to online laboratory because the professor is there and will scold us if we don't
listen, compared to the online lab, even if you just join and
classes? then lie down to sleep, after all, the activities that they make
you do can all be seen on google, so the traditional classroom
is definitely better for me, that's where I can compare it
because in the traditional classroom, you really focus because
there is a prof watching over you,, when you join the online
lab, you just have to sleep and then wait for the activity on
the canvas, that's it, that's it.
Would you promote If online learning includes online lecture classes, I
online learning as an feel like it's fine but for me it's not for all people,
effective instructional it's not applicable to everyone because some
method? If yes, why? If people have a short attention span but if I'm the
no, why not?
one who will asked the most I'll say no, because
it's just a waste of time, because we're not being
watched and taught properly, we just join, leave,
then just watch the recording later, so for me it's
really not effective as an instructional method,
because we don't take everything seriously, the
others joining an online class only then play
online games, so, I can’t promote it as an
effective instructional method.
What are your suggestion
or reccomendations to
effectively acquire the
required skills in
laboraotry subjects
especially at this
challenging times?

I feel that if such a scenario happens, the lab

needs online laboratories in one semester, I feel it
is better to set aside the lab classes first, just
replace them with other subjects that we will get
in the next semester, lectures like that , because
when it's a lab, it should be hands on, which we
really do actually, not online just watching
something, so I suggest that, for example there
will be a lab subject again, I'll freeze it first then
let's just take our subjects that should be in the
next semester, that's what we'll take first, lectures
like that, let me just give an example, let's say we
have a lab subject forensic photography this
semester, the good thing about that is that we
don't take it first, let's just take it when it can be
taken with f2f, so that we learn more how to use
or how we can apply in real life the equipment’s
that we utilized, that's all.
Participant 2 Participant 3
It is not effective, because unlike online classes, the For me, it is not effective for every student
laboratory classes really need to be actual, face to since it is difficult to learn virtually, maybe the
face especially the tools and equipment’s that’s what only reason here is what you said is the
we need, they should be hands on activities because technical aspect itself.
we can’t do it actual.

What makes them different from the traditional classroom is The gap that you will learn in f2f classes is too
that we have companions who do laboratory exercises, we don't big compared to the online classes, since the
feel like we're lost or that a professor is really guiding us. Then f2f classes, you will get to see or touch all the
the equipment and tools are always there complete, then we are tools and equipments that will be needed and
not interrupted outside if there are parents, dogs or visitors, like
you will be able to do it face to face, compared
that, you are not interrupted, but in online classes because it is
easier than traditional but that is what limits the learning, we to the online class that you will only hear it and
can only do what we have. So, the traditional classroom is also you can't touch the tools and equipments
actually more effective than the online laboratory. and you can't execute that either.
I will not promote it in terms of the laboratory, I will For me, I will not promote online learning as
promote it in typical subjects that are purely theoretical, an effective instructional method since the
like lectures because we can save money and is learnings you can get are very insufficient
accessible anytime and reporting but in laboratory classes when it comes to online classes.
it is still better to do it face to face. So, it is not effective
For me, if I may suggest, that we should embrace
My suggestion is to more on showing actual demonstrations and
digital communications through emails, student chat
videos, not just drawings that they will make us do, then let them do
rooms, social media channels, online forums, and so
activities, what more, do it more technically but they don't require
forth, because for me this will be the key to increase
tools like that in photography . We all have camera phones, but what
the effectiveness of online learning, and if I can also
they would require would be more technical activities in the
suggest is first, the mental health of everyone, not to
investigation, not the ones we draw, then in chemistry, we often don't
get too drain in online class if this happens again,
have a chemical record for their activities, so maybe it would be better
and as much as possible talk to your classmates if
if we use virtual laboratories. , there are tools or there are applications,
someone is having trouble with the subjects or
so let's use apps that we can simulate a laboratory.
lessons taught.
How do the students view the use of online laboratory classes in teac
Participant 4 Participant 5
"It depends, if there is a laboratory that includes only a "Personally, it is not effective, because
lecture type because there are times that students are really
busy, so maybe it is possible that the online class or online like what I’ve said, instead of seeing the
lecture could be used as an alternative on their laboratory materials or tools in person, what happen
subjects. But in terms of actual laboratory, the activities
should be done actually especially the laboratory
is that we just only watched it. So, our
subjects.To conclude, based on my experience, it was not attention does not go to what is being
became effective maybe because the professors, teachers taught, it goes to something else. So,
and students are still adjusting to the online laboratory
classes and they don't really know what are the there is a tendency that there is a chance
technicalities are or what will actually be done online. So, that we will fail if we do not review what
they are still on the process of adapting and innovating”. was being discuss or if we do not go to

" It's far from the traditional classroom, " It's a big comparison, if I were able to
because in online class you can't focus rate it 1 out of 10 maybe 5 in physical,
and you can't really experience the environment and communication. There
actual laboratory classes wherein you will be arguments in the laboratory.
could do a lot of tasks. For example, in That's why it's said to be a laboratory it
means you have to experience physical".
criminology is about ballistics, paraffin
testing that you actually do in the crime
lab, but in the online laboratory classes,
you can only watch it, sometimes they
just send a YouTube link so you can
watch it and you can’t really handle the
materials or tools which you cannot do
it by yourself. As a result, the child or
student is not really learning efficiently
and not being effective".
“Since the status of pandemic is improving " It depends, if the things are easy or
and it is not strict. Maybe, I will not self-explanatory, it can be teach it
promote the online laboratory class based through online. While in the online
on my experience as a pandemic students laboratory itself I cannot recommend
wherein the online laboratory isn’t not it and it was not effective in terms of
really became efficient and effective”
communication, set up and more. So,
even if you ask others if they have
learned something, they will say "yes"
but when applied to a real scenario,
they didn’t obtain the rights skills".
“I think they should strictly implement a "If I am the one to be asked, according to
traditional laboratory set-up in school at my personal capacity they should push
least once or twice a week by batch of the face-to-face laboratory or they
students upon entering the campus to should submit a letter to the LGU or the
avoid physical contact with each other. By mayor to allow the student to experience
doing so, our professors will able to assess the face-to-face laboratory even at least
us in performing actual procedures twice a week. Unlike now with the lower
wherein they can thoroughly guide us to year, they are the ones experiencing
acquire the required skills.” things that we have not experienced. So,
the tendency is that they are much more
knowledgeable in terms of actual or
hands on laboratories. In our batch, we
just watch them on YouTube, that's it.
We don't have anything actual to share
what we've learned".
e use of online laboratory classes in teaching skills?
Participant 6 Participant 7
"Personally, no. Because from what I’ve said Online laboratory classes, ma'am, not all the
earlier that I was distracted. Well, I don't enjoy it. time. Not all the time effective. Or maybe I
So, if you don't enjoy it, for me it is not effective". must go with the answer, no. That's my
answer. Because when we say laboratory
courses, it's actual, so we can't just do what we
do in the laboratory here in our homes because
we don't have the equipment, like that, like
this. It is difficult to do, to execute an activity
without the supervision of our professors.

" I think that online classes are boring compared to I can compare it ma'am, in a way I would say that
face to face classes. You seem to get excited and the face-to-face classes are more effective,
say, "Wow, we're going to the laboratory. We will especially when it comes to laboratory courses.
use good stuff. "exciting, "I'm excited” “ I’m going Because, that's when we transitioned into blended
to enjoy it". learning last year, the limited face-to-face, that's
when we appreciate what is done in the online
laboratory courses because we can feel actual. And
that's when we realized that there are laboratory
activities that are easier to do with the supervision
of a professor, that you can see your fellow
members in the group, and the types of equipment
are right there.
" No, that's too many distractions. It is still good .Based on the question, ma'am, what I
that we are studying in a learning friendly understand is online learning in general. An
environment, it is still more engaging to study at honest answer ma'am, I will say that online
school than at home because you are with people lectures are somehow effective, it will depend
who are also studying. Because here, instead of on the student. But with the online laboratory
being a student, you will be ordered". courses, they don't promote you. so why?
That's it, it's because of the online lectures,
because there are modules like that, and how
our professors interpret those who are there in
the given lecture. Unlike the online laboratory
courses, where the application is there, we
can't just apply for the practical ones in our
own homes, ma'am.
"I'll recommend that there must be a face to face, Well ma'am, maybe I would just say, don't get
even though they will increase the restrictions and rid of face-to-face laboratories. Just like what
the health protocols are like more strict, as long as happened in the early months of the pandemic,
it's possible, face to face." the early years of the pandemic, even the
online laboratory classes were done online. So
I must say, do whatever you want, the lectures
can be done online, but don't do the laboratory
courses online, and that would be fine.
Participant 8 Participant 9
In my opinion, it is effective in terms of You can say that the online laboratory class
the concept theories, and all topics that is 50/50 effective because sometimes the
do not require an actual experiment or activity can be improved more during face-
face-to-face set up maam. But in terms to-face and unable to do so at home, but the
of, or in general ma'am, the learning you good side of the online laboratory class is
can get from the online laboratory setup
is not 100% ma'am.
that you have to do extra research so you
can learn more

In the traditional classroom setup, If we compare the traditional classroom to

ma'am, even if you don't study an the online class, they have advantages and
experiment or a topic before the disadvantages, the only advantage is that
discussion or experiment, you will you can enhance the activities that are done
immediately understand it because there face-to-face, but it's a bit of a hassle because
is face-to-face interaction, and there is a
real-life application, ma'am. It's online
you still have to come inside the classroom,
and you can't get it right away, you need but when it's online laboratory class it isn't
triple effort to better understand the too much of a hassle because you're just
discussion ma'am. working at home. Some activities can be
enhanced when conducted during the face-
to-face setup
In the traditional classroom setup, I'm 50/50 here yes and no if the online class
ma'am, even if you don't study an is effective because like I said before that
experiment or a topic before the there are activities that can be enhanced
discussion or experiment, you will because you can expand it more during
immediately understand it because face-to-face but because it's an online class
there is face-to-face interaction, and you're forced to do extra research so that
there is a real-life application, ma'am. you can learn more, so I said that it is 50/50
It's online and you can't get it right that there's a side that is effective and the
away, you need triple effort to better online laboratory class also has a side that is
understand the discussion ma'am. not effective
In the traditional classroom setup, I suggest not to the teachers but to the
ma'am, even if you don't study an students to make the online class more
experiment or a topic before the effective is that they don't just stick to what
discussion or experiment, you will their professors discuss but instead do extra
immediately understand it because research at home for additional information
there is face-to-face interaction, and for them.
there is a real-life application, ma'am.
It's online and you can't get it right
away, you need triple effort to better
understand the discussion ma'am.
Participant 10
In my own opinion online laboratory classes
are not effective because I personally think
that the lesson and activities given in
laboratory classes requires actual
demonstration that every student should be
able to do it with hands-on or guidance of
laboratory proffesors.

I find traditional classroom more effective than

the online laboratory classes because in
traditional classroom, students get to see or learn
actual demonstration of the lessons which is very
unlikely in online laboratory classes due to the
limited materials.
No, because technical issues are inevitable and
because it's done with the use of limited
materials which makes the instruction unclear at
certain times.
I recommend to use av materials or audio visual
materials specifically online or actual video
demonstration of the activities that will be given
instead of just uploading notes with broad

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