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Critique Paper:

Philippine kicks back after 2 years lost to virus

In his article, “Philippine kids back in school after 2 years lost to

virus” published on August 22, 2022. Jim Gomez presents several
situations after going back to school after the 2 years quarantined by
the virus. He cites, [summary of main points of article] as the main
of the concerns is lack of classroom space, an impending storm, school
buildings that have been destroyed by an earthquake so welcome over
28 million students have signed up for the next academic year.

The AP reports that after two years of coronavirus lockdowns, millions

of children in the Philippines returned to their classrooms on Monday.
Teachers, parents, and kids are all feeling a variety of emotions as
they return to school for the first time in two academic years. Face-
to-face instruction is a step towards ensuring students comprehend
the material and giving professors an opportunity to learn more about
their students. However, it will have both negative and positive
consequences in any institution, as each institution strives to conduct
classes in close proximity. It will be a serious challenge for everyone.

In conclusion, It's probable that some pupils will get the virus if it's still
around. Here is the situation that may take place. We didn't expect
this to happen, but if the government is negligent, it probably will.
These are some possible outcomes that might happen if face-to-face
training is kept up.

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