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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

NAME:______________________________ SECTION:________________DATE:_________SCORE:_____


I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer before each numeral. ERASURE MEANS WRONG

______1. Which property of magma refers to its resistance to flow?

A. temperature b. viscosity c. specific heat d. silica content
______2. Which of the following characteristics of a volcano depends on its magma emission?
a. Heat b. size c. shape d. location
______3. How do you call volcanoes with records of eruption?
A. active b. inactive c. dormant d. extinct
______4. How do you call volcanoes with no record of eruption and still has the possibility of eruption?
A. active b. supra-active c. dormant d. extinct
______5. Funnel – shaped opening at the top of the volcano where magma and other materials are ejected?
A. base b. slope c. crater d. summit
______6. Formed when a part of the wall collapses following an explosive eruption.
a. Slope b. crater c. summit d. caldera
______7. How does silica content affect magma’s viscosity?
a. More silica content- more viscous magma
b. Less silica content- more viscous magma
c. No silica content- more viscous magma
d. No silica content- less viscous magma
______8. The higher the temperature, the ________ magma’s viscosity.
a. Higher b. lower c. harder d. same
For nos. 9-11, use the following choices: A. shield Cone B. Composite C. Stromboli D. Cinder Cone
______9. Broad, slightly domed volcano formed by the accumulation of lava.
______10. A volcano with steep slope and wide crater built from ejected lava fragments.
______11. Nearly perfect sloped volcano formed from alternate solidification of both lava and pyroclastic materials.

For nos.12-16, use the following choices: A. phreatic B. phreatomagmatic C. Strombolian D. Vulcanian E. Pelean F.

______12. Periodic weak to violent eruption characterized by fountain lava.

______13. Characterized by tall eruption columns that reach up to 20 km.
______14. Excessively explosive type of eruption of gas and pyroclastic
______15. Short- lived, steam-driven eruption as hot rock comes in contact with water.
______16. Violent eruption due to the contact between water and magma.

______17. How much is the earth’s tilt?

a. 21.5 degrees b. 23.5 degrees c. 26.5 degrees D. 24.5 degrees
______18. Which factor moderates the air temperature during summer and winter?
a. Latitude b. current c. distance from the ocean d. topography
______19. The trapping of heat of the earth’s atmosphere?
a. Greenhouse effect b. el Nino c. la nina d. global warming
______20. The rise in global temperature is called___.
a. Greenhouse effect b. el Nino c. la nina d. global warming
______21. How does the windward side differ from the leeward side of the mountain?
A. The leeward side receives more precipitation than the windward side.
B. The windward side receives more precipitation than the leeward side.
C. The leeward side has more vegetation than the windward side.
D. The windward side receives more heat than the leeward side.
______22. What happens to the temperature of air as altitude increases?
A. Remains the same C. decreases
B. Increases D. varies
______23. Which of the following best describes climate?
A. The weather that occurs in atmosphere within a day
B. The pattern of weather that occurs in a region over a long period of time.
C. The pattern of weather that occurs in a region over a short period of time.
D. The disturbance in the atmosphere over a long period of time.
______24. Why are the coldest places on earth found at the poles?
A. Great amount of gaseous particles trap heat from the surface
B. Great amount of thermal radiation is received in these areas.
C. Less amount of thermal radiation is received by these areas.
D. Less amount of gaseous particles trap heat from the surface.

______25. Which of the following can cause global warming?

A. Volcanic eruptions C. the rising warm air in the atmosphere
B. The amount of rainfall D. increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere
______26. This refers to elevation above sea level. A. latitude B. altitude C. topography D. distance
______27. Refers to physical features of the land. A. latitude B. altitude C. topography D. distance
______28. Refers to distance from the equator. A. latitude B. altitude C. topography D. distance
______29. An abnormal and lengthy warming of the ocean surface in the eastern part of the Pacific is called__.
A. El Nino Phenomenon B. La Nina C. Greenhouse Effect D. Global Warming
______30. An abnormal and lengthy cooling of the ocean surface in the eastern part of the Pacific is called__.
A. El Nino Phenomenon B. La Nina C. Greenhouse Effect D. Global Warming
II. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: From the given choices below, select the letter that best describes the following pair
of statements.
A. Only the first statement is true
B. Only the second statement is true
C. Both statements are true
D. Both statements are false
______31. Geothermal energy is the energy from the heat of earth’s interior. It can be generated through geothermal
power plants
______32. Ocean currents will either warm or cool the air above them. Cold currents bring cold water while warm
currents take along warm water.
______33. Mountain ranges has no effect on the formation of precipitation. More likely to have rain in the leeward side of
the mountain.
______34. Burning of fossil fuels is one of the major sources of CO 2 emission. Increase in CO2 emission causes the
increase in earth’s average temperature
______35. During daytime air temperature over the sea is lower than over the land. At night water cools down faster
than land giving the rise in temperature over the sea.
______36. The temperature increases as the altitude increases. The higher the location, the colder the place.
______37. The higher the latitude, the lower is the temperature. Countries near the equator receive direct heat from the
______38. La Nina will most likely bring drought. La Nina is the opposite climatic disturbance of El Nino.
______39. The star is a medium sized star. Blue stars are the coolest
______40. Absolute magnitude is based on how stars appear on earth or how the observer perceived it. In terms of
apparent magnitude, the sun is the brightest star as seen on earth.
______41. The largest star in the universe is a white dwarf. The sun is a yellow giant star
______42. There are about four hundred billion stars in our galaxy. Among the different stars, the red giants are the
hottest star.
______43. Stars form patterns. Patterns of stars are called constellations.
______44. Magmas are molten rock materials inside the earth. Lava are molten rock materials ejected by the volcanoes
outside the earth’s surface.
______45. Pisces and Aries are zodiacal constellations. The Northern star or Polaris is part of the Constellation Orion

III. CONSTRUCTION. Make a flow chart on how geothermal energy is generated. Use the concepts below.
Cooling tower cools the steam and condenses back to water. The cooled water is pumped back into the earth to begin the process
Wells are drilled deep into earth to pump steam to the surface. again.
When the steam reaches the surface, it turns the turbine. The turning turbine drives the generator that produces electricity.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

NAME:______________________________ SECTION:________________DATE:_________SCORE:_____


I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer before each numeral . ERASURE MEANS WRONG
___1.Matter is anything that occupies space .Which of the following is not an example of matter?
a. smoke b. light c. leaves d. air inside the balloon
___2. Suppose you are given a sample of substance, how would you find out if the given sample is a matter?
a. Determine the mass of the sample. c. Determine the texture and color
b.. Determine the volume of the sample. d. Determine if the sample occupies space and has mass.
___3. How would you prove if an irregular object like stone occupies space?
a. It displaces liquid when place inside the graduated cylinder.
b. It stays on the bottom part of the graduated cylinder.
c. It t does not float when place inside the graduated cylinder.
d. Its mass is measurable.
___4.Which of the following best explains why heat is not an example of matter?
a. Heat is not tangible . c. It does not have mass.
b. Heat does not occupies space. d. Heat is energy radiated in the earth’s space.
___5.Which of the following exhibits the common observable properties of matter?
a. Heat and fog c. Book and pen
b. Light and heat d. Smoke and light
___6. Which of the following does NOT describe an atom?
a. Atom is indestructible.
b. Atom is indivisible.
c. Atom is still consists of smaller particles.
d. Atom can be seen under the high – powered light microscopes.
___7. Why do you think the volume of the mixture of coffee and water is less than the sum of the volumes of unmixed
coffee and water?
a. The water is made of tiny particles with no spaces between them.
b. Coffee is made up of molecules bigger than the molecules of water.
c. The water molecules could not fit in the spaces between coffee molecules.
d. The coffee molecules combined with the water molecules.
___8. In the mixture of sugar and water, sugar is still present though you cannot see sugar anymore. Why is this so?
a. The water is made of tiny particles with little spaces between them.
b. Sugar is made up of molecules smaller than the molecules of water.
c. The water molecules could fit in the spaces between sugar molecules or vice versa
d. The sugar molecules combined with the water molecules.
___9. Which of the following situations prove that matter is consists of tiny particles?
a. Water molecules are composed of hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
b. Soy sauce is used as basic ingredients in cooking pork adobo.
c. Powdered pineapple juice is slowly dissolved when mixed with cold water
d. All of the above.
___10. Which of the following illustrations shows the presence of smallest particle of matter?
A. B.

c. D.

___11. Which causes the high density of solids?

a. The particles are more massive than those in liquids.
b. The intermolecular forces between particles are weak.
c. The particles are packed closely together.
d. The energy of the particles is very high.
___12. Which of the following will sink when submerged on water?
a. stone b. plastic c. wood d. styro ball
___13. Why do solid particles cannot be squeezed closer into smaller volume?
a. Solid particles have the lowest density.
b. Solid particles have higher density than liquid and gas.
c. Solid particles have lower density than gas particles.
d. Solid particles have lower density than liquid particles.
___14. A submarine is able to move throughout the water column by _____________.
a. altering its density c. altering its mass
b. altering its volume d. altering its weight
___15. A student divides several cubes. The ice cube will be different in _________.
a. weigh b. density c. conductivity d. mass
___16. Which of the following describes why the fragrance of a flower spreads?
a. pressure b. effusion c. diffusion d. volume
___17. How does temperature affect the rate of diffusion?
a. The higher the temperature, the faster the rate of diffusion.
b. The lower the temperature, the faster the rate of diffusion.
c. The higher the temperature, the slower the rate of diffusion.
d. The temperature doubles the speed of diffusion.
___18. What do you call to the net movement of a substance from a region of high concentration to a region of low
a. osmosis c.. diffusion
b. effusion d. active transport
___19. Which is an example of gas diffusion?
a. inflating a flat tire c. Sugar mixes with coffee in a hot water
b. salt mixes with cold water. d. All of the above.
___20. In which of the following situations exhibit the slowest rate of diffusion?
a. a cylinder of oxygen stored under high pressure
b. Coffee powder mixes with hot water.
c. Powdered juice mixes with cold water
d. the odor of perfume spreading throughout a room
___21. Which of the following does NOT describe a solid?
a. The solid particles are compactly arranged. C. A solid has a definite shape and volume.
b. The solid particles are compressible. D. The solid particles are held together by strong forces.
___22. Which of the following describes the motion of the particles in gas?
a. Gas particles move freely to all parts of the container.
b. Gas particles vibrate a little but in a fixed position.
c. Gas particles move as fast as the liquid particles.
d. Gas particles stop from moving when they with the side of the container.
___23. Myra receives three balloons during her birthday. . If she was asked by her teacher to illustrate the model of
particles of balloon, how would it look like?

___24. What will happen if you pour the water on the flat
surface of a dinner plate?
a. The water spreads out to fill all the space available.
b. The water evaporates as it occupies the dinner plate.
c. The water spills as it fills all the space available.
d. The water occupies a small portion of the dinner plate.
___25. Which of the following properties does NOT describe the particle nature of matter?
a. Particles of matter are moving all the time.
b . These particles have spaces between them.
c. The particles of matter attract each other.
d. The particles move at a constant speed regardless of the states of matter.
___26.Which of the following is NOT an example of evaporation?
a. water rising into dry air that moves over the ocean
b. bubbles forming as water boils
c. wet pavement drying after a rain shower
d. water droplets forming on a mirror
___27. What happens when wet clothes are hung on clothes – line in the open air?
a. The clothes will gradually become dry due to condensation.
b. The clothes will gradually become dry due to evaporation.
c. The clothes will gradually become dry because water molecules hung on the clothes – line.
d. The clothes will become dry because the water molecules leave as the clothes are hung.
___28. Which of the following illustrates that gas turns into liquid?
a. melting of ice c. rubbing alcohol on your arms
b. . steam from boiling water d. water droplets outside a cold glass of lemonade
___29. Which of the following statements is TRUE about condensation?
a. The process by which a solid changes directly into a gas.
b. A statement of chemical symbols that shows what happens during a chemical reaction.
c. The process by which particles leave a liquid and become a gas.
d. The process by which particles leave a gas and become a liquid
___30. Matter is changing from a solid to a liquid. How would you describe this process?
a. Melting b. Freezing c. Deposition d. Sublimation
___31. Gilma put some ice cubes into a pot. He observed that the ice cubes melted .Which of the following correctly
showed the change in the states of the ice cubes?
a. gas --> liquid c. solid --> gas
b. solid --> liquid d. liquid --> solid
___32. The diagram shows the changes in state of water (H2O). What is the process Z called?
a. Evaporation
b. Boiling
c. Melting
d. Freezing

___33. Who discovered the neutron?

a. James Chandwick c. Eugene Goldstein
b. Ernest Rutrherford d. J.J. Thompson
___34. Which statement is TRUE about sublimation?
a. There is no intermediate liquid phase. C. It is the change in state from gas to liquid
b. There is intermediate liquid phase. D. It occurs in the sky.
___35. Matter is changing from gas to solid state. How would you describe this process?
a. Melting b. Freezing c. Deposition d. Sublimation
___36. Which subatomic particles carry positive charge?
a. neutron b. proton c. electron d. all of the above
___37. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the masses of subatomic particles?
a. The mass of the protons is lighter than the mass of electrons.
b. The mass of the electrons is heavier than the mass of protons.
c. The mass of the electron is lighter than protons and neutrons.
d. The mass of protons is equal to the mass of neutrons and electrons.
___38. Thomson proposed that the atom is a mass of positive charges with the electrons scattered throughout it. What do
you call to this model?
a. Plum Pudding Model c. Dalton’s Model of Atom
b. Alpha – Particle Scattering Model d. Rutherford’s Model
___39. What is in the center of the Rutherford model?
a. multiple electrons c. neutrons
b. single proton d. nucleus
___40. How would you describe two isotopes of two elements? In what factor do they differ?
a. Number of neutrons c. Atomic mass
b. Numbers of protons. d. Numbers of electrons
___41. Isotopes of the same element have?
a. different number of neutrons c. same protons and neutrons
b. different masses d. all of these
___42. Which statement is TRUE about Mendeleev’s contribution?
a. It is the major basis of the present day periodic table.
b. He created Law of Octaves.
c. His contribution is the atomic volume curve.
d. He made major classifications of elements excluding metalloids.
___43. What is the basis in the arrangement of elements in the modern periodic table?
a. atomic mass c. atomic radii
b. mass number d. atomic number
___44. Refer to the table that lists some elements with their atomic number and atomic mass. Which of these is the
correct arrangement of the elements in a horizontal row based on the modern periodic law?
Element Atomic Mass Atomic number
a. Y, Z, X b. X, Z, Y
X 126.9 53
c. Z, Y, X d. Z, X, Y
Y 131.29 54
Z 127.6 52

For numbers 45-50, complete the table below. Compute for the number of proton, neutron, electron atomic number and
mass number of each element.

Element Atomic Mass Number Proton Electron Neutron

Na 11 45. 11 46. 12
Ac 47. 227 89 89 48.
Ni 49. 59 50. 28 31

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