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Where most religions SY ARES eS " 1 © ina balier vi 5 Power. Qin having “HOLY WRITINGS VJ greater than man which = “_- containing some history. some poerr °y is the source of life .- a \; Some problems, a list of rules and to be worshipped. cam exhortations, a form of worship, © in boving "HOLY PLaces” £0 which people make pilgrimages. The place may be the birthplace ARaPe os founder, or the scene of some Rada important religious incident, © in having 2 number of 'MPORTANT People founders or prophets, missionaries, A other histori Bl al characters now ie) worshipped or revered. ¢ © inhoving 2 PLACE of Worsmi under a roof and Containing an altat-like ‘structure, eT/ ot S << o in having 9 set of SYMBOLS. 2D aX by which the religion Le is identified, O irhaving a brtuesy of observances, “holy days” OQ cencutring with seccore, Wi uss natural phenomena depend- ing on the country. intheir belief in the ae “GOLDER RULE’ RAR er oe al “do unto others” ee and usually have these TENDENEIES A B ce DB. a. to become to oscillate, 40 move From -to feature to be sug- between FoLy. | SacmiFice! pnneive Divipep if - | THES, Ee See cohseevate | TWALITY | Gmany sats | peteiinr ORTHODOX a2 for purposes of fee TRADING 5a Mono- fae MIDDLE- he THEISM PETG Ser CONTENBORARY (one god) | ATERRATION | Conscious, case | ereoree vse Hinduism Whar 4 STAGE: ED THE ULTIMATE REALITY IS IN LIFE me sant Beaman BRAKMAN= Seer © stepent : @ Housexo, ® eetireo. & r a @ SrieituaL ot ” PILGRIMAC clouds knowled3® By By knowing yourself CRepTOR ="Beanman ( Merz --3nd BRAHMAN? we See SUSTAINER = "VisHNy!” meee a rahman 25) Destroyer = "sual me ae (ate). > escare."MAYA! ofa Savior). HOW To Wosel” wy Bhamion ith aeauman | (geome ove wits) (SOY, YOSE apes (1) sisucts, aestere plonure BRAHMAN? Yoga is self-discipline base (@) participation in economic activity end on SELF-CONTEMPLATION public welfare “YY (3) do what is ethical and moral WORK, Love, KNowLEDG &) Become‘one with Brahman / Much yors uased en sound physiotoi (6) practice AHISMA (non-violence ) to persons. Principles of good physical and mental heel and insects ae — 1.0) oe + longer than the Bible “PILGRIMS: \ The soul (Jiva) passes through various States until it reaches the highest goal of ‘2 human being. Then individual's actions build up merits and demerits (law of Karma ), Soul ascends or descends with each reincarnation until ir reaches eternal, Yimeless state of NIRVANA and becomes one with BRAHMAN. f nee - oi from SS (anbuispa2 ine, compas sion ~ not on wadition, ritual ‘meta-physical speculation WHO wes BuUIPKA T (“Bup0HAY= Teacher) = & a (Eh (i Siddhartha Gautama, 560-480 B.C. A young prince, disturbed by old ‘age, illness, death, renounced his legacy. spent 6 years in forests in India, practicing Hinduism and asceticism. Learned cause for Suffering « desire. Spent 49 days under BO-TREE resisting the temptations of MARA, the evil one. Taught a middle course ~~ fo extreme asceticism, but body ‘needs to be supplied with only minimum needs. C ie case system vsed on « govuness nev Suse 8 st Buddhists revolt inst idea of tiring incarnations =» say ‘that persons do not transmigrate, Past only influences. Buddha revealed 4 BOBLE TeuTus @ Life means suffering. @ Suffering caused by gratification of desires. & SeFfering cured by restraining desire, @ Knowing these three truths makes you ready -for final truth summed vp o NO interest in origin of world or in 2 personal God in-- Ener | [Rem a Ficer] fatter | [ecm Srecen] [wen] Pern Hoste S-FOLD © Ron {i Krew Es = “fara! Ee Rom| framprae| | MDa Frey | [mee] ts] Uae] SS |News State of enlighvenee but work together. are not contradicting BAO-TSE (or Lao-T2u) 604 a.c. who was disillusioned with society in his time that man should => he taught --move with the rhythm ~-find truth by listening at and order in nature. +o one's inner nature. adapt and not struggle. --GOAL:= Eternal Harmony THE BOoK-- Some Civilization interferes with ebb Key and flow of nature. ideas i Wissom 15 trust. Goodness ix acceptance. (Contentment 12 simcity —= ‘The SAGE puts himself LAST, ane ‘unas himgeit FOREMOST. ‘There is no greater curse than |__— the lack ef Contentment He whe loves the world as himself, the werlé may be entrusted te him — Goedness comes when rules Duty is performed wtien you are not trying to perform are forgotten. itten in Bays “rschurtee ~ full of paradoxes O rove QMoveration , Oconrexrmenc Being Being moderate, N eer a loving, ‘one: can be Bh Sot o \ one, Con ample. e he world, one be brave. can be chief of all 2 officials. To the TAOIST--- THERE ARE 3 Treasures. Shinto PATRIOTISM ... ° PoLyTHe:rshie loyalty te nomeland are important nature deities are worshipped BUT e NO IDOLS OR STATUES are: of gods written on slips of aper during worship) © SPIRITS OF DEAD © ATTITUDE TOWARD SiN | © DIVINE and HUMAN Crean shcoaaay {ot Fare ele a atte *BIG question © WORGRIP rere is nosing 0 NOT ++ “What is My lifer" eatweieieaes small t0 ignore or revere (emphasis on BUT ~~ “Wha 15 lif thanks, not recitation of shertcomings.) © BEAUTY ISIN ALL THINGS and is to be cultivated in the home, many HISTORICALLY--...... regarded as the descendant of sun-goddeas AMATERASU. Relative isolation of Jeter Gene respect for Emperor. After World War Il. no longer Genre divinity, but many do not agree, “ dD ] Inthe IS5thCentury AD. then In the 17h Century Japanese culure -- through infiltration oe a eval er shinee cel ancestors -~ philosophy and ethics and Seah eee " ene (2) BUDDHISM -- influenced upper er later outside world -- both gods worshipped in shrin fesulted in "*Ryobu Shinto." BOOKS ang SAERED Miltary | pano OBJESTS ASPECTS and NATURE “ELK | Span feuded i sbanaea loth \metnacseweis | updo fooyears | imemeselove ta the yeh of tre Sky arRnon te FATHER (IZANAGI) and siner. | Worship of the EARTH MOTHER (IZANAM), souness the first male and females whe and PURITY Emperor £ave birth to the islands of Japan. and Loyalty= Soo. +h SWORD OF ~~ there are MANY jens beyalty SHRINES to nature deities Army. 140,000 in 1914. Confucianism Basic & RELATIONSHIPS T. FATHER must be kind, the SON obedient 4. OLDER, FRIEND must have wi Z. HUSBAND must be just, the WIFE obedient. ; YOUNGER respect, B.OLOER BROTHER, must be courteous 5S. RULERS must be just and benevel SUBJECTS loyal. YOUNGER humble y ee Whos the CONFUCIUS 551-479 B.c. ice lived in a period of war, chaos and anarchy in China. Revolted i against Taoism. Not an innovator, but an interpreter of existing @: tradition. Shaped China's history for 2500 years. Applied itself to a feudalism, but modem science, technology and communism altered | Chinese pattern of living. YANG CHU (4thCent. 6.c) MO TZU Emphasizes unit Historica Each individual should perfect of mankind and universal love. himself spiritually and physically LEADERS rather than sacrifice himself to IMENCIUS Tobe too rneant 2 be compassionate. (Look up names for Supposed good of the community. = fore. inforeration)). Papaya in aistavor} Confucianism sete veotaa Eh te responsible for subjects. Gome Key IDEAS “ RIGHTEOUSNESS IW HEAR: BEAUTY IN CHARAC TIN we know about the living. how are you a inow about tre dt Beauty IN CHARACTER: a HARMONY Ww Home with ourselves? < Never do te others what you would not INpoRTANT? ‘ike them to €o to you. HARMONY IN Home> Tau ORDER. IN NATION Seana eaeele) ORPER IN NATIONS WHAT 1S GOODNESS? = from all + PEACE IN WORLD In private ecurtesy Sider -- : fn publievéiligence without tn Felationshipe loyalty, Bias. ce eset i ren reety cence How we Cc this? Ce t

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