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A Review on Safety Operation Methods of a Cryogenic Air Separation Unit

Article · June 2015

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Lakshmana Naik Ramavathu

Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies


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International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences June 2015, Volume 3, Issue 6, ISSN 2349-4476

A Review on Safety Operation Methods of a Cryogenic Air

Separation Unit
Lakshmana Naik R S Subrahmanyam A Eswaraiah M Hanumanth Naik
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering
RGUKT, RK Valley RGUKT, RK Valley RGUKT, RK Valley RGUKT, RK Valley

ABSTRACT: Cryogenic Air Separation Units (ASU’s) frequently supply oxygen and nitrogen to
chemical, petroleum and manufacturing customers. Typically, the ASU is located remotely from the use
point, and the products are supplied via a pipeline. This paper provides the basic operating methods to
safely operate an ASU. The four primary hazards associated with an ASU are (1) the potential for rapid
oxidation, (2) interfaces between the ASU and the downstream systems, (3) oxygen enriched or deficient
atmospheres, (4) Safe operation of compressor. The important requirements for safely handling oxygen
within the air separation facility and also at the product use point are also discussed in this paper.
Keywords: Air separation; Cryogenic distillation, hazards, safety models (rapid oxidation, oxygen

It presents the availability of N2, O2 and Ar in the air, uses of these components, types of air
separation technique, importance of cryogenic air separation.An air separation plant separate
Atmospheric air into its primary components such as Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Xenon, Neon,
Helium, Carbon dioxide and Krypton. The component present in the air (nitrogen, oxygen,
argon) has a wide range of application in several industries like steel industry, chemical industry,
semiconductor industry, aeronautical industry, food processing industry, refining and medical
industries [1].We are mainly focusing on separation of nitrogen, oxygen and argon
fromatmospheric air by using optimization of air separation techniques.
Air separation techniques are[2] a) CRYOGENIC and b) NON – CRYOGENIC
Cryogenic distillation gives high purity products in the form of liquid or gas. Non-cryogenic
methods are membrane separation, pressure swing adsorption and vacuum swing adsorption.
This method gives low purity of products.
Composition of major components in gases:-
S No Components Composition Boiling points
1 Oxygen 21% 90.19
2 Nitrogen 78% 77.35
3 Argon 1% 87.27
1.1.Types of separation technique-mainly three types of air separation techniques are used that
are (a) Distillation,(b) Adsorption and (c) Membranes [3]. Distillation technique is the most
efficient of the three technologies. And able to produce for both high purities greater than (99%)
and large scale productions [4]. Adsorption technology able to produce purities of oxygen up to
95% but this technique require adsorbent which has limits its size and saturation problem and
also costly capacity due primarily to capital costs [5]. Other methods of air separation techniques
are pressure swing adsorption and Vacuum Pressure Swing Adsorption, are used to separate a
single component from atmospheric air. But high purity oxygen, nitrogen, and argon are
produced by cryogenic distillation.

96 Lakshmana Naik R, S Subrahmanyam, A Eswaraiah, M Hanumanth Naik

International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences June 2015, Volume 3, Issue 6, ISSN 2349-4476

1.2. Importance of cryogenic air separation: Cryogenic air separation technology has the
ability to produce the largest capacities of products at a moderate to high-purity level, compared
to non-cryogenic based systems such as pressure-swing adsorption and membrane technologies,
which are employed at the lower end of production scale and low purities [6]. The ability of the
process operation of the air separation unit can be improved by automation and advance control
of the plant. Advanced control has been used in the air separation from the last decades. The first
application of computer aided control system for an air separation unit was used in the early
1970s[7] Since that time the advance control technique has been used to improve purity,
productive and efficiency of the air separation plant.


It explains the process concept of air separation technique, process description of Safe operation
of Air Separation plant.
2.1 All cryogenic processes include these steps: Air separation at very low temperatures to
liquefy the air and to produce the desired products by subsequent distillation. Fig .1 shows the
detailed Cryogenic air separation flow process. Cryogenic air separation processes use
differences in boiling points of the components to separate air into the desired products oxygen,
nitrogen and argon [7]. The process involves the following steps, (a)Air Compression (b)Air
cooling and purification (c)Low temperature Heat Exchange (d)Cold production and Internal
product compression (e)Cryogenic rectification of air
But cryogenic air separations require more energy than non-cryogenic process. We need high
purity products must followed the optimization of energy is a important parameter [8]. High
purity oxygen, nitrogen and argon used in semiconductor devices. Nitrogen, oxygen, argon are
different boiling points and some other applications [9].In an air separation unit for separating air
by cryogenic process, thereby recovering oxygen, nitrogen and Argon, column of duplex type
rectification tower is used. Based on boiling point Nitrogen have lower boiling point compare to
Oxygen and Argon. Based on this principle Nitrogen recovered top of the distillation column,
Organ and oxygen recovered by bottom of the distillation column [10]
The most recent statistics (1999) show Air Products has the lowest recordable accident rate of
any major chemical industries[11]
This is a simple three-step process to deal with safety issues
i. Identify the hazard
ii. Put actions in place to reduce the hazard
iii. Verify that the reducing method is effective
If this three-step are followed then the process is effective for dramatically reducing any safety
2.2.1 Parameters to consideroperatingIndustriessafely
a. As part of the overall plant design, each project has a formal, documented Design
b. To choose specific requirements to equipment reduce specific hazard
c. Operate the equipment properly
DHR - Every project has a formal, documented Design Hazard Review (DHR) to identify any
hazards occurs in a plant [11].

97 Lakshmana Naik R, S Subrahmanyam, A Eswaraiah, M Hanumanth Naik

International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences June 2015, Volume 3, Issue 6, ISSN 2349-4476

2.3 Deal with the four major hazards in a cryogenic air separation plant:
1) Rapid Oxidation
2) Oxygen enriched or deficient atmospheres
3) Oxygen compressors
4) Safety operation on compressor
2.3.1 Rapid Oxidation
Rapid oxidation releases a great deal of energy, either as pressure or heat, which create
significant safety hazards. Many process fluids in an ASU can contain high levels of oxygen,
either in normal or upset conditions. For these streams, ignition source present. Identify
atmospheric hydrocarbons that concentrate at various points in the Air separation unit. Some low
boiling hydrocarbons (propane, ethane, ethylene, and methane) will enter the cold box. These are
blocking the equipment [12]. The purge flow rate is measured, to verify that the proper flow rate
is maintained otherwise plant will be shut down. Non-hydrocarbon components in air are CO2
and N2O.Slightly soluble in the liquid and vapor oxygen and plug the equipment.

Fig.1 Cryogenic air separation Flow Diagram

98 Lakshmana Naik R, S Subrahmanyam, A Eswaraiah, M Hanumanth Naik

International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences June 2015, Volume 3, Issue 6, ISSN 2349-4476

2.3.2Way to overcome those problems

The liquid purge rate is very important for ASU safety. The purge rate must be measured directly
with a flow meter. An adequate purge rate ensures that neither plugging the compounds (CO2
and N2O). Air Products has also specified that the purge rate shall never be less than 0.2% of the
air. The high boiling hydrocarbons are completely removed by using Primary process unit.Low
boiling hydrocarbons are removed by set proper liquid oxygen purge rate. Total hydrocarbon
(THC) analyzer is also used to verify hydrocarbons concentration in air.
The re boiler performance also presents special hazards. In this piece of equipment, liquid
oxygen is partially boiled away, leaving with enriched in hydrocarbons. That hydrocarbons
create hazards because of re boiler has many separate passages and some ignition source resent
in every passage. Air has some non reacted components that block re boiler passages [13].
2.4.1 Safety cases for operation
Special design features dramatically reduce the possibility of blocking an individual
passage. In that re boiler we have to focus on reduce ignition sources. The re boiler is designed
for positive manner to ensure no blockages of frozen components. Extra attention is given to
ensure even flow through the each passage. Periodically remove accumulated inert components.
2.5 Oxygen Compressors
An oxygen compressor is a potential hazard, because by its very nature, it contains high pressure,
high purity oxygen. Compressors have moving parts, which can provide friction ignition sources.
The possibility of particle contamination such as weld slag, rust particles, dust, residue, etc. can
never be completely eliminated [15].
2.5.1 The general methods used to meet the requirements for oxygen compressors
Barrier - A “Hazard Area” is defined as an area around the compressor in which injury to
personnel and damage to equipment is most likely to occur in the event of a compressor fire.
Components that could be involved in a fire are placed within a fire resistant barrier. Equipment
needed to shut down or isolate the compressor in the event of a fire is placed outside of the
barrier, where it cannot be damaged by a fire (23).
The barrier design guidelines ensure that it provides adequate protection to contain the fire while
the compressor is shut down and isolated from oxygen sources. Additionally, the barrier prevents
any molten metal from being projected outside of the barrier.
Seals – Centrifugal oxygen compressors have labyrinth seals minimize the contact of rotating
parts. The seal systems are designed to minimize loss of product oxygen, to prevent oxygen from
migrating from the process chambers to unsafe areas (e.g. bearing housings), and to prevent oil
from migrating into the process areas.
Cleaning - The compressor must be carefully cleaned for O2 service as it is constructed and
installed. Care must be taken to keep the compressor clean, once it has been cleaned. Suction
filtration is needed to prevent particles from entering the compressor and potentially acting as
ignition sources.
In addition to instrumentation used for normal compressor monitoring, special instrumentation is
placed on oxygen compressors to provide maximum safety. Of particular importance is

99 Lakshmana Naik R, S Subrahmanyam, A Eswaraiah, M Hanumanth Naik

International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences June 2015, Volume 3, Issue 6, ISSN 2349-4476

instrumentation used to detect a fire if it should occur and quickly shutdown and isolate the
Carbon Steel Copper Aluminum Stainless Steel
Suitable for Low Temps N Y Y Y
Relative Strength 2 4 3 1
Cost Low Very High Moderate High
Ignitability w/ O2 Moderate N/A Low Low
Intensity of Burning Moderate N/A High Moderate
Carbon steel is used for most warm equipment and piping [18]. Some major accidents occur
outside the ASU plant, involving oxygen releases to the atmosphere.
The risk of serious injury is quantified by multiplying three probabilities, a) Smoking is the most
obvious ignition source b) Breathing high oxygen concentrations can produce harmful effects in
people and c) Breathing pure oxygen can cause coughing and chest pains in 8-24 hours.
Abatement measures to reduce on-site and offsite risks for high oxygen releases include, Control
of sources of ignition on-site, (no smoking or open flames, control of vehicles, etc.,), use of
oxygen enrichment monitors, Careful design and location of oxygen vent systems.
Table.1 description
Concentration Effect on Personnel
15-19.5% Loss of coordination
<12-15% Respiration rate increase, loss of coordination, perception, and
judgment are pronounced
10-12% Further increase in respiration, poor judgment, blue lips.
8-10% Mental failure, nausea, vomiting, unconsciousness
6-8% 8 minute exposure, 100% fatal
6 minutes exposure, 50% fatal
4-5 minute exposure, recovery with treatment
4% Coma in 40 seconds, respiration ceases, death
Positive displacement compressors increase the pressure of the gas by reducing the volume. They
are further classified as reciprocating and rotary compressors [18].Dynamic compressors
increase the air velocity, which is then converted to increased pressure at the outlet. Dynamic
compressors are mainly centrifugal compressors and operate on similar principles to centrifugal
pump. These compressors have appreciably different characteristics as compared to reciprocating
machines. A small change in compression ratio produces a marked change in compressor output
and efficiency [19]. Centrifugal machines are better suited for applications requiring very high
capacities, typically above 12,000 cfm.
The centrifugal air compressor depends on transfer of energy from a rotating impeller to
the air. The centrifugal air compressor is an oil free compressor by design. The centrifugal is a
continuous duty compressor, with few moving parts, and is particularly suited to high volume
applications, especially where oil free air is required.

100 Lakshmana Naik R, S Subrahmanyam, A Eswaraiah, M Hanumanth Naik

International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences June 2015, Volume 3, Issue 6, ISSN 2349-4476


Type of Compressor Capacity (m3/s) Pressure (bar)
From To From To
Roots blower compressor 100 30000 0.1 1
Single stage

- Single / Two Stage 100 12000 0.8 12
- Multi stage 100 12000 12.0 700
Single Stage 100 2400 0.8 13
Two Stage 100 2200 0.8 24
Centrifugal 600 300000 0.1 450

2.7.1Compressor Performance
Compressed Air System Components
Compressed air systems consist of following major components: Intake air filters, inter-stage
coolers, after coolers, air dryers, and moisture drain traps, receivers, piping network, filters,
regulators and lubricators [20].
a) Intake Air Filters: Prevent dust from entering compressor; Dust causes sticking valves,
scoured cylinders, excessive wear etc.
b) Inter-stage Coolers: Reduce the temperature of the air before it enters the next stage to
reduce the work of compression and increase efficiency. They are normally water cooled.
c) After Coolers: The objective is to remove the moisture in the air by reducing the
temperature in a water-cooled heat exchanger.
d) Air-dryers: The remaining traces of moisture after after-cooler are removed using air
dryers, as air for instrument and pneumatic equipment has to be relatively free of any moisture.
The moisture is removed by using adsorbents like silica gel /activated carbon, or refrigerant
dryers, or heat of compression dryers.
e) Moisture Drain Traps: Moisture drain traps are used for removal of moisture in the
compressed air. These traps resemble steam traps. Various types of traps used are manual drain
cocks, timer based / automatic drain valves etc [21].
f) Receivers: Air receivers are provided as storage and smoothening pulsating air output –
g) Reducing pressure variations from the compressor.
2.8Efficient Operation of Compressed Air Systems
Cool air intake
As a thumb rule, "Every 4°C rise in inlet air temperature results in a higher energy consumption
by 1 % to achieve equivalent output [22]". Hence, cool air intake leads to a more efficient
compression (see Table 2.2) [23]

101 Lakshmana Naik R, S Subrahmanyam, A Eswaraiah, M Hanumanth Naik

International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences June 2015, Volume 3, Issue 6, ISSN 2349-4476


Inlet Temperature (0C) Relative Air Delivery (%) Power saved (%)
10.0 102.0 +1.4
15.5 100.0 NIL
21.1 98.1 -1.3
26.6 96.8 -2.5
32.2 94.1 -4.0
37.7 92.8 -5.0
43.3 91.2 -5.8

Pressure Settings
Compressor operates between pressure ranges called as loading (cut-in) and unloading (cut-out)
pressures. For example, a compressor operating between pressure setting of 6 – 7 kg/cm2 means
that the compressor unloads at 7 kg/cm2 and loads at 6 kg/cm2. Loading and unloading is done
using a pressure switch.
Pressure Reduction Power Saving (%)
Form To Single-stage Two-stage Two-stage
(bar) (bar) Water-cooled Water-cooled Air-cooled
6.8 6.1 4 4 2.6
6.8 5.5 9 11 6.5
Automatic On / Off Control:
Automatic On /Off control, as its name implies [24], starts or stops the compressor by means of a
pressure activated switch as the air demand varies. This is a very efficient method of controlling
the capacity of compressor, where the motor idle-running losses are eliminated, as it completely
switches off the motor when the set pressure is reached. This control is suitable for small

The article gives safe operation parameters to consider in air separation plant. First identify the
hazardous involved in the operation of air separation plant, and then overcome these hazardous
problems with different effective approaches to safe operation of air separation plant. This
analogy is so much helpful to operate the plant in safe manner and also focused on compressor
performance which leads to give the information for optimization of cost.

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International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences June 2015, Volume 3, Issue 6, ISSN 2349-4476

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103 Lakshmana Naik R, S Subrahmanyam, A Eswaraiah, M Hanumanth Naik

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