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Unit structures

Present perfect Conditional type 1

• Definition: The present perfect is formed from the present tense of the • Definition: The conditional type 1 refers to a possible condition and
verb have and the past participle of a verb. We use the present perfect for its probable result.
something that started in the past and continues in the present.

• Structure: • Ejemplos:
• Structure: • Ejemplos: Present perfect + future tense. 1. If we see her, we will tell her
Subject + have + verb in participle 1. They have worked in the field.
what the teacher said.
2. I have woken early in the mor-
2. If you feel bad, you must go to
the doctor.

Reported speach Wish Hope Conditional type 2

• Definition: A report of what somebody has said that does not use their
• Definition: desire for a situa- • Definition: To want something • Definition: The conditional type 2 refers to an unlikely or hypotheti-
exact words. There are two ways to use it, direct and indirect; You use
tion that doesn't currently to happen, with a sense of cal condition and its probable result.
direct speech to explicitly quote what the other person said. In this case,
that person's words should be enclosed in quotation marks (""). In indi- exist. It can be used to talk expectation that it might.
rect speech quotation marks are not necessary, since what the other about things or situations that
person said is not transmitted literally. we would like to be different in • Structure:
the present or in the future. hope + to + infinitivo
• Structure: • Ejemplos:
• Structure: • Ejemplos: • Ejemplos:
• Structure: Past simple + would 1. If the weather wasn't so bad,
1. DIRECT: subject + verb + (“)Direct 1. DIRECT: Fabian said “I will call 1. I hope to go to Valparaiso this
Wish+ persona/cosa+ would we would go to the park.
speach(“) you“. summer.
2. If I knew where she lived, I
2. INDIRECT: subject + reporting verb 2. INDIRECT: Fabian said that you • Ejemplos: 2. We hope to see that film on
would go and see her.
+ that * clause bought a house. 1. We wish you a merry Christmas! Friday.
2. I wish you would listen to me

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