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To my dear audience,
I know a lot
of you want to know where I
stand with the
Guardian Teachings as it
relates to Flat Earth, so I
prepared this document for the
sake of clarity....

A bout 6 months ago I began researching the globe and flat earth
debate in order to prove to my audience that we were on a globe
once and for all like the Guardian Teachings represents. To my
horror and despair, I proved to myself that we exist on a flat and
stationary, non-rotating, Earth, encapsulated with a firmament dome
in which the sun, moon, stars and planets have their existence. Once I
proved this to myself, I fell into a deep depression for about 3 weeks.
I felt more lost than ever before. The Guardian Cosmology was at
direct odds with observable reality, and I just spent the last 2 years
of my life inspiring thousands of people to accept the Guardian
Teachings as the absolute truth. After overcoming my depression, I
felt a great responsibility to share my findings with my audience so
that they can be afforded the opportunity to make a well-informed
decision on whether or not the Guardian Teachings represented
The Truth. 

I know stating that the Earth is flat and stationary and that there is
no space negates 80% of the work I have done over the past 2 years.
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But I would not be a representative of truth if I swept my

discoveries about the Guardian Teachings under the rug to
protect my credibility or E'Asha's credibility. 

There are those who say, "what does it matter if the Earth is flat,
round, square or rectangle shaped, when it's all about spreading love".
Although there is truth in this there is also a degree of bypassing in
such a statement. My question to such a response is:
If it didn't matter, why have the controllers of our realm put vast
resources into such an elaborate, world-wide brainwashing of the
population over the past 70 years so that they can make all of us
believe that we exist on a globe spinning in space? It's because they
know that they would lose total control if everyone on the planet
understood the actual structure of the Earth. Understanding the actual
structure of the Earth equates to humanity understanding true physics
in the way that Nikola Tesla understood physics. Understanding the
true structure of Earth equates to understanding the functionalities of
Earth as it relates to the firmament (the Aethers) and as It relates to
human and animal consciousness. If humanity woke up to this truth,
we would be able to achieve the incredible, and unprecedented feats
which the Tartarians were able to accomplish. So it is very important
that we, as a collective, wake up to this most important truth - that
the Earth is flat and stationary encapsulated with a firmament dome.
This is why the controllers of our realm have worked so hard to fool us
all for so many years… I will touch more on this subject in the
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Firstly, I'd like to

I love and
express that
honour each of you and my
intent is not to pull the rug out
from under you but it's to give
perspectives which perhaps may
compel you to think more deeply
about things. I have spent the
last two years of my life
relentlessly spreading the
Guardian message, but
recently I found things within the
Guardian Teachings that
just don't align with the nature of observable reality. And on a closer
look, depending on how you look at it, can either feel quite deceptive
or quite playful. The Guardian Cosmology as well as
Contemporary or mainstream Cosmology are in direct odds with the
nature of observable reality, which I will attempt to explain in the
foregoing as intelligently as I can. I don't just like telling people, I like
to show people, so I included short video clips to present my points.

As I explained in the previous, I was researching the globe and

flat earth debate in order to make a video that would prove to my
audience that we exist on a spinning globe which revolves around a gas
giant Sun as NASA and the Guardian Teachings teach. To my
despair and to my horror, I instead proved to myself that Earth is a
closed system. That we exist on a flat and stationary Earth which is
the centre of the entire Universe. Above us we have a firmament of
water in which the sun, moon, planets, and stars have their existence.
And that there is no such thing as space.  
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T he sun, moon, stars, and planets have their existence inside of

the firmament. This is not only observable, but all the mathematics,
and repeatable testing proves this. The mathematics do not support
the idea that the Sun is 93,000,000 miles away.  

If you have Not come to know yet, what I am about to state next is a
FACT you can research for yourself; there is zero evidence "proving"
we exist on a spinning ball or that the Earth is a globe. All the photos
of Earth from space produced by NASA and all the Hubble telescope

admit this in the video below. 👇🏽

imagery we see are all CGI admittedly so by NASA. NASA themselves
This video also proves that the Moon
landing was a complete lie. No one can land on the moon because the
Moon is not solid matter but a plasma phenomenon within the
firmament. All we have been told about the nature of reality by NASA
is a complete lie.

Please research this for yourselves. There is absolutely no proof we

exist on a globe, but there's hundreds of real scientific proofs and
evidence that the Earth is flat and stationary. 

100% Scientific proof that we exist on a flat,

non-rotating, and stationary Earth.   👇🏽
1)If anyone has any reservations that we exist on a flat and

proving we exist on a flat and stationary Earth.👇🏽

stationary Earth I recommend you watch this one of many videos,
These are PhD
scientists who, like myself, embarked on a mission to prove to the
world that we were on a globe but instead proved to themselves that
we exist on a flat and stationary Earth. After you watch this video, you
will either be disturbed by the truth of it or experience cognitive
dissonance and remain in denial, which you are at liberty to do. 

Documentary Scientifically Proving That The Earth Is Flat and

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2) If Earth were a ball 25,000 miles in circumference as NASA and

modern astronomy claim, spherical trigonometry dictates the surface
of all standing water must curve downward an easily measurable 8
inches per mile multiplied by the square of the distance. This means
along a 6 mile channel of standing water, the Earth would dip 6 feet on
either end from the central peak. Every time such experiments have
been conducted, however, standing water has proven to be perfectly

Bedford Level Experiment: Proof of no curvature

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The formula for a spherical earth: is this what we see? Where’s the

3) The experiment known as “Airy’s Failure” proved that the stars

move relative to a stationary Earth and not the other way around. By
first filling a telescope with water to slow down the speed of light
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inside, then calculating the tilt necessary to get the starlight directly
down the tube, Airy failed to prove the heliocentric theory since the
starlight was already coming in the correct angle with no change
necessary, and instead proved the geocentric model correct.

Airy’s Failure explained

4) The Michelson-Morley and Sagnac experiments attempted to

measure the change in speed of light due to Earth’s assumed motion
through space. After measuring in every possible different direction in
various locations they failed to detect any significant change
whatsoever, again proving the stationary geocentric model.

Michelson-Morley Experiment

In order to pursue this information, one must have an honest talk with
themselves. One must entertain the idea that they may be running
unconscious programs induced by erroneous belief systems through
mainstream education, studying esoteric material, and through NASA's
perception deceptions that we have all been brainwashed with our
entire life. One must find the courage to step out of that programming
in order to take in and analyse new information. Being resistant to
new information is being resistant to the pursuit of truth. Irrational
resistance to new information speaks to our own fears of
self-discovery. We all experience a bit of cognitive dissonance when
challenged by new information. It is up to us to find the courage and
ask ourselves why we are being resistant to new information.
Sticking with the only information you know and refusing to go outside
of your comfort zone to explore new information, no matter how at
odds it may be with your current belief system, is called

Today, amateur
photographers and average
citizens of the world are able to
prove that the sun is only 3100
miles away within the first layer
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of the firmament simply by tying a camera to a high-altitude balloon

and sending it to the Sun. I will show this in my NASA lies video, part 3
& 3. Since we can now prove that the sun is a small focal point of light
only 3100 miles away and not a gas giant the size of a 100 million
Earths 93,000,000 miles away as NASA tells us, it's only appropriate to
review Earth's creation story as it’s told in the Secrets of Amenti. 

According to the Secrets of Amenti, approx. 560 million years ago

Tara, which housed USG 5 exploded and resulted in the opening of a
black hole through which the fragmented pieces of Tara fell. These
pieces of Tara fell from 5D to 3D through the black hole that opened
when Tara exploded. Here in 3D, there was a gas giant Sun and the
fragmented pieces of Tara collided with the Sun and mixed their
morphogenetic fields, after which, the Sun spit them back out to form
the solar system. This is also similar to NASA's big bang theory and how
our Solar system was formed.

This contradicts observable reality as the Sun is not a gas giant

93,000,000 miles away. The Sun is only 3100 miles away and is a local
light that exists inside the first layer of the firmament as an electrical
phenomenon. And we can prove this simply by tying a camera to a
high-altitude balloon and sending it to the Sun. We also have footage
of clouds behind our local Sun as well as footage of planes flying
through the Sun which I will show in future videos. This footage should
not exist if the Sun was one million times bigger than the Earth and
was 93,000,000 miles away. The Sun and the Moon are roughly the
same size, and they exist in the firmament and all the scientific and
mathematical evidence produced by private researchers points to
this fact. The Sun will not go into Supernova millions of years from now
as NASA claims which the Guardian Teachings explains as the Sun
going into Bhardoh. There is something seriously wrong with the
creation story presented in the secrets of Amenti because observable
reality suggests that the Earth and the Sun were created at the same
time, sort of like how the bible describes. The Sun is not a gas giant
that the fragmented pieces of Tara collided with to form earth and our
entire solar system. It cannot be because we are able to prove that
today. So therefore, the only conclusion we can come to, is that Earth's
creation story as told by the secrets of Amenti, is false. So, what else
is false?
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The link below is a video presenting observable evidence showing

that the Sun is a small focal point of light that is much smaller than the
Earth and is local; just 3100 miles away not 93,000,000 miles away
and is much smaller than the Earth. Yet NASA tells us that we can fit
100 million Earths in the sun!? The sun is much closer than we have
been told. It is, in fact, in our atmosphere. You can clearly see that it
is not 93 million miles away. Many times you can see the sun’s rays
shooting out of a cloud forming a triangle. If you follow the rays to
their source it will always lead to a place above the clouds. If the sun
was truly millions of miles away, all the rays would come in at a
straight angle directly from space not from above the clouds. Also the
sun can be seen directly above clouds in some balloon photos, creating
a hot spot on the clouds below it and in other photos you can clearly
see the clouds dispersing directly underneath the close small sun.

Hot Spot in Clouds Proves The Sun Is Local

How Our Sun Behaves On Flat Earth

Clouds Behind And Around The Sun

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The 23.4 Degree tilt also needs to be discussed. The Guardian

Teachings say that alien technology called the Gravitron holds earth
at a 23.4 tilt and that Indigos incarnated to realign earth with natural
Stargates and Universal Time Cycles. But NASA created the lie of the
23.4 tilt, in order to account for the precision of the equinox. Every
2160 years (an age), upon our flat earth, the sun shifts by 30 degrees
in the zodiac. NASA had to come up with a story to account for this, so
they came up with the wobble story. NASA says that every 13000 years
the Earth undergoes a half wobble and that every 26000 years the
Earth completes a full wobble. Since we have UNDENIABLE proof that
we exist on a flat and stationary Earth we know that NASA came up
with the lie of the 23.4-degree tilt in order to account for the precision
of the equinox. The natural and legitimate question to ask for anyone
studying the Guardian Teachings is: why is the Guardian
Teachings supporting a lie that was invented by NASA?

Some in the Krystic Community have demonized me for asking this

legitimate question? My response to that is, if anyone in the Krystic
Community demonizes me for questioning the narrative even though I
have provided irrefutable proof that the Earth is non-rotating,and is
flat and stationary, what is the difference between them and the
governments of the world who are currently demonizing their own
citizens for questioning the fake C*v*d narrative based on real
scientific data?

Rhetorical question… back to my point…

Are we now to demonize free thinking and free thinkers? By that logic
we are all demons then, since we all consider ourselves to be free
thinkers, especially if you're reading this material.
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Around our flat and

stationary Earth is a
massive icewall which
encircles known and
unknown land on our
flat and stationary
earth. After the
Antarctic treaty was
signed by most world
governments on Dec. 1,
1959, world citizens
were not allowed to
explore the north or
south poles. They will

that attempt to fly to the north pole as this video shows. 👇🏽

shoot down any planes

Military Will Shoot Down Any plane That Nears The North/South Poles

Fortunately, aerial footage of this seemingly endless icewall which

encircles our flat earth, was leaked. Please take a look.
disturbed when I first saw this.
👇🏽 I was quite
This Massive Ice Wall Encircles Our Entire Flat Earth

Here is footage of NASA's rockets crashing into the waters above us.
Please take a look. 👇🏽 You can see the water flying everywhere and
the rockets literally look like jet skis in the sky once they hit the

Rockets Crash Into The Firmament and Move Through Water

About a decade ago, civilian space geeks attempted to launch a

Rocket into outer space. The Rocket had a camera at the front. In the
video below, you can see the Rocket take off and eventually get stuck
in the Firmament. 
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Rocket Gets Stuck In The Firmament

Deceptively, the telescope was deliberately designed to make objects

look spherical. Here are what stars and planets really look like shot
through a P900 which are cameras much more powerful and much
clearer than a telescope. Planets and stars are not solid. Our ancestors
called them "wandering luminaries". They are geometrically shaped

beautiful dancing luminaries. Please compare the P900 images with
NASA's fake CGI. Please take a look, the stars are so beautiful

What Stars and Planets Really Look Like In The Firmament

Here is a video of commercial pilots who fly around Earth for a living
confessing that the Earth is flat. 👇🏽
Pilots Confess earth Is Flat and There is No Curvature

Here is evidence that our ancestors knew that our Earth is flat and
stationary and is the centre of the Universe with a firmament dome of
water above it.

Ancient Cultures Knew The Earth Is Flat and Stationary

The NOMI Earth concept suggests that a spinning ball earth was in
danger of undergoing black hole phantom fall. Due to fail-safe, NOMI
was activated which gave earth the ability to pull itself out of black
hole fall as Earth is a Noble Planet according to the Tan-Tri-Ahura
Teachings. Well, the evidence shows that there is no space, or black
holes, or galaxies, there is just us and the Universe or the firmament
which revolves around us. Our flat and stationary Earth is the Centre of
the Universe. 

Einstein, who had ties with Lord Rothschild created the lie of the
theory of relativity which is what NASA, and the Guardian Teachings
relies its concepts of astrophysics upon. Einstein excluded the equation
of the ethers to make his E mc2 or "Energy equals mass times the
speed of light squared." mathematics fit. The Ethers are just below the
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firmament which modern day science calls the ionosphere. This is why
Tesla debunked Einstein's "theory" of relativity and criticized him for
excluding the equation of the ethers to make his deceptive E mc2
mathematics work. This is false physics not based on reality which
NASA and the Guardian Teachings support.

Nikola Tesla was on the cusp of rediscovering Tartarian

technology which is why he was murdered by the US government. The
Tartarians, our ancestors that were somehow eradicated from the face
of the planet just 300 years ago, created a magnificent earth. The
magnificent buildings and starforts all around the world, the
architectures of which, we cannot build with the technology we
possess today, were designed by the Tartarians to interact with the
ionosphere (The Ethers) in order to dispense etheric energy worldwide
for the upliftment of mass consciousness. NASA and the controllers of
our realm do not want us to remember our Tartarian roots and
accomplishments. This is why they have worked so hard for the last 70
years to brainwash humanity into believing we exist on a spinning
globe.  And I am at a loss as to why there is ZERO mention of the
Tartarians and the amazing feats they were able to accomplish
within the Guardian Teachings. This is a highly, if not the highest,
relevant era in human history. 
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NASA and the controllers of our Earth realm have gone out of their way
with elaborate planning to mind control an entire world to believe that
we are on a globe which spins on its axis at 1000 mph (faster than the
speed of sound), as it spins around the sun at 666,000 mph, as the Sun
drags the entire solar system throughout space at 600, 000 mph. This is
so we don't achieve recreating the beautiful Earth the Tartarians
achieved in creating. Has anybody stopped to wonder, if we were
moving at such breakneck speeds, why have the stars in so-called
space never moved from their positions? The stars remain constant, but
if we really moved at such speeds the positions of the stars would
always look different. This is a simple way to open your minds to the
possibility that you have been lied too about, well, EVERYTHING. 

Did you know that the most brilliant scientific minds of the past
century, includingEinstein, believed the Earth was flat and
stationary and the centre of the Universe? Even Einstein himself
did after admitting he had failed to prove that the Earth was a spinning
globe. Here is a video explaining a bit of that,
please take a look-see👇🏽
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The Most Brilliant Scientific Minds of The Last Century Knew The Earth
Was Flat

NASA invented the space lie via science fiction books that were
written during the period of 1920s-1940s and they reinforced this lie in
mass consciousness through false education, movies and books. This is
why we all think that we are on a spinning globe. The sad fact is, that
if you believe you are on a spinning globe you are under NASA's mind
control program. 

How NASA Used Science Fiction Books Written in the Early 1900s to
Invent Space

Now, does this mean that I am now teaching against the Guardian
Teachings like some people in the Krystic Community are implying?
Not at all. I'm simply pointing out observations I have made. When I say
the KRP or listen to Anuhazi music I can personally attest that it
induces a rise in my frequency which I have never felt anything else do
before. The first time I did the elemental clearing room I experienced
an out of body projection which blew my mind away. I have brought
thousands of people to the Guardian Teachings and witnessed the
lives of many people who have done the plasma techniques, improve.
I personally know people I brought to the plasma teachings who were
attacked by demonic entities their entire lives, but after doing plasma,
these attacks stopped almost overnight. Equally true, I also know
some people who felt like they were getting attacked after running
plasma. I am not afraid to point out the good, and equally not afraid to
point out the inconsistencies.

I would like to state for the record that I hold no allegiance to

ARhAyas productions, and I explore and teach the Truth as I
perceive it. I am confident in myself, my abilities and my research and
my love and my allegiance is ONLY to uphold Truth. And if any
teachings in this world, no matter how sacred they may be to my
heart, displays clear and provable deceptions I will not only question
it, but I will articulately expose it in my videos so that everyone in my
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audience can make a well-informed decision on whether or not to trust

the information. 

I am a researcher with a highly investigative and inquisitive mind and

my allegiance is ONLY to uphold Truth. From my perspective, all
teachings upon this Earth realm have deceptive elements. And I
believe it is up to us humans to hold public discussions about what fits,
and what conflicts, with the nature of observable reality in relation to
any esoteric teachings, or religious and scientific dogmas. Anyone who
disagrees with this is not in pursuit of Truth but is in pursuit of
psychological, emotional, and pseudo-spiritual comfort.

If you have the courage to learn about the inconsistent elements

within the Guardian Teachings and ask the natural and legitimate
question, why? Consider yourself a courageous Truth Seeker. Some
do it for comfort and some do it for Truth. 

All teachings on Earth are distorted with bits of Truth in them. It is

up to we humans to search for these bits ofTruth together in order
to form a unified and meaningful whole of The Truth. I plan to email
ARhAyas to ask why these gross inconsistencies exist, along with solid
and scientific proof that the Earth is flat and stationary and is not a
spinning ball that revolves around a gas giant sun.

My aim is to wake up enough people to these obvious inconsistencies

within The Freedom Teachings so that we can perhaps, by way of
verifiable proof, bring this to the attention of the Speaker for much
needed clarification. And if the Speaker will not comment on this,
simply put, there is some kind of deception occurring. Whether it be a
malevolent or a benevolent deception, it is up to you to use your own
discernment to draw your own conclusion.

I am not a coward who tucks his tale and hides the massive
inconsistencies I discovered in teaching I hold so sacred to my heart
just to maintain my credibility and the work I have produced over the
past 2 years, or just to protect E'Asha's credibility. I would not be
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upholding Truth if I did this nor would it be fair to my audience, since

I introduced the Freedom Teachings to most of them. I am
brutally transparent even at the cost of my own credibility. You can
either love me or hate me for it, that is your prerogative.

~Where Massimo Is At Right Now In His Search For Truth~

What is in this world is not working, and it is because of separation. I
don’t care if you read the most esoteric, spiritual information in this
world, it is of separation. I’ve read esoteric spiritual documents over
the past twenty years that would make most people swoon and say to
themselves ‘this is the highest information’ or ‘this information is true
because it is so detailed, no one could possibly know this much detail
unless it was true.

In this life, when we see highly sophisticated programs in computer

software, we automatically assume that such advanced software
coding MUST come from one of the top three computer software
corporations, Microsoft, Apple or IBM. Our Universe is a hologram, a
computer simulation. So when we see highly sophisticated, well
detailed esoteric information (programs), how come we don't consider
that it may come from the interdimensional controllers who created
the flat earth prison system and know how to program our reality with
concepts of good and evil, God and Satan, Divine Angles and Fallen
Angels, in order to keep our consciousness looping on the wheel of
death, and rebirth back into the Flat Earth Prison System?

Earth, and the whole universe is a mathematical simulation. A

hologram. None of it is real. The only things that are real are the
consciousnesses entrapped in human and animal bodies. Maryland

University, Professor James Gates, proved that the Universe is a
computer-generated mathematical simulation. Look...

Professor Gates Proves The Universe is a Computer Generated

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“To be sovereign and

The interdimensional beings that established this flat and stationary
domed earth prison system, built it with its own reincarnational or
recycling system. They then programmed this hologram with highly
sophisticated programs of religions, concepts of good and evil, God and
Satan, Fallen Angels and Divine Angels, which all equal duality and
separation. These are all programs meant to distract and deceive real
Truth Seekers. Those individuals who were born with the ability to
see beyond the obvious. Individuals like you and I, who are willing to
look at information normal programmed humans would never look at.
We, who are the outliers of human society. 

The most esoteric information on this Earth realm are highly

sophisticated programs designed to keep our consciousness looping on
the wheel of reincarnation. They were created by the very
interdimensional beings who established the flat earth prison system.
They were not written by human beings, but through human beings via
channelling. The channelling speaks of wonderful spiritual realities, of
how humans and aliens are one, of how the deep psychology of human
beings is constructed, of the complex cosmological environment in
which humanity is nested. All wonderful information except no one
mentions how we are enslaved on a flat and stationary domed
earth, or why, or by whom. Not one. 

If these wonderful sources of information knew about how humanity is

enslaved, wouldn’t they share it? Isn’t this the most basic point of
information? Why hasn’t any of this esoteric literature shown this?
Could it be, because the beings in the so-called spiritual dimensions
are either inside this hologram of deception and don’t realize it
themselves or are part of the deception and are guarding its discovery
from humanity. They’re no different from us—us, as infinite beings.
They’re lost in this Hologram of Deception as much as we are. For
those of you who are reading this and are feeling unsettled by it… I can
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only say, good, you should be. It’s a reality check on a cosmic,
universal, and individual level. 

You can bathe in the splendour of pseudo-spirituality and quench your

thirst with the ascended masters who are programs within a deceptive
programmed reality, or you can deepen your understanding of the
reality that confronts us and stand up committed to apply your
self-expression in service to truth. To walk your life in the expression
of resistive and insertive behaviours and be sovereign and

It isn’t about spouting high spiritual concepts in thoughts and words

and repetitively saying Anuhazi prayers. That is the reflex of the
human consciousness interface system—it’s parroting and robotic. Live
the I AM in unity and oneness with all, in your behaviours and leave
the mind. Shatter it. The mind is programmed to compare and
analyse, which feeds and perpetuates duality and separation from

It requires a lot of responsibility to accept this information. This

information is unsettling because it implies you are on your own. We
are on our own. There is no saviour or army of angels or ETs who are
going to collect the good and bring them to their heavenly home on
median Earth. 

This also requires real self-work. It is behavioural adjustments. It is

impeccability. It is authenticity. It is attentiveness. It is caring. It is not
a party. It is not surface cosmetics. This is the sober journey into
self-realization no matter how that realization appears. It is a
commitment to that premise. You don’t say to yourself, ‘I’ll walk that
path, but only if I get to go to heaven and rest in paradise with
beautiful souls all around me on median Earth’. That’s not this path. 

For those who want that path, they can subscribe to the religion or
new age cult of their choice and find those kinds of promises aplenty.
This information is for those interested in breaking through to their
core self and in doing so, not to rest and relax, or party and enjoy, but
to serve truth through their behaviours until everyone crosses into
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that reality of oneness and equality from which we all came, together
in unity. 

Humanity's liberation can only be achieved as a collective. No

one gets left behind. Any teachings that teach otherwise are not based
on Unity and equality but are based on fear, duality, and separation.

There is no digging into the bedrock of a belief system here that

will make you feel superior or privileged or wise. There really is no
belief system here other than the process of becoming Sovereign.
There is no structure, no organization, no master, no hierarchy, no one
is above another or below another.

You may say to yourself, well that person is a murder or child molester,
so we are not cut from the same cloth. Well, that’s just it. They are.
You can’t have oneness and equality and then say, well, that’s true,
except for this population of society or these felons of the human race.
There is no leper colony where humans are excluded outside of the
circle. The circle is all-inclusive, or it is in illusion. This is an absolute.

There is no other prison inside the flat earth prison system. We’re
all in the prison. All of us are prisoners, even those who are in the
so-called spiritual dimensions. There is no one who stands inside the
prison walls and truly knows oneness and equality. Only the part of
you that exists beyond time knows oneness and equality. So, connect to
the self-daily in and through your behaviours. 

It’s a process, both for the individual and the human race. We work
on it, together. We resist behaviours of separation and insert
behaviours of oneness and equality. We disengage from the thoughts,
ideas, beliefs, principles, people, organizations, currencies, food,
clothing, fashion, toys, and everything else within the Hierarchy whose
roots are nourished by separation. 
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It's an honour to be on this journey with all

of you. 

 I wish all of you well on your journey to self-discovery and wish
you love, health, and happiness.

Massimo Della Guardia

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