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Should - Examining situations and providing advice exercises

Exercise 1. You had a heck of a party! But some of your guests say they
had certain situations because of it. Check their situations and give them
some advice to solve them. Use the words as in the example.

Example. Eduardo.
I’m feeling sick! I have a headache! I think I drank too many tequilas. My
mouth is dry. Also I feel very tired. I don’t want to drink tequila ever
again in my life! This hangover is killing me!
(Get an aspirin) Eduardo should get an aspirin.
(Drink alcohol) He shouldn’t drink alcohol today.
(Get some sleep) He should get some sleep and rest.
(Have consomé) He shouldn’t have consomé. It is too irritating.

a. Paola
My stomach hurts! The Mexican food was too heavy! I think the pozole was
not good. Or maybe it was. But I ate like 4 bowls of it. I think I’m going
to throw up!
(Drink some tea) ________________________________________________________
(Eat spicy food) ________________________________________________________
(Have dessert) ________________________________________________________
(Have Pepto) ________________________________________________________

b. Ismael and Laura.

We feel exhausted! The party was until very late. When we arrived to our
house, we couldn’t sleep at all, because there was a party in the house
next door. The music was too loud! They were singing all night long. They
finished at 10 in the morning.
(Drive to work) ________________________________________________________
(Sleep) ________________________________________________________
(Take care their ________________________________________________________
(Work hard) ________________________________________________________

c. The house owner

The party was a success, but our neighbors say it was too loud. They say
there was no limit of the music’s volume. They called the police.
(Have another party) _____________________________________________________
(Low the volume) ________________________________________________________
(Argue with the ________________________________________________________
(ask their guests ________________________________________________________
to be moderate)

d. There was a couple’s argument. They yelled at each other. They split
up. Everyone was in shock!
(Calm down) ________________________________________________________
(Discuss in private) _____________________________________________________
(Record the incident _____________________________________________________
for the social media)
(Interfere) ________________________________________________________

e. Myself
No one helped me clean the house after the party. It was a mess!
(Invite the same people) _________________________________________________
(Clean the mess) ________________________________________________________
(Pay to get the ________________________________________________________
house cleaned)
(Have more parties) ______________________________________________________

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