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Gonçalo: Nowadays, the media publicize an unrealistic picture of what is the

standards to have a good body image. This affect our society in a negative way because
most of the people are not even close to looking like a computer-generated model.
But what is body image? Body image is a person's perception of their own body and it
can or cannot be the way other people see us.

Miguel: The way body image is portrayed by the media causes negative thoughts
about ourselves that can lead to diseases like depression as long as some eating
A study by Chris Downs and Sheila Harrison say that 1 out of 3.8 million commercials
shares a message about attractiveness. They made an estimate that viewers receive
around 5260 advertisements related to attractiveness per year this gives us about 14 a

Gabriel: This conduct to a lot of mental problems that are particularly incident on
teenagers, because in these ages our body pass throws a lot of changes and we also
start to be more aware of social media’s picture of attractiveness.
It’s important to note that research into social media and body image is still in its
beginning, and most studies are correlational. This means we can’t prove whether, for
example, Facebook causes someone to have negative feelings about their appearance,
or whether people who are worried about their appearance are more likely to use

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