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Mental Disorders

‘Tan Re Mi Xin Qiao Hun Po’ – Phlegm and Fire disturb mind, Shen, Heart, ethereal & physical spirit.

Click on link below for information…

Mood Disorders
Personality Disorders
Bipolar (manic-depression)– Kuang Dian

Mood (affective) Patterns/Disorders (DSM IV)

For the purpose of general understanding of these disorders, they will be divided into 2 groups:
1. Mood episodes
2. Mood disorders (depressive, Bipolar, other)

Mood Episodes
Any period of time when a patient feels abnormally happy or sad. Mood episodes are the foundation, or
starting point from which many of the identifiable mood disorders are constructed. Most mood disorder
patients will have one or more of these 4 types of episode: major depressive, manic, mixed, and hypomanic.
Without additional information, none of these types of mood episodes is an identifiable diagnosis.

Major Depressive Episode: for at least 2 weeks the patient feels depressed or can’t enjoy life, and has
problems with eating and sleeping, feelings of guilt, fatigue, trouble concentrating, and thoughts about death.
Manic Episode: For at least 1 week the patient feels elated or sometimes irritable, and may be grandiose,
talkative, hyperactive, and distractible. Bad judgment leads to marked social or work impairment. Often these
patients must be hospitalized.
Mixed Episode: the patient has fulfilled the symptomatic criteria for both a manic and a major depressive, but
it has lasted as briefly as 1 week.
Hypomanic Episode: much like a manic episode but it is briefer and less severe.

Mood Disorders
A pattern of illness due to an abnormal mood. Nearly every patient who has a mood disorder experiences
depression at some time, but some also have ‘highs’ of mood. Many, but not all, mood disorders are
diagnosed on the basis of a mood episode. Most patients with mood disorders will fit into one of the
identifiable categories listed below. They are divided into 3 groups: depressive, bipolar, other.

Major Depressive Disorder: these patients have never had manic or hypomanic episodes but have had one
or more major depressive episodes. Major Depressive Disorder will be either recurrent or single episode.
Dysthymic Disorder: not severe enough to be called a major depressive episode. This disorder lasts much
longer then major depressive disorder, and there are no ‘high’ phases.
Depressive Disorder not otherwise specified: when a patient has depressive symptoms that do not meet
the criteria for the depressive diagnoses above or for any other diagnosis in which depression is a feature.

Bipolar I Disorder: there must be at least 1 manic episode. Most Bipolar I patients have also had a major
depressive episode.
Bipolar II Disorder: at least 1 hypomanic episode plus at least 1 major depressive episode.
Cyclothymic Disorder: have had repeated mood swings, but none that are severe enough to be called major
depressive episodes or manic episodes.
Bipolar Disorder not otherwise specified: has bipolar symptoms that do not meet the criteria for the bipolar
diagnoses above.

Mood Disorder due to a general medical condition: ‘highs’ and ‘lows’ can be caused by various types of
physical illness.
Substance-Induced Mood Disorder: Alcohol or other substances can cause ‘high’ or ‘low’ moods that may
not meet criteria for any of the above mentioned episodes or disorders.
Mood Disorder not otherwise specified: do not fit neatly into any of the mood disorder categories
mentioned above.
Schizoaffective Disorder: symptoms of Schizophrenia coexist with a major depressive or manic episode.
Cognitive Disorders with depressed mood: could show with dementia or Alzheimer’s. Delerium may also
start with depression, anxiety, or other expressions of dysphoria.
Adjustment Disorder with depressed mood: can only adjust to a life stress one way.
Personality Disorders: may be present in avoidant, dependant, histrionic, but most notably in borderline.
Bereavement: when symptoms last more than 2 months following the death of a loved one.
Misc: Schizophrenia, eating disorders, somatization, sexual and gender identity disorders, anxiety, panic
disorder, obsessive-compulsive, phobic disorder, and post traumatic stress disorder.

Personality Patterns/Disorders (DSM IV)

Personality traits: well ingrained ways in which people experience, interact with, and think about everything that
goes on around them.

Generally Personality patterns/disorders are present since early adult life. All people have components of
these patterns but are not considered disorders until they accentuate to the point of impairing one’s normal life
functioning, or cause distress.

There are 10 disorders divided into 3 clusters. 301.84 Passive-Aggressive pattern/disorder has been removed
since DSM III and put into an appendix to await further study.

Cluster A (odd cluster)

People with cluster A personality patterns/disorders can be described as withdrawn, cold, suspicious, or

301.00 Paranoid: suspicious and quick to take offense. They often have few confidants and may read hidden
meaning into innocent remarks.
301.20 Schizoid: care little for social relationships, have a restricted emotional range, and seem indifferent to
criticism or praise. Tending to be solitary, they avoid close (including sexual) relationships.
301.22 Schizotypal: interpersonal relationships are so difficult for these people that they appear peculiar or
strange to others. They lack close friends and are uncomfortable in social situations. They may show
suspiciousness, unusual perceptions or thinking, eccentric speech, and inappropriate affect.

Cluster B (dramatic cluster)

People with cluster B patterns/disorders tend to be dramatic, emotional, and attention-seeking. Their moods
change rapidly (mood swings) and are often shallow. They often have intense interpersonal conflicts.

301.70 Antisocial: irresponsible, often criminal behavior of these people begins in childhood or early
adolescence with truancy, running away, cruelty, fighting, destructiveness, lying, and theft. In addition to
criminal behavior, as adults they may default on debts, or otherwise show irresponsibility, act recklessly or
impulsively, and show no remorse for their behavior.
301.83 Borderline: impulsive, make recurrent suicide threats or attempts. Affectively unstable, they often
show intense, inappropriate anger. They feel empty or bored and they frantically try to avoid abandonment.
They are uncertain about who they are, and lack the ability to maintain stable interpersonal relationships.
301.50 Histrionic: overly emotional, vague, and attention-seeking. Need constant reassurance about their
attractiveness. They may be self-centered and sexually seductive.
301.81 Narcissistic: self important and often preoccupied with envy, fantasies of success, or ruminations
about the uniqueness of their own problems. Their sense of entitlement and lack of empathy may cause them
to take advantage of others. They vigorously reject criticism, and need constant attention and admiration.

Cluster C (anxious cluster)

People with cluster C patterns/disorders tend to be anxious and tense, and are often over-controlled.

301.82 Avoidant: these timid people are so easily wounded by criticism that they hesitate to become involved
with others. They may fear the embarrassment of showing emotion or of saying things that seem foolish.
They may have no close friends, and they exaggerate the risks of undertaking pursuits outside their usual
301.60 Dependant: need the approval of others so much that they have trouble making independent
decisions or starting projects. They may even agree with others whom they know to be wrong. they fear
abandonment, feel helpless when they are alone, and are miserable when relationships end. They are easily
hurt by criticism and will even volunteer for unpleasant tasks to gain the favor of others.
301.40 Obsessive-Compulsive: perfectionism and rigidity. They are often workaholics and tend to be
indecisive, excessively scrupulous, and preoccupied with detail. They insist that others do things their way.
They have trouble expressing affection, tend to lack generosity, and may even resist throwing away worthless
objects they no longer need.

Schizophrenia (DSM IV)

Diagnosis: Patient displays at least 2 of the following for 6 months or more…

1. delusions: think they are god or a famous person (grandeur), think they have committed something terrible
(guilt), think they have disease, think that spouses or partners have been unfaithful (jealous), think they are
being controlled by outside powers i.e. aliens, radio waves, etc. (passivity), think people blame them for things
(persecution), even though they may have a job and money in the bank they feel they are poverty stricken or
destined for destitution, feel that people are talking behind their backs (reference), they may also believe that
others are putting thoughts into their heads (thought control).
2. hallucinations: false sensory perception that occurs in the absence of a related sensory stimulus. These
can affect all five senses but most commonly affect visual and auditory senses.
3. disorganized behavior: physical actions that do not appear to be goal oriented (i.e. taking off clothes in
public, strange gestures or postures, etc.), or otherwise bizarre physical activities.
4. disorganized speech: mental associations are governed not by logic but by rhymes, puns, and other rules
not apparent to the observer, or by no clear rules at all. Generally the speech is understandable but
sometimes may be difficult to understand.
5. negative symptoms: reduced range of expression of emotion, obvious reduced fluency of speech, loss of
will to do things (avolition). It seems that something has been taken away from the patient, such as the textural
richness of their personality.

5 subtypes of Schizophrenia
1. Paranoid: these patients have persecutory delusions and auditory hallucinations, but no negative
symptoms, disorganized speech, or catatonic behavior.
2. Disorganized: delusions and hallucinations are less prominent than negative symptoms and disorganized
speech and behavior.
3. Catatonic: excessively retarded or excessively excited behavior that is very bizarre.
4. Undifferentiated: some of all the basic types of psychotic symptoms, not one particularly dominates.
5. Residual: after an acute psychosis the patient is markedly improved, although they still seem somewhat
unusual, odd, or peculiar.

Schizophrenia-like disorders
Schizophreniform: patients who display the proper signs and symptoms for diagnosis but have only been
affected for under 6 months.
Schizoaffective disorder: for at least one month the patient has had symptoms of schizophrenia, at the same
time they have prominent symptoms of mania and/or depression.
Brief Psychotic disorder: at least one of the psychotic symptoms for under one month.

Other Psychotic Disorders

Psychotic Disorder due to a General Medical Condition: a wide variety of medical and neurological
conditions can produce psychotic symptoms that may not meet criteria for the conditions above.
Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorders: Alcohol or other substances (intoxication or withdrawal) can
cause psychotic symptoms that may not meet criteria fore any of the conditions above.
Psychotic Disorder not otherwise Specified: this is usually patients with postpartum psychosis or other
symptoms that do not seem to fit any of the categories above.

Bipolar Manic Depressive Psychosis – Kuang Dian

Caution should be taken when treating: Kuang, must sedate and purge, but when moving towards Dian, must
change treatment principle as to not depress patient more. Clearing Phlegm can always be done.

Kuang – all three pulses & levels are big & flooding, people may strip in public, sing/scream/swear or
act out, become violent (have incredible force), lots of energy (don’t need to eat to maintain energy),
angry, very out of character, may be suicidal.
↑ Yang → purge & remove Phlegm-Fire or Blood Stasis.
Dian – all three pulses & levels are thin weak & deep, person is very quiet, no concentration, speaks
nonsense, lack of expression, eat unclean food from street/garbage, lie or laugh a lot for no reason, think
unreasonably, feel guilty, afraid that someone is after them, may think they are having a heart attack (but not
so), manic sadness & happiness.
↑ Yin → Phlegm & Qi stagnation.
Phlegm & Qi slow onset, over thinking
stagnation or worry injures the SP
Qi → Phlegm builds up
causing stagnation →
Xiao Yao San
blocks the mind,
+ Di Tan Tang
extreme depression,
listless, do not speak for
soothe LR Qi & dissolve Moxabustion is very
days or continuous
Phlegm useful here. ST 40, Ren
speech, can’t make
4, 6, Bai Hui, Du 4, 14,
decisions, manic
ST 36, Yintang. These
happy/sad, no appetite,
may be used for all Dian
may be suicidal,
T- sl. purple w/ teeth-
P- slippery wiry
Qi ↓ & Phlegm chronic Qi ↓, very quiet
stagnation (wooden chicken),
absence of or Si Jun Zi Tang
nonsensical thought, nourish SP Qi & dissolve + Di Tan Tang
puffy dull face, soft stool, Phlegm or Gui Pi Tang
fatigue, no appetite, T- Ban Xia Huo Po Tang
pale swollen w/ teeth-
marks P- weak slippery
Qi & Blood ↓ chronic Qi & Blood ↓,
long term psychosis,
lack of concentration,
talk very little, talk to
themselves, very nourish Qi & Blood to
Yang Xin Tang
consumed, palpitations, strengthen HT SP (mind)
pale complexion, hard to
get excited, no mental
T- pale, white coat

Depression: generally Lung or Liver patterns

Antidepressants - Injure Heart (hand Jue-yin)
-create blood stasis
-damage spleen yang
-cause general Qi deficiency
People experiencing depression have a severe case when they wake earlier in the morning
(ie- more depressed if waking up at 5 than if waking up at 7)
Depression is often mixed with anxiety
Depression is usually 50% excess and 50% deficiency
Anxiety is usually 90% deficiency and 10% excess
Anxiety – Heart,Spleen,Kidney Suicide – Kidney and Lung Deficiency

Kuang Zheng
‘Tan Re Mi Xin Qiao Hun Po’ – Phlegm and Fire disturb mind, Shen, Heart, ethereal & physical spirit.

Western Medicine: Manic Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Hypomania, Postpartum disorders, Substance use
disorders, Acute reactive disorders, hysteria.

‘Kuang Zheng’ is a Fire (Yang) pattern that is usually complicated with Phlegm covering the Heart, mind,
spirit, Hun (ethereal) and Po (physical) soul. This manifests as blockage accumulating until the point of
bursting causing Fire to surge upwards. It shows a relative excess of Yang and a deficiency of Yin
Symptoms: sudden onset, irritability, flushed face, blood shot eyes, mania, restlessness, climbing to high
places, public singing, unusual strength, anorexia, insomnia, constipation, T- red with yellow coat, P- rapid

Treatment: Purge the Phlegm and Fire through the Large Intestine by inducing diarrhea, Tonify Yin, remove
***It is important to fully and completely eliminate the Phlegm in the treatment of Kuang, otherwise recurrence
is guaranteed.

Phlegm-Fire acute onset, very

attack HT emotional, very irritable,
San Sheng San
(Bi polar) very angry, may have
(induce vomiting)
insomnia & headaches
Gun Tan Tang +
for a couple of days at
Xie Xin Tang (purge)
start of attack, turn very
purge Fire & Phlegm San Huang Tang (purge)
violent, Fire signs, thirst,
Shi Chang Pu (clears
red face eyes & tongue,
Phlegm from HT
constipation, do not
need to eat, have great
Er Chen Tang
amounts of energy, T-
deep red w/ yellow coat
Yin ↓ Fire Chronic manic
psychosis, attacks do
not occur as acutely as Er Yin Jian
before, Yin ↓ symptoms nourish Yin, descend + Ding Zhi Wan
(gradually lose weight, Fire, calm the mind Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San
anxiety, anger, irritable, Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan
night sweat), T- red
w/scanty coat
Qi & Blood stagnation manic Kuang symptoms,
PMS, large amounts of
dark red menses w/ Dian Kuang Meng Xin
clots, chest pain, pain in promote Blood Tang
the heart or circulation, remove + Da Huang Zhe Cong
hypochondriac region, Stasis & regulate Qi Wan
headache, dizziness, Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
abdominal pain, P- may
be deep if Blood Stasis
Note: stop purging treatments as soon as symptoms subside because they are damaging to the Spleen.
Tonify Spleen afterwards.

5 steps to follow…
1. Main points: Ren 12, 13, 15
2. Calm: Du 26-28 (strong stimulation), KI 1
3. Purge Yangming: LI 4, 11, ST 36, 37, 39, SJ 6
4. Shaoyang: GB 20
5. Taiyang: BL 9, 10
Empirical Acupuncture Combinations
Clear Minister Fire: connect PC 5 to SJ 6
Fire and Phlegm: PC 5, ST 40
Phlegm in Lung system: ST 40, LU 7
Sweating (night or daytime spontaneous): HT 6, KI 7
Fever: LI 11, Du 14, HT 3
Hearing voices in the head: SI 19, GB 2, PC 5
Ghosts in dreams: SP 1, ST 45

Sun Si Miao’s 13 Ghost Points

These originated from ‘Thousand Ducat Formulas’ in the Tang dynasty (618-907 A.D., near the end of the
middle ages), which was when the first book was ever printed, and a push to make Buddhism the state religion
was attempted. Quite possibly an idea of forced religion, and the beginnings of information-overload provided
by the invention of printing, both played a role in the need for more empirical practice concerning mental
disorders (Kuang Dian), which we now refer to as mood, personality, and/or Schizophrenic patterns/disorders.
Now, early in the new millennia, it seems to be of great importance for Traditional Chinese Medicine and
particularly Acupuncture with it’s unique ability to regulate many aspects of our health and life, to step forward
into what seems to be another age with the need for mental health treatment options.
The 13 Ghost Points:
Guigong – Ghost Palace (Renzhong Du 26)
Gui Zhen – Ghost Pillow (Fengfu Du 16)
Guitang – ghost Hall (Shangxing Du 23)
GuiShi – Ghost Market (Chengqiang Ren 24)
Guixin – Ghost Faith (Shaoshang Lu 11)
Guitui – Ghost Leg (Quchi LI 11)
Guichuang – Ghost’s Bed (Jiache ST 6)
Guilei – Ghost Fortress (Yinbai SP 1)
Guixin – Ghost Heart (Daling PC 7)
Guicu – Ghost Cave (Laogong PC 8)
Guilu – Ghost Path (Shenmai BL 62)
Guifeng – Ghost Seal (Haiquan extra point below tongue)
Guicang – Ghost Store (Huiyin Ren 1)
It has been said that Guixin – Ghost Heart (Daling PC 7) is actually Taiyuan Lu 9 (connecting these points may
be of benefit). It is of popular belief that Guilu – Ghost Path (Shenmai BL 62) is actually Jianshi PC 5. Another
text includes Shenting Du 24, Ruzhong ST 17, Yanglingquan GB 34, and Xingjian LR 2, and did not include
Shenmai BL 62, Shangxing Du 23, Quchi
LI 11, and Huiyin Ren 1.

Dr. Liu Feng (20th century) expresses the need to balance and connect the triangle of ‘cognition/personality’,
‘will’, and ‘emotions’ to achieve results within treatment of all mental disease. He also stresses to watch
personality changes to understand severity of the patients disease. This helps to determine if the disorder is
simply a personality or neurotic disorder, or if it is more severe causing great distress and problems fitting in
with society which would lean more towards (affective) Mood disorders or Schizophrenia.

TCM Diagnosis:
Yang Symptoms – loud, much action, extroverted (use Ren Meridian)
Yin Symptoms – quiet, minimal action, introverted (use Du Meridian)
Organ Differentiation: heart/lung/liver/kidney/spleen
Heart Differentiation: Mental (hand shao-yin) Physical (hand jue-yin)
King fire more connects with stomach
Minister fire connects with spleen
Brain connects with TCM Heart and Kidney
Phlegm – root of all mental disease! covers heart
1- Invisible or Visible turbid phlegm
2 -Blood nourish spirit – blood stasis
3 –Qi – connects with - blood stasis / phlegm / fire
deficient fire with phlegm – wants to kill self (moxa)
King or Minister Fire?
excess fire with phlegm – wants to kill others (clear heat)
Yin Yang Fan Zhuo – yin and yang reversed

Tan Qi Jiao Jie – phlegm and qi stagnated and mixed into sticky condition
Liver Rising – Si Jue Ming, Dai Zhi Shi, Sang Tae Lou
Heart Kidney Disharmony – Ci Zhu
Lung not Descending – Da Huang, Lu Hui + phlegm herbs

Top 13 Formulas for Mental Disease:

Wen Dan Tang (cousin Rx – Dao Tan Tang, Di Tan Tang)
modifications: Huang Lian (king fire) Huang Qin (minister Fire)
Liver Fire Rising + Long Dan Xie Gan Tang, Mu Li
Fang Feng Tong Sheng Tang (-mang xiao) + Qiang Huo/Du Huo (wind damp)
+ Huang Lian
Gui Pi Tang - + Huang Lian + Dan Shen (blood circ.) + Shu Di
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang – Blood circulation
Tian Wang Bu Xin Tang – Heart and Kidney Yin Deficiency
Meng Shi Guan Tan Wan - Phlegm Fir
Su Hua Xiang Wan – cold sticky phlegm
Bai Jing Wan – (Bai Fan (Ming Fan), Yu Jin) Any Phlegm
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang-
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang – (Mu Tong? Toxic) + Lian Zi Xin, Dan Zhu Ye, Da
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang – excess fire, + Si Wu Tang (wen qin yin)
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang
Chai Hu Shu Gan San

Phlegm Fire – Kuang Zheng - Yang
1. Main points: Ren 12, 13, 15
2. Calm: Du 26-28 (strong stimulation), KI 1
3. Purge Yangming: LI 4, 11, ST 36, 37, 39, SJ 6
4. Shaoyang: GB 20
5. Taiyang: BL 9, 10
6. yin tang – downwards towards bridge of nose
experience points:
1.Clear Minister Fire: PC 5 to SJ 6
2.Fire and Phlegm: PC 5, ST 40
3.Phlegm in Lung system: ST 40, LU 7
4.Sweating (night or daytime spontaneous): HT 6, KI 7
5.Fever: LI 11, Du 14, HT 3
6.Hearing voices in the head: SI 19, GB 2, PC 5
7.Ghosts in dreams: SP 1, ST 45

Dian Zheng – Yin

– PC 6, Du 20, 26,g12, 14, 16, GB 13, St 40, St 6, Sp 6
Moxa Ren 4, 6, and back shu points

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