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Feminism: Is it just a fad?

Many people believe that feminism has strengthened its influence over the last decades. The
notion of feminism has undoubtedly been in the spotlight lately and the movement seems to
continue its expansion. Heated arguments for and against feminism may come up within our society,
in the media and the public eye. As a result, many individuals agree that this movement has become
a fad, but I dare say this notion has only become a matter of concern for current generations.

Not long ago, numerous abusive, harmful and disrespectful attitudes toward women were
carried out without restriction. Cases of rape, cold-blooded murders, and harassment are clear
examples of such issues. Since the arrival of more powerful feminist movements, the chasm
between women and men has fortunately been reduced. However, skeptical people may state that
feminism is nowadays a matter that has gone out of hand. Instances of radical feminists who make
complaints about not-so-serious issues have also happened to occur in the current scene.

All in all, it might be possible that there are two sides to the same story. Feminists who are
extremists on the one hand, and feminists who have brought about a bit of stability to the gender
unbalance on the other hand. Although there are mixed feelings regarding this movement, I still
believe that had it not been for such a paradigm shift, women would still be suffering from
numerous unfair mistreatments.

Discrimination. Is still alive?

Discrimination has been a controversial topic for decades. Although a paradigm shift
encouraging people to be more inclusive to one another has come up to the current scene,
discrimination is deeply rooted in society. From my view, I am inclined to believe that the tendency
to promote equality is increasing, yet discrimination still results in catastrophic effects in society.

It is undeniable that discrimination has a direct effect on every individual’s heart. It is

implausible to avoid suffering from discriminative attitudes throughout life. People will always find a
distinctive feature in every individual, and consequently, they will look down on them due to such
characteristic. Sexual orientation, gender, status, skin color and religion are, on average, the most
outstanding topics over which people discriminate. Nevertheless, it is unquestionable that current
generations have shifted the paradigm regarding such harmful attitudes. Movements encouraging
people to be more open-minded and inclusive of differences have come up to the present scene,
and it seems to be just the tip of the iceberg.

Overall, I consider that nowadays there is a significant paradigm shift regarding

discrimination occurring within society. Although numerous people are still unaware of the need for
equality, many individuals are more willing to put themselves in someone else’s shoes. In
consequence, they are also prone to be more empathetic with marginalized sectors. Had it not been
for such a shift, I strongly believe discrimination would have caused much more catastrophic effects.

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