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ShareHub is a cross-platform chat and recording sharing tool that allows users to share files over
a high- speed wireless LAN connection without using statistics. This document provides a
bird's-eye view of the project and discusses its design, implementation and evaluation. ShareHub
is designed as an easy-to-use, cross-platform tool that works on laptops and mobile devices. Use
a peer-to-peer report sharing gadget that offers the reliability, performance and ease of use of the
. Evaluation results show that ShareHub is a reliable and efficient solution for sharing reports
over a WiFi connection, providing users with a convenient and seamless experience of using
traditional report sharing systems.


We all need speed these days when exchanging documents between devices at a fast global pace.
We want the method to be short, simple, and hassle-free, whether you're transferring images,
videos, tunes, or documents.

Our app allows you to easily share files between devices without cables, bluetooth or internet
connection. Our app also allows you to share files between multiple systems and devices such as
smartphones, medicines, laptops and computer systems. This allows you to quickly and securely
share files with your friends, family or colleagues wherever you are.

Another important factor is the user-friendliness of our software. Our program has a user-
friendly interface that makes it easy to use and navigate. Our program is easy to use and
straightforward, so you will have no problem using it whether you are a tech savvy consumer or
someone who is much less savvy. You don't need any special knowledge or skills to use our app.
Our application is extremely flexible.It can handle many different recording formats including
pixels, movies, songs, documents and more. With this approach, you can use our app for all your
document sharing needs, whether it's sending work files or sharing unlisted images with loved

Finally, our application is designed to work effectively on a wide variety of systems and
devices. Our program works perfectly whether you are using an Android phone, iPhone,
Windows ,PC or Mac. This means there are no headaches or compatibility issues when sharing
information between different devices.


The issue and soreness of sharing statistics between devices, mainly while there may be no net
connection or the document sizes are too big to transfer through e-mail or different methods, is
the difficulty that our programme seeks to deal with. Current record-sharing technology, such
Bluetooth or wires, can be cumbersome, gradual, and unreliable. Additionally, humans adopting
those techniques may want to worry about the security of their documents. These problems are
resolved via our programme, which offers a quick, secure, and easy technique of sharing files
throughout many systems and devices without the necessity of wires, Bluetooth, or a web


The fact that modern file sharing solutions like Shareit, Xender and other apps of a similar nature
are platform dependent is a major disadvantage. It is difficult for users to share files across
multiple systems or gadgets as they work best on a limited number of working frameworks or
platforms. For example, compatibility issues may arise when a consumer attempts to use Shareit
to transfer a recording from an Android instrument to an iOS instrument. The
program is not compatible with either system.

users who need to transfer documents between different platforms like Android and iOS gadgets
or between mobile devices and computers face problems due to this limitation.This limits your
ability to share documents with others and can cause boredom and annoyance.

Additionally, users may not need to download multiple data sharing programs for different
systems or devices, which may limit the development and implementation of these technologies.
Therefore, you need a document sharing solution that works without the need for multiple
applications or configuration techniques that span multiple frameworks and gadgets.

Overall, if we are to make data sharing more realistic, accessible, and enjoyable for all of us, the
platform dependencies of modern report-sharing technologies are an important issue that requires
our attention.


Platform dependencies of current file sharing structures like Shareit, Xender and others are
resolved by means of ShareHub, which represents a completely unique possibility. We need to
make file sharing with ShareHub completely platform impartial, fast and dependable. 

 Our answer eliminates the need for multiple packages or cumbersome configuration techniques
by the use of contemporary generation that helps facts sharing across a couple of structures and
devices. Users can now effortlessly and seamlessly transfer files between Android and iOS
gadgets, in addition to among mobile devices and computers. In order to make file sharing extra
handy, handy and exciting without exception, the platform dependencies of the current file
sharing generation gift a complete of essential issues that want to be taken into consideration.



import socketserver


The fundamental concept is to construct a server that listens on a specific port and is in charge
of receiving files. The client, on the other hand, will attempt to contact the server and send any
kind of file.

We have used socket module, it is built-in in python and it provides us with socket operations.

We have made sharehub with following simple steps :-

1. Setting up the Server: first we started up with importing the necessary files and setting
up the server. We particularly made a different file initializing the libraries and setup the

2. Sending the File Name and Size :Sending the file name and size to the client comes
next after the connection has been made. This can be accomplished by opening the file
first, then sending the client the name and size.

3. Sending the File Data : The server can begin transmitting the file data once the client
has received the file name and size. The file can be opened, read in sections, and then
each section is sent to the client.

4. Closing the Connection: After the file transfer is complete, it’s important to close the
connection to free up resources.

5. Creating the Client: We then created a client to receive files and connect to the server.

6. Receiving the File Name and Size: The server will provide the file name and size once
the client and server have established a connection. By using the socket's recv() method,
the client can obtain this data.

7. Receiving the File Data: The client can begin receiving file data after getting the file
name and size. To accomplish this, open a new file, and then write the incoming data into

8. Closing the Connection: It's crucial to cut off the connection after the file transfer is
finished to free up resources.


A famous open-source Python module referred to as "KivyMD" is hired for growing user
interfaces with the Kivy framework. For the creation of multi-touch apps, Kivy is a unfastened
and open-source Python toolkit. KivyMD complements Kivy's functionality by way of presenting
a variety of pre-made widgets that adhere to Material Design ideas.

With the help of KivyMD, developers could make present day, responsive consumer interfaces
with many unique factors, like buttons, menus, cards, talk bins, and more. In order to
supplement the layout of the app, it also gives thing customisation, theming, and animations.
For creating pass-platform desktop and cell applications, KivyMD is regularly utilised.


We evaluated ShareHub and tested its file sharing speed, reliability and user interface. The
consequences of our evaluation show that ShareHub is a reliable and environmentally friendly
answer to document sharing over a WiFi connection.

File Sharing Speed

We ran tests to measure how fast recordings are shared on ShareHub compared to traditional
recording sharing systems. The results showed that ShareHub's peer-to-peer file sharing engine
allows users to determine the percentage of files running at excessive speeds without using any
information. This is a significant improvement over traditional data sharing systems, which can
be slow and unreliable.


We also tested the reliability of ShareHub by running many courses on dataset sharing. The
results showed that ShareHub is a reliable tool that rarely encounters any errors or interruptions
while downloading the recordings. This makes it a great solution for customers who need a
reliable and efficient document sharing device.


We've redesigned the ShareHub interface to ensure it's intuitive and clear. The software's
interface is designed to be simple and intuitive, allowing users to easily rate documents and chat
with others.The user interface is also responsive and works well on any desktop and mobile

Table of Contents

Finally, ShareHub is a reliable, eco-friendly and easy-to-use application that offers a convenient
solution for sharing documents over a WiFi connection.The peer-to-peer reporting system
allows customers to rate files at high speed without using any information. The tool's interface is
designed to be simple and intuitive, allowing users to easily evaluate and interact with
documents. The implementation of the QR code function makes it even easier for users to share
documents. Overall, ShareHub offers customers an easy and convenient way to share standard


- Improved user interface for better user experience.

- Increased file sharing speed over WLAN connection.

- Availability of the application for download on Appstore for easy access.

- Convenience for users to share files without the need for cables or other physical connections.

- Implementation of QR code for easy and convenient sharing of files among users.


Material Design for Kivy:

Python App development Framework:
Kivy: Cross-platform Python Framework for GUI apps Development

Socket—Low-Level Networking Interface:

socket — Low-level networking interface — Python 3.11.3 documentation

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