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IPR Innovation and IP Management Assignment 1 Name: Arbaz Khan Roll no: M22ME020 Qt) Solution: The several works that GSLK can defend utilising Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) methods include * By submitting a trademark application, the business name "Threadbare" can be protected * Apatent application can be utilised to safeguard the original method of recycling mix fabrics. * The network for collecting pre-consumer textile waste may be protected by a trade secret. * A trade secret or patent application may be used to protect the recycled fibres made by NIFT Jodhpur. By submitting a patent application, the high efficiency fibre extraction device developed by IIT Jodhpur can be safeguarded * To preserve woven fabrics with traditional Rajasthani artwork, utilise copyright or a design registration. * The website can be protected by designating "" as both a trademark and a domain name Q2) ‘Solution: © To protect their personal information, GSLK should sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) with NIFT Jodhpur and IT Jodhpur in order to forge effective cooperation with these institutions. * Make sure that any agreements for joint development with IIT Jodhpur and NIFT Jodhpur contain provisions addressing ownership of intellectual property rights and royalty sharing. * Obtain the express approval of IIT Jodhpur and NIFT Jodhpur before utilising their names or trademarks in any commercial or promotional materials. Q3) Q4) Solution 1, Points of vulnerability for GSLK with regard to "Threadbare" and the IPR related steps that they should take to mitigate them are: * Company name: To make sure that the name "Threadbare" hasn't previously been trademarked, GSLK should check trademark databases all around the world. Then, to prevent others from using the name, they should file a trademark application for it in the pertinent nations. Technology for recycling textiles: To make sure that their method is original and hasn't been patented by someone else, GSLK should look out relevant prior art.To safeguard their technology, they should then submit patent applications. Additionally, they should make sure that everyone allowed access signs an NDA and that their machine and procedure are kept private. © Procurement network: To ensure that their procurement network is kept private, GSLK should sign NDAs with their vendors. In order to guarantee that the pre-consumer textile waste collected is of high quality and value, they should also have quality control systems in place. * Reprocessed fibres: To preserve their artistic works, GSLK should register the copyright for Rajasthani artworks weaved with their fibres. Solution: 2. To remain competitive in their sector of operation, GSLK should initiate the following actions: * Constantly invent and enhance their textile recycling technology to increase its effectiveness and lower costs. Widen their network of suppliers to guarantee a consistent flow of textile waste from pre-consumers. * Create and promote innovative textile items using their recycled fibres to set themselves apart from rivals. Make marketing and advertising investments to develop their brand and raise consumer awareness. Q5) Solution 3. Factors that GSLK should consider before they get involved with the advertising agency are * Before employing an advertising firm, look into its reputation and performance history. Enter into a contract with the agency outlining ownership and licencing of any developed intellectual property. * Ensure that the agency does not use any copyrighted content without permission by include sections in the contract that outline consequences and remedies for contract violations or IP infringement. Q6) ‘Solution: To enforce their IPR against infringers in the market, Threadbare should: © Register their trademarks, patents, and copyrights in all pertinent jurisdictions, Monitor the market and take swift legal action against any infringing parties.Make their IPR ownership and rights known on their website and promotional materials to ward off possible infringers. Q7) ‘Solution: Threadbare should protect their Intellectual Properties in India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Egypt where they pian to operate. The duration of protection varies depending on the type of IP: * Patents have a 20-year lifespan from the date of filing and cannot be renewed, but trademarks have a 10-year lifespan from the date of registration and can be renewed perpetually. © Trade secrets have no expiration date, but if they are made public, they may no longer be protected. © Copyrights last for the author's lifetime plus 60 years after their passing. The validity of a design registration is ten years from the date of registration, and it can be renewed for an additional five years.

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