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Electrodynamics majorly discusses the property of a body called charge and its effect,
whereas Gravitation majorly discusses the property of a body called mass and its effect.
Both these properties can be related to making a new concept where a charge is a
property of mass.
When a body is compressed to a specific volume (which varies with substances) produces
Charge when a charge is enlarged it loses charge and becomes neutral. As the size of the
particle increases its polarity of charge reverses and becomes constant.
M ( mass of body ) α Q 0 (charge produced )

Δv ( change ∈volume of body ) α Q0 ( charge produced)

Q 0 α ∫ mⅆv

Q0=ξ( ∫ mⅆv )

Where ξ is a proportionality constant which depend on nature of materials expanded or

compressed. When a body is being compressed it attains a charge at certain volume of
compression which is known as “critical volume”, when a body is compressed to a critical
volume it retains the charge and do not show any change in charge for further

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