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This day represents a momentous celebration of the social, economic,

cultural, and political accomplishments of women worldwide. Moreover, it
serves as a reminder to undertake action in promoting gender equality and
advocating for women's rights.

2. As for the theme of International Women's Day 2023, it has not been
announced at this point in time. However, it is worthwhile to mention that
the 2022 theme was “Choose to Challenge,” which encouraged individuals
to take a stand against gender bias and inequality in their daily lives.
“Gender Equality” could be used as another example of a theme for thise

3. The color purple has long been associated with International Women's Day
as it symbolizes dignity and justice, and it has been utilized by the women's
rights movement since the early 1900s. In the early 20th century, the
women’s suffrage movement in Britain used three colors to represent their
cause: purple, green and white. According to Kenneth Florey in his book,
“Women’s Suffrage Memorabilia: An Illustrated Historical Study,” the color
purple was thought of as a representation of “the royal blood that flows in
the veins of every suffragette.” Green represented hope and white, purity.

4. There are various issues that one could discuss regarding International
Women's Day. These include, but are not limited to, the challenges that
women still face in various regions of the world, and the role that both men
and women can play in promoting gender equality. Furthermore, there exist
countless stories of women who have surmounted obstacles and contributed
significantly to their communities and society as a whole, which are
deserving of acknowledgment and celebration.

momentous celebration знаменна подія

social accomplishments соціальні досягнення

economic accomplishments економічні досягнення

cultural accomplishments культурні досягнення

political accomplishments політичні досягнення

gender equality гендерна рівність

advocating for women's rights захист прав жінок

theme тема

Choose to Challenge Обери виклик

gender bias гендерна дискримінація

women's rights movement рух за права жінок

symbolizes символізує

dignity and justice гідність та правосуддя

utilized використовується

suffrage виборче право

surmounted obstacles подолані перешкоди

contributed significantly внесли значний вклад

acknowledgment визнання

Match the terms with their definitions:

1. momentous
2. social
3. economic
4. cultural
5. political
6. gender bias
7. suffragette
8. surmount

A. overcoming a difficulty or obstacle

B. relating to society or its organization
C. relating to the way money, industry, and trade are organized
D. related to the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a
particular nation or people
E. important or significant
F. relating to government or the public affairs of a country
G. prejudice or discrimination against someone based on their gender
H. a woman seeking the right to vote through organized protest

1. E
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. F
6. G
7. H
8. A

1. The invention of the Internet marked a momentous occasion in the history of

communication. - Поява Інтернету стала знаменною подією в історії
2. The government has a responsibility to address social inequalities and create
a more just society. - Держава несе відповідальність за подолання
соціальної нерівності та створення справедливішого суспільства.
3. We must work together to overcome gender bias in all aspects of life,
including education and the workplace. - Ми маємо спільно працювати
над подоланням гендерних упереджень у всіх сферах життя,
включаючи освіту та роботу.
4. The media has a significant influence on perpetuating gender bias in society.
- Засоби масової інформації мають значний вплив на укорінення
гендерних упереджень у суспільстві.
5. She was able to surmount the many obstacles in her path and achieve her
goals. - Вона подолала багато перешкод на своєму шляху і досягла
поставлених цілей.

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