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Name: _______________________________________________ Section: ________ Date: __________

SCORES: Climate: Pre-Test/Post-Test

Pre-Test: ____ / 25
Post-Test: ____ / 25

a. Cold periods lasting millions of

1. _______ Climate years when glaciers cover much of

b. A wind circulation pattern that
2. _______ Microclimate changes direction with the
c. Localized climate that is different
3. _______ Rain Shadow
from the climate of the larger area
surrounding it.

4. _______ Ice Age d. A period with below-average

e. An area of low rainfall on the
5. _______ Interglacial downward slope of a mountain.
f. The warm periods that occur
during ice ages.
6. _______ El Niño
g. The long-term average weather
conditions that occur in a

7. _______ Monsoon particular region.

h. The combined ocean and
atmospheric cycle that results in
8. _______ Drought weakened trade winds across the
Pacific Ocean.
Name: _______________________________________________ Section: ________ Date: __________

WORK BANK (Question #9)

Ice Age Seasons Equinox El Niño Interglacial Monsoons

9. Using the word bank, I want you to identify whether the events listed are
long-term cycles or short-term cycles.
Long-Term Short-Term

10. What is the difference between a climate and a microclimate?

11. How are climates classified?
a. By cold – and warm-weather ocean c. By measurements of temperature
currents and humidity
b. By latitude AND longitude d. By temperature, precipitation, and

12. What happens during El Niño?

Warm ocean Increased

water cuts off precipitation in
cold upwelling. South America
Name: _______________________________________________ Section: ________ Date: __________

13. Using the Word Bank, identify what climate zone the right side is describing.

Word Bank: Dry, Tropical, Continental, Polar, Temperate

Type of Climate Zone Description of Climate Zone

Warm summers, mild winters,
high precipitation, humid

Cold year-round,
minimal precipitation

Hot summers, cooler winters,

very low precipitation

Warm year-round,
high precipitation

Warm summers, cold winters,

moderate precipitation

14. If in January it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, what season would it be in

the Southern Hemisphere? _____________________________

15. What causes seasons?

a. Earth tilting on its axis. c. The sun
b. Pressure Systems d. Equinox

16. Tell me one fun thing you did within the last week




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