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NAME: ________________________________ SECTION: _____ DATE: _______

Role: Geographer #2
Welcome to the field of geography!! Now that you have taken
on this position, there are a few things you should know.
Geography is all about maps, continents, territories and
As the geographer, you will be asked to go on your own
technological treasure hunt - sadly we cannot travel across
the seven seas at this time, but virtually we can go anywhere!

As geographer #1, you are responsible for the following items:

1. Working together with Geographer #1 to locate your location on a map.
2. After locating your location on the map,
you are going to find two latitudes for
your location: the latitude of your
location closest to the equator and the
latitude farthest from the equator.
LATITUDE: regions, especially with
reference to their temperature and
distance from the equator
3. Identifying the temperature at these
latitudes, and then comparing this
information to the temperatures
around the equator. (Equator
temperature and latitude will be
provided for you.)
4. Write three to five sentences comparing
and contrasting your locations,
latitudes and temperatures to the
equator's latitude and temperatures.
5. Using what you found help your team identify your climate zone, and
make your google slides OR poster to present your findings

LATITUDE: 0 degrees latitude
TEMPERATURES: The average temperature on the equator is usually between
18 and 27 degrees Celsius. (64.4 to 80.6 degrees Fahrenheit)
CLIMATE: Equatorial Climate

***this is a group project, use your resources (group mates), do not overuse them!!!***

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