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The Impact of Absenteeism on Class Performance of Grade 12 General

Academic Strand Students at Arellano

University Andres Bonifacio Campus

A Partial Fulfillment in
Practical Research II

Submitted to:
Ms. Nikki Quilon

Baccay, Ma. Jhiechelle
Concio, Joaquin
Egipto, Stephanie
Escote, Kurt
Nartates, Axl
Orillo, Mae
Ponong, Jonas
Ruiz, Jhonyca
Gutierrez, Ian
Toribio, Nicole

The Problem and Its Background

Absenteeism is a tendency to skip work or school without a valid excuse. It is also a

practice or habit of skipping work or school. Students that don't consistently attend classes at

colleges, universities, or institutions are referred to as being absent. Moreover, student involvement

in class suffers as a result of absences.  According to the (Maburger, 2011) states that the challenge

of determining how absence affects performance since a student may miss the chance to learn new

skills once they skip a lesson. He discovered that students who were absent from class had a higher

chance of missing the day's exam content than those who were present. Absenteeism is the term used

to describe a general inclination to participate in such reluctance. According to Teasley (2004),

student absenteeism, which is defined as a period of time during which a student does not attend

class, has become a significant and ongoing issue among high school students in many nations. It is

commonly acknowledged, at some point and time in their career, most students may need to be

absent from school on occasion.

This study intended to offer viable solutions to the issue of student absenteeism that affects

arellano university - andres bonifacio campus by attempting to identify the risk factors for student

absence, seeking explanations for the reasons behind excessive student absenteeism.

This research aims to know the Causes and Effects of Absenteeism on the Academic

Performance of Grade 12 General Academic Strand Students at Arellano University Andres

Bonifacio Campus: To know how or why students commit absenteeism.

Background of the Study

Absenteeism is the term used to describe a general inclination to participate in such reluctance.

According to Teasley (2004), student absenteeism, which is defined as a period of time during which

a student does not attend class, has become a significant and ongoing issue among high school

students in many nations. Many research have been done in order to determine why high school

pupils miss class. In support of this idea, Teasley has identified a number of risk factors, including

family health, low poverty, an unfavorable school atmosphere, drug and alcohol usage, transportation

issues, and community views about education. School absenteeism was linked to internalizing and

externalizing behavior, family work and health, and school environment, according to research by

Ingul, Klöckner, Silverman, and Nordahl (2012). Henry (2007) found that parents' educational

backgrounds influence their children's absence from school in another research. an association

between absenteeism of student and unfavorable school setting conditions. In addition, some

researches argued that students’ attitude and motivation for learning was a key factor in student

absenteeism (Devadoss & Foltz, 1996; Gump, 2006; Gökyer, 2012; Kottasz, 2005; Marburger, 2001;

Paisey & Paisey, 2004). For example, Kottasz (2005) found that Less motivated students miss more

school than highly motivated students do. s , Because of absenteeism has a complicated character, the

implications of high level school absence might be bad for pupils. On the other terms, the absence

among high school students might lead to more bad effect such as low academic performance and

numerous social difficulties. In regarding relationship between student absenteeism and academic

achievement, Epstein and Sheldon (2002) stated that student with absenteeism miss opportunities to

learn the material that enables them to succeed later in school and fall behind their classmates in

academic achievement. Therefore, this study is intended to investigate both the causes and impacts of

truancy on academic performance among grade 12 students under the General Academic Strand at

Arellano University – Andres Bonifacio Campus.

Setting of the Study

Figure1. Arellano University – Andres Bonifacio Campus, Pag-asa St., Caniogan Pasig City

            The Researcher decided to conduct research on selected students on grade 12 General

Academic Strand section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 at Arellano University Pasig Andres  Bonifacio Campus to

further investigate the Causes and Effects of absenteeism to the Academic Performance of Grade 12

selected  Students.The study will take place at the Arellano University Andres Bonifacio Campus

under the supervision of Ms. Nikki Quilon, Research Project Professor.

Arellano University is formed by five academic clusters that cater to undergraduates and

postgraduates. Two clusters, the Allied Medical Services and the College of Business and

Technology, are formed by one or more colleges, schools, or an institute. Arellano also has its own

elementary and high schools. All academic programs are offered across its six campuses and was
established as a law school by Florentino Cayco Sr. in 1938. The school's name, Arellano Law

College, honors Cayetano Arellano, the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines.

The newly established institution provides a regular four-year legal education and was one of the

most well-known organizations at the time, providing services to many notable figures in the legal

and public service fields. It was given a new name the Arellano Colleges and reopened in April

1945.It has increased the range of courses it offers in business, foreign service, arts, and sciences.

The school's first president was Florentino Cayco Sr., who assumed that position in 1946. Because to

his efforts, the school received university status on February 22, 1947, from the Department of

Education, Culture, and Sports, and was called Arellano University.

Theoretical Framework

Many of the students in today's generation commit Absenteeism not only in regular

face to face classes even in online learning. Excessive student absenteeism can lead to an

increasing disinterest in school and academics in general . Student absenteeism, academic

self-perception, motivation, attitudes toward teachers and school, and personal variables

have all been associated in the past (Corville-Smith, Ryan, Adams, & Dalicandro, 1998;

Moore, Armstrong, & Pearson, 2008). Markus Klein's (2022) Theory said Absenteeism is

those who are more frequently absent in their premature stage obtain lower working memory

and cognitive flexibility scores in a premature stage. Absenteeism also has a wide range of

negative effects that have an impact on society at all levels. (Attwood & Croll, 2006;

Valiente, Lemery- Chalfant, Swanson, & Reiser, 2008). Moreover, earlier research revealed

a connection between these individual characteristics and academic success (McCoach &

Siegle, 2003). According to several writers, pupils who consistently attend class accomplish
more academically than those who have a high absence rate. The authors of the other study

thought that students with poor academic performance were more likely to miss more school.

According to these research, students who felt poorly about their academic

abilities, had bad attitudes toward their teachers and the school, and were less motivated to

learn were more likely to miss class. It would be predicted that academic success and student

absence are inversely correlated. In other words, while student absence may have an impact

on academic success, academic success may also have an impact on student absenteeism.

Hence, it is theorized that prior absences would indicate prior academic success, which in

turn would predict present absences. This study is supported by the theory of the Grade 12

students at Arellano University- Andres Bonifacio Campus, which holds that most students

are absent from class for unrelated reasons, is supported by this research. The student's

performance will suffer as a result of their absence from class, which may be caused by some

of them working while in school and finding it difficult to balance employment and research.

A tough scenario for classroom staff, especially instructors, arises when a student skips class

without an excuse. Some students find it difficult to notify their subject educators of their

absence and lack of time to explain their absence to them.

Conceptual Framework

Random sampling of Data OUTPUT
Profile of the
Collection Effects of Absenteeism in
Students in Terms of: Administration of questionnaire
1 Age: Class Performance of Grade
Organizing and student
2 Strand & Section: responses 12
3 Sex: Statistical Analysis of data
The conceptual framework demonstrates how to determine how grade 12 students' academic

performance is affected by absence. Just a subset of Grade 12 GAS Senior High School students

would be surveyed by the researchers. Students would get a series of survey questionnaires

containing some of their personal data, such as their age and gender, in order to provide feedback. As

part of the procedure, it would also involve data analysis, weighted mean statistical treatment, verbal

interpretation, and random sampling. The effects of absenteeism on the academic performance of

senior high school students in the general academic strand will be examined by the researchers in the

last part.

Statement of the Problem

The difference between the actual situation of little to no student absenteeism and the high

rates of student absenteeism is known as the issue of practice. Missing out on the opportunity to

engage in class has an impact on attendance, and it prevents concerns from being raised concerning

relevant difficulty. They disregard the valuable knowledge that pupils may learn in the classroom. It

causes poor coordination with professors and classmates and has an impact on students' performance,

particularly when they are working on group or team projects or assignments. Inability to complete

updates for their tasks, inability to follow instructions for preparing the assignments, and failure to

complete graded activities. 

In prior, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age
b. Sex
c. Section
1. What are the important connections between student academic achievement and the causes

and effects of absenteeism? 

2. What is the relevance of the relationship between Gender and Absenteeism? 

3. What could be the cause or reason for one's decision to consider absenteeism?

4. What can help evaluate and be considered in the practices of helping students be punctual
and not skip classes?


The outcome of this study is the statement and personal experience about the cause and effect

of absenteeism on the academic performance of Grade 12 General Academic Strand Students.

Based on the question above the researchers have assumed the following:

1. The research study is based on the assumption that the respondents to the questionnaires will
be truthful, resulting in data that will be reliable and valid for correlation.
2. The research study will result in a conclusion that will lay the theoretical groundwork for the
inquiries, and it is also believed to be temporally relevant for the responders.
3. The causes of truancy and its effects on students' academic performance could be investigated
by the researchers.

4. Additionally, students, educators, researchers, and each of them can use the facts provided by
the researcher article because it uses trustworthy responses.

5. The researchers will be able to describe the factors that influence the respondents' students'

The following hypothesis was formulated:

Alternative Hypothesis

1st Hypothesis: There is a significant association between Gender in

manifestation of Absenteeism

Null Hypothesis:

1st Hypothesis: There is no significant association between Sex in manifestation

of absenteeism.

Significance of the study

The researchers hope and believe that this study is very important because of the possible

solution, and it can be a knowledge base for Arellano University


Students. This research is important for the students to awaken their minds that they should avoid

being a truant skipping school affects their academic

performance and behavior

School Officials. The study aims to help school officials understand the causes and effects of

Absenteeism and will help them have a better and more effective

school administration.

Parents. The research aims to help parents have better insight into how or why

their children take part in truancy.

Researchers. The study will also serve as a reference and related literature for

other researchers that will take the same research path.

Community: This study will serve as a guide for children to prevent absenteeism at a young age

so that students in one community can participate in any extracurricular activities inside and

outside of school so that the baranggay officials will focus more on any activities in one particular

community and less on the reason why most students commit absenteeism.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will be conducted the Andres Bonifacio Campus of Arellano University to

determine the causes and effects of absenteeism on students' academic performance and

future professional prospects. In addition to asking 10 people from each section of the general

academic strand to reply to questions on the issue, the researcher will also collect information

from all the instructors at a given school. Findings and observations will be based on the

replies of the selected population and will be directed at the research's overall goals.

Only the students enrolled in Arellano University Andres Bonifacio Campus School

SY 2022-2023 are chosen to participate to evaluate their ideas and feelings towards the study.

This study could or might not have an impact on certain students from outside the department

or the specified location.

Definition of terms

To facilitate a shared understanding of important concepts, the following definition of

terms will clarify the statement describing the core aspect.

Absenteeism- this term refers to a habit of staying away from school without providing a genuine
reason for not attending the classes.
Students Absenteeism- the term that will be used throughout this dissertation to encompass all
the student absence both excused and unexcused.

Student Achievement- the amount of content a student is able to learn and master in a set time,
often measured each year of formal schooling.

GAS: General Academic Strand is a Senior High School strand that takes on a
generalist approach in preparing students for college.

Procrastination:The act of delaying or postponing

Strand: domains that group the related general and specific learning outcomes or achievement
aims and objectives within a particular learning area or

Truancy: the action of staying away from school without good reason.

Truant: a student who stays away from school without leave or explanation


Nartates, Axl - Introduction, Significance of the Study, Limitation

Orillo, Mae T. - Background of the Study, Setting of the Study, Definition of Terms,

Concio, Joaquin- Theoretical Framework

Baccay, Ma Jhiechelle- Conceptual Framework

Lacsa, DanWell John- Statement of the Problem

Ponong, Jonas- Hypothesis 

Escote, Kurt- No participation 

Gutierrez, Ian- No participation 

Ruiz, Jhonyca- No participation 

Toribio, Nicole- No participation 

Egipto, Stephanie- No participation 

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