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Un amigo se ha comprado su primer ordenador de alta velocidad y te ha escrito una

carta contándotelo. Respondele contándole las ventajas de tener este tipo de

internet y hablale de algunas páginas interesantes que hayas visitado. Debes además
avisarle de los peligros de seguridad y desventajas que tiene este internet.

Hi Suzy,

I'm over the moon to hear that you have bought a new high-speed internet
computer. I promise you that after having used mine I can affirm that life without it
can be a real thorn in one's side, particularly for students, and I'm sure you will be on
the same page as me. Here are a few interesting websites and advantages of this new
type of computers

Firstly, you can work on different websites at the same time without finding any
problem. I remember that with my last computer when I had more than 3 windows
opened I had to close some of them if I wanted to open another . Moreover you can
visit millions of websites that before you couldnt because the computer froozened in
the process, as Netflix, I´m all day seeing Netflix now.

However, this is not all, not only new websites are available, but also new web
apps in the cloud. For example, just a few minutes ago I was playing Fortnite,It's
amazing! Additionally, the Internet provides you an unbelievable amount of space, I
have already 13 web apps and there is still space for more.

As for the bad part, like all in this life, it is impossible to have a finger in every
pie and It is well-known by the hackers that the designers of this type of computers
doesn't make good security softwares and that they can enter in your computer
through the internet, so you have to be aware on which websites you are. It's
important not to enter in strange websites ,we've all been guilty of this at some point,
but you should think twice before you open a new window.

Keep me in the loop on how things are going and feel free to reach out if you
need any more advice!


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