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Find in the following text 14 false friends and correct them.

A large discussion

For the upcoming holidays, my family and I were planning to go on a

trip somewhere related to nature. I preferred to go to the camp,
while my father, who is an avocado, wanted to go near the sea. My
sister, on the other hand, contested that it was unfair. And that she
was scared because of the last film that she watched. It was horrific
and the argument was about a murder in the forest. The decision
had been made by me alone, without taking the others into account.
We talked about it all morning, until it was 14:00, so we put it aside
for dinner. When our mother came home after finishing her classes
on a curse, we gave her a resume of what we had talked about.
Relative to the discussion, my mother thought it was very topic to go
to the beach, so she supported my idea.

The result? The trip turned out to be an exit. It occurred to us to

keep all the memories of our adventures in a carpet, and it is an
object that we treasure to this day. Once pages full of photos and all
sorts of things.

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