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Team Building Activities

Prepared by:
Digen mili(204443)
Ojas somwanshi
Ashmita virat
Aakanksha Gautam(204427)
Team Building Activities

Team Building activities are important to the effective management and growth of

 To foster awareness of the team spirit,

 To reinforce commitment to the team’s shared goals and objectives. To increase communication,
learn new strengths and gain insights within the team,

 To help develop all elements of team work including creativity, communication, trust, problem-
solving, time management, etc. To help develop a high performance team by encouraging shared
commitment to common purpose, core values, communication norms, defined roles and
responsibilities and a culture of mutual respect, accountability and responsibility .
Collaboration is at its essence, contribution. It is what happens when
we “step outside of ourselves” and honour the space we share more
than where we each individually come from.
Collaboration is what we create when we come together. Strong
team members value the power and synergy of collaboration.
“Shoot at sight!” is a highly participative and collaborative
activity that challenges teams to discover just how creative they are.
Watch path breaking performance as the team members come
together, strategize and put their creative skills together in classic
activity that will bum the carpet on the conference floor. This is team
bonding at its best!
How to play:

The participants are divided into groups having a minimum of 5 team members each.
Then they are handed out a paper with the instructions listed below and asked to take
pictures of the items listed in it using their mobile phone cameras. The team which
submits all pictures first is announced as the winner of this game.
➢ Click a picture consisting of 4 different pairs of footwear
➢ Click a picture of 3 men wearing the same colour shirt/pant
➢ Click a picture of a stick man figure made with objects at hand
➢ Click a picture of 7 hands placed one above the other, left hand above right hand and so on
➢ Click a picture of 2 people wearing wrong pair of footwear
➢ Click a picture of 4 people simulating the Indian emblem
➢ Click a picture of 3 men seated in a chair.
This activity involves team work, coordination, communication and delegation of work. The
teams must allot feats to team members and must find quicker and intelligent ways to
accomplish the feat before the other teams.
Marketing and convincing skills also come into play because the participants will have
to convince people to lend them their belongings, to take the necessary pictures.
For example, 3 men wearing the same color shirt/pant can be seated in a chair and a
picture be taken of them. And feat like ‘Click a picture of a stick man figure made with
objects at hand’ will bring out their creative talents and skills to utilize the resources at hand
This activity also helps to:

➢ Improve the way the team members interact,

➢ Improve support and trust levels in the workplace,

➢ Reduce stress levels in the work place,

➢ Develop healthy inter-group relations, + Provide a platform for discussion and interaction and

➢ Identify the teams’ strengths and weaknesses

The key to long term health and success of a team is ensuring to have
the right people in the right place for the right job with the right skills.
This activity helps team members see themselves as others see them and
reveals perception gaps and areas of growth and motivates every team
member to understand what is required from them for the development
of the team.
It also allows them to learn things about their co-workers they would
never have learned otherwise and as a result strengthen the relationships
How to play:
The participants are asked to write their name in a plain white sheet of paper and draw a
table with 3 columns and write 3 headings- ‘First Impression’. ‘Positive traits’, ‘Suggested
areas of growth’ in it. Then they are asked to crush the paper like a ball.
Then the participants are asked to form a circle and close their eyes and throw the
paper ball at the centre of the circular formation. Then they are asked to open their eyes
and pick up a random paper and fill in one point each against the 3 columns about the
person whose name is written on it.
Then they crush the paper again and repeat the steps for as many number of
participants there are in this activity. Finally, the papers are retumed to their owners and if
they want they can discuss the observations on each individual. There is no need to
mention who wrote the thoughts but do make sure that no ne writes any negative thoughts
or repeats someone else’s ideas.
➢ To make the team members understand and encourage the talents and needs of other
team members, thereby enabling more flexibility and responsiveness to each other.

➢ To encourage the team members to discover their personal strengths, positive attributes
and areas of improvement from other’s perspective.

➢ To make the team members learn how to increase their accuracy of perceptions in order
to become a better observer of people and to know what is required for the
development of the team.

➢ To increase the interpersonal strength, dynamics and support within a team.

Thank You

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