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Experiment no:7

Kubernetes Implementations Steps

To install and set up Kubernetes on Windows, load kubectl and install
minicube. Minicube is a tool that enables us to run a single node cluster in a
VM on a machine.

Choco Install Kubernetes-cli Minicube

Now, run the following command and verify that kubectl is installed on your

kubectl.exe version –client

Since we are installing Kubernetes on Windows, use Hyper-V to launch a VM

and set up a Kubernetes cluster on the VM.

This will complete the setup.

Running Kubernetes containers

To start containers, use the Kubernetes command below to create a
deployment. Provide a name for the deployment and the container image to

kubectl.exe create deployment my-nginx –image nginx

When a deployment is created, Kubernetes builds pods to host application


Enter get pods just after running the previous command to catch the
Container Creating status as pods are deployed:

kubectl.exe get pods

Use the describe keyword with the deployment name, as shown below, to see
more detailed information about deployments:

kubectl.exe get deployment

kubectl.exe to describe deployment helloworld-nginx

In this Kubernetes implementation tutorial, we run only one container or Nginx

server, but sometimes it is necessary to accommodate increased workload
and traffic. In that case, scale up the number of application instances. This
can be achieved using kubectl scale deployment with a –replicas parameter:

kubectl.exe scale deployment helloworld-nginx –replicas 4

Now, check the Kubernetes pods; there should be four containers running on
the node:

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