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Dialogo de inglés.

Names: Juan Cristóbal Muños y Elias Moya Tobar.

Date: 27/05/2022.

Teacher: Karina Rivera.

- Hi, bro.
- Hi, so long wat to see you.
- Hey how have you been?
- Well well and you?
- All Good, hey i was remembering the adventures we had in the field?
- Yes there were many things.
- ¿Do you remember when we jumped into the pool at six in the morning?
- Hahaha yes, do you remember when we took the bike from the little boy.
- Yes, but what I remember the most is when we were looking for someone and while we
walked about four times around the field..
- That tim if we were exhausted.
- And the food was disgusting, well, like until day in the camps.
- Yes, how disgusting.
- And do you remember anything else?
- If in fact I tell you what I liked the most?
- Sure tell me.
- In that place I became much more friends with who today is the love of my life.
- Look at the boy in love.
- That's how I am a romantic.
- Changing the subject we get the dirt off several times in that place.
- Yes I remember you did a beautiful skid running but it was too long and you put your foot
in the mud.
- Yes hahaha, I was washing my shoe for about an hour, while you were so happy when we
arrived that when you went down the stairs of the bus of emotion you fell.
- We are left with beautiful scars.
- I liked it because I was able to make friends that I keep to this day, such as: Trini, Ithiel and
- They were good times.
- The bad thing was when we returned, we came back and they sent us home, surprise the
pandemic came to Chile.
- Yes, bad luck.
- In short I am glad to be able to talk with you and keep this friends brother.
- I say the same, I hope this brotherhood lasts for years to come.
- Brothers forever.
- Brothers forever.

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