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Question A. Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets.

1. When___________ you _________________________ the dinner? (cook). “By 7 o'clock.”

2. How long ________________ Sam __________________________the book this year? (write) “For three or four years.”

3. How many continents ___________you ___________after your journey to Australia? (visit) “It will be my fifth continent.”

4. When _________________she _________________________________it? (finish) “Before Friday.”

5. How long ___________you _________________this course this week? (attend) “For six weeks or so.”

6. ________________ they _______________________ the refrigerator before we leave? (deliver) “Yes, by 10 o'clock.”

7. ________ you_______________ in this house for a long time before they pull it down? (live) “Yes, for more than ten years.”

8. When _______________Sheila_______________________ her car? (respray) “By next week, I think.”

Question B. Rewrite the sentences beginning as shown and including the verbs in brackets.

1. In five years' time there will be no houses in this street. (demolish)

In five years' time they _____ ______________________

2. The Christmas tree will be ready before our children come back. (decorate)
We ____________________________

3. This is my tenth year of teaching experience. (teach)

By the end of this year I ______________________________________

4. I am going to finish my second book by the end of this year. (publish)

I _____________________________________

5. Greg will call me and I must think about his proposal before that. (consider)
Before Greg calls me_____________________________________________

6. On Thursday we will have all the needed information. (receive)

By Friday we ___________________________________

7. George started his accounting course three years ago. (study)

This year George ______________________________________

8.I’m going to write the email before I leave the office. (reply)
By the time I leave the office ____ __________

9.Claire has just bought a plane ticket to Cairo dated 15 May. (fly)
By May 16th Claire ____ ______

10.We will pay off our debts until the end of the year. (pay)
By the end of the year all our debts ____ _____

11.When winter begins the swallows will fly away to a warmer country. (move)

By mid winter _____ __________

12.Ben and Petty are on holiday in Europe. They will visit seven countries. (been)
By the time they get home to Canada at the end of the month____ _________

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