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The Youth had always been both excited and scared about the future. What it holds, what
they will become, and where are they in the grand scheme of things are questions frequently
plaquing their minds. However, I’ve always believed that what we choose to focus on and what
we choose to ignore plays a critical part in defining the quality of life we get to live. That is why
I chose happiness, success and love to describe my future. First, I chose love. Love comes in
many forms and happiness from it comes from good relationships. The deepest, most committed
relationships are based on love. The more we develop relationships based on love, the more we
bring people together. True love is a basic and fundamental requirement to achieve happiness
and success. There is no doubt that success is gateway to happiness. But if there is no love, it
brings in a dead stop to happiness. Happiness results in accepting what you get without any
conditions. With the full force of love, we can knock off all differences in life & develop an
amicable surrounding, even in difficult & hard situations.
Another word I chose to describe my future is happiness. We often expect that success
will make us happy. We want success because ultimately, it will make us happy. However,
success is not a prerequisite of happiness. But happiness is the prerequisite of success. Happiness
helps us understand our real self. Through happiness, we get to understand ourselves, accept
everything that makes us who we are, and be grateful for all that we have. It helps us set real
goals and empowers us with the strength to keep going in our journey. I choose happiness first
because the world can be seen beautiful where we are with it. When we are happy, love and
success come to us without any invitation.
However, the world needs to go beyond good intentions to actual results. That is why the
third word that I chose is success. We get to achieve our goals and have direction in life. It drives
progress and opens new paths and possibilities. Being successful makes us want to do more, to
progress more, and dream more.
Ultimately, happiness is wanting what you have but success is getting what you want.
Love, happiness, and success are interconnected. Happiness and love affect our level of success
and our level of success affect happiness and love. It is though loving ourselves and others, by
being content, grateful, and happy, and by working for our dreams do we create a future that we
will never regret.

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