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Posters / International Journal of Cardiology 155S1 (2012) S129–S227 S153

distension. He underwent coronary angiography 1 year ago which oxymetric study, the saturations were as follows: 95% in superior
revealed normal coronary arteries. He had no prior surgery. vena cava, 62% in inferior vena cava, 81% in pulmonary artery, 81%
Physical examination and electrocardiogram were within normal in right ventricle, 88% in upper right atrium, 70% in middle right
limits. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) revealed right atrial atrium, 71% in lower right atrium, 92% in left ventricle, and 92% in
compression by a colonic segment on apical four chamber and aorta. The ratio of the pulmonic blood flow (Qp) to the systemic
parasternal short axis view. A chest X-ray disclosed elevation of blood flow(Qs) was 2.9. Thereon, anomalous pulmonary venous
the right hemidiaphragm and hepato-diaphragmatic interposition return was suspected in the patient and cardiac CT angiography
of the colon consistent with Chilaiditi’s syndrome. was planned. The CT angiography showed that the pulmonary
Results: A thoraco-abdominal computed tomography (CT) vein draining the right upper lobe entered the superior vena cava
confirmed interposition of the right colic flexure between the liver (Figure 2) and the pulmonary vein draining the right lower lobe
and diaphragm. The patient was conservatively treated with stool entered the right atrium (Figure 3). In addition, a sinus venosus
softeners and abstinence from solid food. His further clinical course atrial septal defect (ASD) was detected in the patient (Figure 4).
was unremarkable. The patient was referred for surgical treatment.
Conclusions: Chilaiditi’s syndrome was first described in 1910 Results: In patients initially diagnosed for CPTE, congenital
by Demetrius Chilaiditi. It is defined as the interposition of anomalies should definitely be considered in differential diagnosis.
the colon (usually hepatic flexure) and the liver below the
right hemidiaphragm. Although the precise mechanism remains
unknown, there are some predisposing factors for Chilaiditi’s
syndrome, such as elongated colon, small liver, relaxation of
the suspensory ligament or phrenic nerve injury. Patients are
usually asymptomatic. However, it could be associated with right
upper quadrant pain, vomiting, abdominal distension or cardiac
complications such as angina and arrhythmias. Although CT is the
main diagnostic tool, in case of cardiovascular complaints, TTE may
reveal this strange neighbourhood.

E. Büyükkaya1 , A.B. Akçay1 , F. Aydoğan3 , M.F. Karakaş1 , P. Bilen1 ,
M. Kurt1 , S. Akoğlu2 , N. Şen1 . 1 Mustafa Kemal University Faculty of
Medicine, Department of Cardiology, Hatay, Turkey; 2 Mustafa Kemal
University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Chest Diseases, Hatay, Figures 1–4. Perfusion scintigraphy, multiple segmental and
Turkey; 3 Mustafa Kemal University Faculty of Medicine, Department subsegmental perfusion defects in the left lung; the pulmonary
of Nuclear Medicine, Hatay, Turkey vein draining the right upper lobe entering the superior vena cava;
Objective: Pulmonary hypertension (PHT) is defined as an increase the pulmonary vein draining the right lower lobe entering.
of ≥25 mmHg in mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAB) measured
through right heart catheterization at rest. Partial anomalous
pulmonary venous return (PAPVR) occurs when one or more
pulmonary veins enter right atrium or systemic circulation instead
of left atrium.
Methods: A 57-year-old male patient applied to our clinic with
the complaints of shortness of breath and swelling at his feet E. Aydın1 , A. Ösken1 , İ. Kocayiğit1 , S. Yaylacı2 , H. Gündüz1 . 1 Sakarya
for last two months. On physical examination, arterial blood Education and Research Hospital Cardiology Department, Sakarya,
pressure was 120/85 mmHg, pulse rate was 81 beats/minute, a Turkey; 2 Sakarya Education and Research Hospital Internal Medicine
grade 3 holosystolic murmur was detected at right lower margin Department, Sakarya, Turkey
of the sternum on auscultation and there were bilateral pretibial Objective: Rheumatic aortic insufficiency (AI) is an autoimmune
2+ pitting edema and scrotal edema. Electrocardiogram (ECG) valvular heart disease (VHD) which usually develops years to
showed sinusal rhythm and right bundle branch block. On decades after rheumatic fever (RF). Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
echocardiography (ECHO), there were grade 3–4 tricuspid is a common congenital heart defect in both children and adults.
insufficiency and grade 2 pulmonary insufficiency and approximate Coexistent congenital VSD, subaortic membrane and acquired
pulmonary artery systolic pressure was 70 mmHg, no shunt was rheumatic AI in an adult is a very rare combination that has
observed. Tests were performed to investigate the etiology of PHT not been reported previously. We discuss an unusual presentation
and no abnormality was detected. The patient could not tolerate of a middle-aged woman with coexistent perimembranous VSD,
transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). Bilateral lower extremity subaortic membrane and moderate rheumatic AI presenting with
venous Doppler ultrasound (US), thoracic computed tomography progressive exertional dyspnea and palpitations.
(CT), pulmonary ventilation-perfusion scintigraphy and portal Methods: 18-year-old girl was referred for evaluation of worsening
system Doppler US were performed. As pulmonary embolism exertional breathlessness and palpitations. She has no history of
with high probability was suspected on pulmonary ventilation- rheumatic fever. On physical examination a loud second heart
perfusion scintigraphy (Figure 1), right-left heart catheterization sound, and a grade 4/6 pansystolic precordial murmur were noted,
was planned for chronic pulmonary thromboembolism (CPTE). lungs are clear to auscultation. An electrocardiogram showed
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure was 7 mmHg; pulmonary sinus rhythm. Two-dimensional echocardiography demonstrated
arterial pressure, 62/37/18 mmHg; right ventricular pressure, a calcified stenotic aortic valve with subaortic membrane and
63/0/5 mmHg; mean right atrial pressure, 12 mmHg; left ventricular moderate aortic insufficiency. These findings strongly suggest the
pressure, 120/0/7 mmHg; and aortic pressure, 120/98/77 mmHg. In possibility of rheumatic valvular heart diseases. Echocardiography

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