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Three thing to look at

Articles of confed
Big States little states pop and who votes
virginia plan - benefit bigger states

New jersey plan - the opposite more of a smaller gov that favored smaller states

The great compromise - a compromise that had a house based on state equality every
state has 2 senators regardless of size or pop.
how many rep Miss. have - 6 electoral votes 4 representatives
The census bereua - count every 10 years

house of rep based on pop

textbook 2.2

republic - what they wanted at first besides democracy - known as elected

representatives make decisions
never intended for a democracy - everyone directly participate

The delegates assembled at Philadelphia at the Constitutional Convention,

for what was advertised (and authorized by Congress) as a meeting to revise the

voting is the signle most popular way to participate in a democracy

gov. should mediate and not mirror public opinion - be open to minority voices

they suppose most citizens didnt have knowledge to make educated decisions

what does the avg electoral vote look like

what did the constitution not contain at that time (1776)- bill of rights even tho
states had a very detailed BOR

Central gov of USA - Washington D.C. or federal or national

States are supposed to take care of their ppl first ex. govenor asking for help
Who been in senate the longest has most power

Key principles - federalism - gov authority shared by nat and local authorities,
american gov based
on two major factors - federalism and seperation of powers,

state powers - reserved powers given to state governments

Concurrent powers - shared by nat and state gov
fed gov has powers given from constititution called inumerated powers - powers
given to nat gov alone

these were posed to limit power - "to much power currupts" "power for too long

How hard it was to campaign to get support for consititution - two groups emerged -
those who would
supportive ratification and those who wouldnt - federalist and anti federalist

federalist wanted stronger nat gov

other favored weaker nat gov wanted states to have more power w what they wanted to

MOnday - efforts of federalists and anti federalist

Lecture monday and wednesday
review after
test next friday

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