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Physics Laboratory is the specific space meant for exclusively carrying out experimental
investigations relating to Physics. You are expected to follow strictly the safety regulations
given below for doing the experiment safely.

 Enter the laboratory one by one in an orderly manner

 Carry out the experiment only after receiving clear instructions from the teacher
 Never try any experiment in the absence of the instructor
 Be fully conversant with the experimental procedure before starting the experiment
 Show all the electrical circuity connections to the instructor before switching on the
 Do not touch any part of the circuity with yours hands when the circuit is on
 Make sure to stand on the wooden platform or rubber mat to avoid any electrical
 Never attempt to repair or open any electrical installations
 Avoid wet hands, on watering coming into contact with wires carrying electricity
 If there is any smoke you notice from the circuit, immediately switch off the circuit
and report the matter to the instructor
 Do not meddle with the valves of the gas burner
 While doing hear experiments, always remember to keep a safe distance from the hot
 Avoid direct contact with hot objects and steam
 While handling hot objects, use a pair of tongs
 When the thermometer breaks, do no touch the glass and mercury
 Handle glassware and sharp objects with care
 Use the table only for performing experiments
 Keep the working table always clean
 Never eat or drink in the laboratory
 Clean your hands with detergent soap before leaving the laboratory
 Never crowd at a table during demonstrations
 Obey all the instructions at all the times

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