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It was the time when i have left all hopes

for hapiness.
The time I didnt wanted to talk to anyone.
And may be everyone was scared of mine this behaviour.
Then in this darkness someone showed me the torch.
Came in my life to support me. To make me happy.
And sent me smilling happy box
Came came in front of my eyes a cute little dog
With a small nose small paw but with a big heart spreading hapiness
I was literally in shock when i first time take in hands. Yes this hapiness
came in my life in form of chihuahua. I was finding any shoulder and
found in form of paws.
How did she came to know that i am alone.tell me how u came to know
I wished god to give me reason to live and he gave me reason to live.
She know thousands of tricks to get her work done. She can do
anything for chicken and choclates. Omg just like me.
Whenever i am sad she come to me and give all her wet kisses on chick.
Whenever she walks around on street she throw happiness all over the
Please dont enter in my room if anyone have problem with my dog she is
first you are the second. Her name is koki tursunova my everything my
half life my lifeline.

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