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English Group Task

Group 3

Name of group members :

1. Aliyyah Fathin Ekaputri (A021221097)

2. Naufal Zaki Riyaldi (A021221091)
3. Ghy Zwela Agra All May Ghita (H041221021)
4. Tesya Bandaso (H041221015)
5. Agysti Divana Putri (L021221074)
6. Fatma Nur Aisyah Bahar (N011221075)
7. Muh. Ashari (B011221174)

“ Description Of Tourism ”

The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) defines tourism as

people “travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment” for leisure,
business, or other purposes. For travel to qualify as tourism under this definition, it
must last for more than 24 hours and not last for more than one year.

Moreover, tourism can be divided into domestic tourism, which occurs within
one country, or international tourism, where a person travels outside of their own
country. Tourism is a major contributor to many countries’ economies, and popular
tourist destinations will often include a wide range of businesses specifically designed
to cater to travellers from other locations.

As a concept, tourism has the potential to deliver significant benefits. In this

section, we discuss the positive tourism meaning. First, it is crucial to understand that
tourism can deliver significant economic and infrastructural benefits for the country
receiving guests. Tourists will likely spend money in the local area, including
shopping, paying for accommodation, visiting bars and restaurants, attending visitor
attractions, and buying souvenirs.

Although tourism does have the potential to incentivise environmental upkeep,it

is worth highlighting the fact that there are environmental issues too. By definition,
tourism will increase the number of people in a specific area, which means that
natural resources will be stretched further, including water.

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