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A Research Report on


Submitted in fulfilment of the requirement of the degree


Bachelor of Business Administration

(Industry Integrated Digital Marketing)




Roll No.-
(Batch: 2022-25)
Under the Supervision of

Ms. Akanksha Kathuria



MAY, 2023

I AASTHA of the department of management studies, NGF college of engineering and technology, hereby
submit this report in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of BBA-IIDM. I declare that
the work presented in this report is my original and not submitted anywhere else for the award of any other
degree/diploma by any other university. To the best of my knowledge and belief, this report contains no material
previous year published or written by any other person, except where due reference is made.

Date: Name of Student-AASTHA


I would like to sincerely appreciate to individuals who give me guidance, advices,

opinions and support throughout the entire research project has done. Thus, I only can
complete my research efficiently and effectively.

First and foremost, I would like to much appreciate to thanks to my faculty guide who
has always given a right
way to accomplish the report and also provided some valuable ideas and suggestions to
enhance me to complete the research smoothly and successfully.

I would like to appreciate to my college specially Mr. Ashwani Prabhakar (CEO,

NGFCET) and Dr. Sharat Kaushik (Director-Principal- NGFCET), Dr Manpreet Kaur
( Deputy Director- NGFCET) for
giving me this valuable opportunity to carry out this research project before I first
graduate from the university. I have gained a lot of experience, knowledge and
information which are related to carry out the research.

I would also like to thanks to our classmates for their coordination, valuable assistance and
sharing knowledge about the research project and also their supported actions. Therefore,
this can help us carried out research project more easily and running smoothing.

No. Topic Page

Executive Summary
1 CHAPTER – 1 1
1.1 Introduction of Company 2
1.1.1 History 3
1.1.2 Significance of study 4
1.1.3 Research objective 5
1.1.4 competitors 6
1.1.5 headquater 7
1.1.6 methodology 8
1.1.7 Expected outcome 9
2 Chapter 2 10
2.1 Review of literature 11
3 Chapter 3 13
3.1 Theoretical framework 14
3.2 Research design 15
3.3 Limitation of study 16
4 Chapter 4 17
4 27
4.1 28
4.2 41
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Bibliography


Google is a multinational technology company that specializes in internet-related

services and products. It was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin
while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University. Google's primary mission
is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and

At its core, Google is known for its search engine, which revolutionized the way
people find information online. Google Search employs complex algorithms to
index and rank web pages, delivering highly relevant search results to users. It has
become the go-to search engine for billions of people worldwide.

Google offers a wide range of products and services beyond search. One of its
most popular services is Gmail, an email platform that provides free storage,
efficient spam filtering, and integration with other Google tools. Google Maps
offers detailed mapping information, satellite imagery, and real-time traffic
updates, helping users navigate their surroundings. Google Drive allows users to
store and share files in the cloud, and Google Photos provides unlimited storage
for photos and videos.

The company has also made significant contributions in the mobile industry with
its Android operating system. Android powers a majority of the world's
smartphones and provides an open platform for developers to create and distribute
applications. Google's Chrome browser is widely used across various devices,
offering fast and secure web browsing..

Google has a strong focus on innovation and invests heavily in emerging

technologies. It has made significant strides in artificial intelligence, machine
learning, and cloud computing. Google's cloud platform, Google Cloud, provides
infrastructure, data storage, and analytics services to individuals and businesses.

Google's impact on society, the economy, and the digital landscape cannot be
overstated. It continues to shape the way we access information, communicate,
and interact with technology. With its commitment to innovation, user-centric

approach, and broad range of offerings, Google remains at the forefront of the
tech industry.

1.1.1 History
Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two Ph.D. students at
Stanford University, in September 1998. However, the story of Google began
earlier when Page and Brin first met at Stanford in 1995. They started working
together on a research project called "Backrub," which aimed to develop a more
effective way to search and rank web pages based on their relevance.

In 1997, Page and Brin registered the domain name "," a play on the
word "googol" (which refers to the number 1 followed by 100 zeros),
representing their mission to organize the immense amount of information
available on the internet.

Google's breakthrough came with the development of a new algorithm called

PageRank. This algorithm analyzed the quality and quantity of links pointing to
a web page to determine its relevance and ranking in search results .

In September 1998, they incorporated Google as a privately held company, with

their initial headquarters located in a garage in Menlo Park, California.

Google's search engine quickly gained popularity due to its effectiveness and
simplicity. The company attracted attention and investments, including a
significant investment from Andy Bechtolsheim, co-founder of Sun

In 2000, Google launched AdWords, an advertising program that allowed

businesses to display targeted ads alongside search results. This marked the
beginning of Google's monetization efforts, generating revenue through online

. In 2001, Google introduced Google Images, enabling users to search for images
on the web.In 2006, Google acquired YouTube, a popular video-sharing
platform, further expanding its reach and influence in the online space.
Google continued to introduce new products and services, including Google
Maps, Google News, Google Docs (now known as Google Drive), and Google
Translate, among others. It also launched its own web browser, Google Chrome.
In recent years, Google has focused on advancements in artificial intelligence
(AI), machine learning, and cloud computing. It has developed products like
Google Assistant, a voice-controlled virtual assistant, and Google Cloud, a
comprehensive cloud computing platform.


The significance of conducting a study on Google is multifaceted and extends to

various stakeholders, including users, researchers, businesses, and Google itself.
Here are some key aspects highlighting the significance of studying Google:

1. Business Insights and Strategies: Google's search engine is not only a valuable
tool for users but also a critical platform for businesses. Understanding how
Google's search algorithms work, how rankings are determined, and how users
interact with search results can provide valuable insights for businesses to
optimize their online presence and improve their search engine visibility.
Businesses can leverage this knowledge to develop effective search engine
optimization (SEO) strategies, increase their online visibility, and drive organic
traffic to their websites.

2. Ethical Considerations: Google's dominance as a search engine raises

important ethical considerations regarding information bias, filter bubbles, and
algorithmic fairness. Conducting a study on Google allows researchers to
explore these ethical dimensions, investigate potential biases in search results,
and propose strategies to mitigate them. By addressing these issues, the study
can contribute to creating a more transparent, unbiased, and inclusive
information ecosystem.

3. Academic and Scientific Advancements: Research on Google provides an
opportunity for academics and scientists to contribute to the growing body of
knowledge in the field of information retrieval, machine learning, natural
language processing, and human-computer interaction. It allows for the
development and validation of new theories, algorithms, and methodologies.
Furthermore, the findings from such research can be disseminated through
publications and conferences, fostering collaboration and further advancements
in the academic community.

4. Google's Continuous Improvement: Google itself benefits from studies

conducted on its search engine. Feedback, insights, and proposed enhancements
can help Google refine its algorithms, identify areas for improvement, and
enhance user satisfaction. By collaborating with researchers and academic
institutions, Google can tap into a diverse range of expertise and perspectives,
ensuring that its search engine remains at the forefront of innovation and meets
the evolving needs of its users.

1.1.3. Research objective

The primary objectives of this research proposal are as follows:

A. Investigate and analyze current search algorithms utilized by google.

B. Identify key challenges and limitations in the existing search algorithms.
C. Propose novel techniques and methodologies to overcome these challenges
and enhance search accuracy.
D. Explore strategies to improve user experience and satisfaction in the search
E. Evaluate the proposed enhancements through rigorous testing and
performance analysis.

1.1.4 Competitors of Google

Google faces competition from several major companies in various areas. Here
are some notable competitors of Google:

1. Microsoft: Microsoft is a significant competitor to Google, particularly in

areas such as search engines (Bing), cloud computing (Azure), productivity tools
(Office 365), and operating systems (Windows).

2. Amazon: Amazon competes with Google in multiple domains, including

cloud services (Amazon Web Services - AWS), online retail (, and
digital advertising (Amazon Advertising).

3. Apple: While Apple and Google have different business models, they compete
in certain areas. Apple's Siri competes with Google's voice assistant, and Apple's
Safari browser competes with Google Chrome. Additionally, Apple's ecosystem
of products and services, such as Apple Maps and iCloud, can be seen as
competitors to Google's offerings.

4. Facebook: Facebook is a major competitor in the advertising space,

challenging Google's dominance. Facebook's social media platforms (Facebook,
Instagram, WhatsApp) attract significant advertising spending, competing with
Google Ads. Facebook also offers a search feature within its platform.

5. Baidu: Baidu is often referred to as the "Google of China" and is a leading

search engine in the country. It competes with Google in the Chinese search
market and offers various other services like maps, cloud storage, and AI

6. Alibaba: Alibaba is another major player in China and competes with Google
in areas such as e-commerce (, Tmall), cloud computing (Alibaba
Cloud), and digital payments (Alipay).

7. Tencent: Tencent is a Chinese conglomerate and competes with Google in

areas such as search (Sogou), social media (WeChat, QQ), digital entertainment
(Tencent Video, Tencent Music), and gaming (Tencent Games).

8. Yandex: Yandex is a Russian technology company and the leading search

engine in Russia. It competes with Google in the Russian search market and
provides various other services like maps, email, and cloud storage.

These are just a few examples of Google's competitors across different markets
and regions. The competitive landscape can evolve over time as new companies
emerge and existing ones adapt to changing market dynamic.

1.1.5 Headquarters of google

The headquarters of Google is located in Mountain View, California,

United States. The campus, known as the Googleplex, is situated at
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway in Mountain View. It serves as the main
hub for Google's operations, research and development, and corporate
offices. The Googleplex is an expansive complex that includes various
buildings and facilities where Google employees work on a wide range
of projects and initiatives. It has become an iconic symbol of Google's
presence and innovation in the technology industry.


A. Literature Review: Conduct an extensive review of relevant academic and

industry literature to understand the current state of search algorithms and user
experience in search engines.
B. Data Collection: Gather a diverse dataset comprising various types of queries
and user interactions to analyze and evaluate the performance of the existing
search algorithms.
C. Algorithm Analysis: Perform an in-depth analysis of Google's existing search
algorithms, including indexing, ranking, and relevance algorithms, to identify
their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
D. Algorithm Enhancement: Propose novel techniques such as machine learning,
natural language processing, and semantic analysis to enhance the accuracy,
relevance, and context sensitivity of search results.
E. User Experience Improvement: Explore strategies to improve user experience
during the search process, including user interface enhancements, personalized
recommendations, and interactive search features.
F. Evaluation and Testing: Conduct comprehensive evaluations and testing of
the proposed enhancements using a representative dataset, comparing the
performance against existing algorithms and user satisfaction metrics.
G. Performance Analysis: Analyze the experimental results to measure the
effectiveness of the proposed enhancements in terms of search accuracy,
relevance, and user satisfaction

1.1.7 Expected Outcome

A. Improved search accuracy: The proposed enhancements are expected to
deliver more accurate and relevant search results, reducing instances of
irrelevant or spammy information.
B. Enhanced user experience: The research aims to develop new features and
improvements that make the search process more intuitive, personalized, and
efficient, resulting in a better overall user experience.
c. Increased user satisfaction: By addressing the limitations of current search
algorithms and incorporating user-centric enhancements, the research aims to
boost user satisfaction with Google's search service.




1. Brin, S., & Page, L. (1998). The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web
Search Engine. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on World
Wide Web (WWW 1998) (pp. 107-117).
This seminal paper by the founders of Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page,
presents the original concept and architecture of the PageRank algorithm, which
revolutionized web search. It outlines the fundamental principles behind
Google's early search engine and highlights the importance of link analysis for
ranking web pages.

2. Dean, J., & Ghemawat, S. (2004). MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on

Large Clusters. Communications of the ACM, 51(1), 107-113.
This influential paper introduces MapReduce, a programming model and
framework that enables large-scale data processing, which forms the backbone
of Google's distributed computing infrastructure. It explains how Google utilizes
MapReduce to process and analyze vast amounts of data efficiently.

3. Haveliwala, T. H. (2003). Topic-Sensitive PageRank: A Context-Sensitive

Ranking Algorithm for Web Search. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data
Engineering, 15(4), 784-796.
This paper proposes the Topic-Sensitive PageRank algorithm, an extension to
the original PageRank algorithm, which considers topic relevance and context to
enhance search results. It discusses the challenges of context-sensitive ranking
and presents experiments demonstrating improved search quality compared to
traditional PageRank.

4. Agichtein, E., Brill, E., & Dumais, S. (2006). Improving Web Search Ranking
by Incorporating User Behavior Information. In Proceedings of the 29th Annual
International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in
Information Retrieval (pp. 19-26).
This research paper explores the integration of user behavior signals into
search ranking algorithms. It investigates the impact of user click-through data,
query reformulations, and dwell time on search result relevance. The study
provides insights into leveraging user behavior for improving search quality.

5. Aiello, L. M., Ripeanu, M., & Schifanella, R. (2012). People of the Lie:
Analysis of a Death Rumor in a Microblogging System. In Proceedings of the
3rd International Conference on Social Informatics (pp. 356-369).
This study analyzes the spread and impact of a death rumor on Google+, a
social networking platform by Google. It examines the dynamics of information
propagation, user reactions, and the role of influential users. The research sheds
light on the challenges of managing and verifying information in online social

6. Radinsky, K., & Horvitz, E. (2013). Mining the Web to Predict Future Events.
Communications of the ACM, 56(7), 78-87.
This article discusses the use of large-scale web mining to predict future
events. It highlights Google's efforts in analyzing search query logs, news
articles, and social media data to detect and predict real-world events, such as
disease outbreaks and stock market trends. The research demonstrates the
potential of web mining for anticipatory analytics.

7. Joglekar, M., & Garcia-Molina, H. (2016). Analyzing the Evolution of User

Query Behavior in Web Search. ACM Transactions on the Web, 10(1), Article 2.
This research paper investigates the evolution of user search behavior by
analyzing search logs from the Google search engine. It examines query
reformulation patterns, the impact of search suggestions, and temporal dynamics
in user behavior. The findings provide insights into understanding and modeling
user search interactions.



The theoretical framework of Google is based on several key concepts and
principles, including:

1. Information Retrieval: Google is built on the foundations of information

retrieval (IR), which is the process of obtaining information from large
collections of data. Google's search engine uses a variety of techniques, such as
crawling, indexing, and ranking, to retrieve and organize information from the

2. Machine Learning: Google's advanced algorithms and technologies are based

on machine learning (ML), a branch of artificial intelligence that involves the
development of algorithms and models that enable computers to learn from data
and make predictions or decisions. Google uses ML to improve search quality,
personalize content recommendations, and develop new products and services.

3. Network Theory: Google's PageRank algorithm, which is used to rank web

pages in search results, is based on network theory, a branch of mathematics that
studies the properties of networks, such as graphs and social networks. The
PageRank algorithm assigns a score to web pages based on their link structure
and the importance of the pages that link to them.

4. User Behavior: Google's search engine also takes into account user behavior
and preferences when generating search results. User behavior data, such as
search queries, click-through rates, and dwell time, are used to improve search
relevance and personalize content recommendations.

5. Cloud Computing: Google's infrastructure is based on cloud computing,

which is the use of remote servers to store, manage, and process data. Google's
cloud services, such as Google Cloud Platform and Google Workspace, provide
businesses and individuals with a range of tools and resources for data storage,
computing, and collaboration.

Overall, Google's theoretical framework combines various disciplines, such as

computer science, mathematics, and social sciences, to develop innovative
technologies and solutions that enable users to access and utilize information


Google is a technology company that operates various products and services,

including search engines, cloud platforms, and productivity tools. As such, it
primarily conducts research and development (R&D) to enhance and innovate its
existing offerings. The research design at Google typically involves the
following elements:

1.Problem Identification: Google's research design begins with identifying key

challenges, limitations, or areas for improvement in its products and services.
This could be based on user feedback, market trends, emerging technologies, or
internal objectives.

2.Data Collection: Data collection is a crucial aspect of Google's research

design. Google collects massive amounts of data from various sources, including
search queries, user interactions, web content, and social media, to gain insights
and inform research decisions. Privacy and ethical considerations are taken into
account in data collection and usage.

3.Evaluation and Performance Metrics: Google employs rigorous evaluation

techniques to assess the performance and impact of its research efforts. This
includes quantitative metrics, such as search relevance, user engagement, and
system efficiency, as well as qualitative measures, such as user satisfaction
surveys and feedback analysis


1.Access to Data: Google possesses vast amounts of proprietary data, including

search logs, user behavior data, and algorithmic information. Access to this data
is typically restricted, making it challenging for external researchers to conduct
in-depth analyses or experiments. Researchers often have to rely on limited
datasets or publicly available data, which may not fully capture the intricacies of
Goggle system.

2.Dynamic Nature of Technology: Google operates in a rapidly evolving

technological landscape. New features, updates, and changes are frequently
introduced, which can impact research outcomes.ogle's systems.

Chapter 4

Data analysis




In conclusion, Google has emerged as one of the most influential and successful
technology companies in the world. Founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey
Brin, Google began as a search engine but has expanded its services and product
offerings over the years.

Google's search engine quickly gained popularity due to its ability to deliver
relevant search results and its user-friendly interface. It became the go-to search
engine for billions of people worldwide, leading to Google's dominance in the
search market.

Beyond search, Google has diversified its portfolio with products and services
like Gmail, Google Maps, Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Photos, Android,
and more. It has also ventured into hardware with products like Pixel
smartphones, Nest smart home devices, and Google Home speakers.

Advertising has been a significant driver of Google's revenue, with its

advertising platform, Google Ads, providing businesses with targeted advertising
solutions. Google's ability to monetize its user base and deliver relevant ads has
contributed to its financial success.

In addition to its product offerings, Google has made significant contributions to

technology and innovation. It invests heavily in research and development, and
its projects span various fields, including artificial intelligence, machine
learning, cloud computing, autonomous vehicles, and more.

Google's impact on society and the internet cannot be overstated. It has

transformed how we search for information, communicate, collaborate, and
access digital services. Its products and services have become integral parts of
our daily lives, shaping how we work, learn, and connect with others.

However, Google has also faced scrutiny and challenges. It has dealt with issues
related to user privacy, data protection, competition, and censorship. Its
dominance in certain markets has attracted regulatory scrutiny and calls for
increased transparency and accountability.

Despite the challenges, Google continues to innovate and evolve. It remains a

leader in the technology industry, constantly pushing boundaries and shaping the
future of the digital landscape. With its vast resources, talented workforce, and
commitment to innovation, Google is well-positioned to continue influencing
and shaping the digital world for years to come.


1.Google Story: Inside the Hottest Business, Media, and Technology Success of
Our Time" by David A. Vise and Mark Malseed
* This book provides an in-depth account of Google's founding, growth, and
influence on the tech industry.

2."In the Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives" by Steven
*Steven Levy, a renowned tech journalist, delves into the inner workings of
Google, covering its innovations, corporate culture, and impact on society.

3."The Googlization of Everything: (And Why We Should Worry)" by Siva

*This book explores the societal implications of Google's dominance in various
areas, including search, advertising, and data collection.

4."Planet Google: One Company's Audacious Plan to Organize Everything We

Know" by Randall Stross
*Randall Stross provides insights into Google's ambitious mission to organize
and make accessible the world's information.

5."Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success,

Happiness (and World Peace)" by Chade-Meng Tan
*Chade-Meng Tan, a former Google engineer, introduces the concept of
mindfulness and emotional intelligence, drawing on his experiences at Google.

6."Google and the Myth of Universal Knowledge: A View from Europe" by

Jean-Noël Jeanneney
*Jean-Noël Jeanneney, a French scholar, examines the challenges posed by
Google's digitization projects and the potential impact on cultural diversity.

7."The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine" by Sergey

Brin and Lawrence Page (1998)
*This seminal academic paper, authored by Google co-founders Sergey Brin and
Lawrence Page, introduces the PageRank algorithm and provides insights into
the early stages of Google's search technology.

8."The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Social Search Engine" by Damon Horowitz,

Sepandar D. Kamvar, and Mehryar Mohri (2012)
*This paper explores Google's foray into social search and the development of
features like "Search plus Your World."



1. Perceived Usefulness

A. Using Paytm helps me to accomplish my tasks more efficiently.

B. Work becomes easier after using Paytm.

C. Using Paytm improves the quality of my life.

D. Overall, using Paytm is useful.

2. Perceived Ease of Use

A. Paytm transactions save me a lot of time and energy.

B. Paytm use is clear and understandable.

C. Paytm app is easy to use.

3. Trust

A. I feel secure putting financial information on Paytm.

B. I feel safe in my transaction with Paytm.

C. I feel safe providing personal information on Paytm.

4. Enjoyment

A. The process of using Paytm is enjoyable.

B. While doing my transaction with Paytm, I feel pleased.

C. Overall, using Paytm is fun.

5. Behavioral Intention

A. I will continue using Paytm in the future.

B. I will always try to use Paytm in my daily life.

C. I plan to use Paytm more frequently.

D. I will recommend Paytm to my friends.

6. Rewards

A. I have/would like to benefit from promotion offered by Paytm.

B. I wouldn’t download Paytm if no promotion were offered generated.

C. I would like to use/ continue to use Paytm as long as promotion are offered.

7. Social Influence

A. People who are important to me would find using mobile wallet like Paytm beneficial.

B. People who influence my behavior think I should use mobile wallet like paytm.

8. Gender

A. Male

B. Female

9. Age

A. Less than 25

B. 25 – 40

C. 41 – 60

D. More than 60

10. Occupation status

A. Salaried

B. Business

C. Housewife

D. Student

E. Retired

11. Monthly income

A. Less than 20,000

B. 20001 – 40,000

C. 40001 – 60,000

D. More than 60,000

12. Education qualification

A. Post Graduate

B. Graduate

C. Under Graduate

D. others


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