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When I was younger

I had many dreams
And many aspirations
It all seemed like it would never come true

When I was younger,

I hoped to be the best
Among my colleagues
Among all my mates
And among all my superiors

When I was younger,

I dreamed of becoming a writer
One who writes
And moves the heart of the audience
One who writes
And millions are moved and touched
And they begin to think about their lives

When I was young

I used to be a reader
Storing knowledge in my little head
For the purpose of the future
Reading things from far and near,
Far and wide
Either for my level
Or beyond my level
Either for my scope of learning
Or aside from my field of learning

When I was younger,

I hoped to become a singer
Singing melodious songs
To praise my God and king
Writing motivational books
And giving motivational speeches
Advising the broken-hearted
And helping others
To have a dream
And to fulfil their dreams

Now that I am old

I am a few steps
To achieving my ambition
Because I have achieved great things
And I am doing what I like most
Investing greatly in my talent
Because it is the greatest investment
Anyone can engage in

I recall all I had said

When I was younger
Becoming a journalist
Was one of my ambitions
Achieving results
And making meaningful impacts
Doing things unthinkable
I change the world
With my words of mouth
I cause a revolution
Through my pen and paper
Going where no one has ever gone
10 steps ahead of others

Now that that I am old

I praise God
For making me alive
And taking me
To where I am today
Making a somebody
Out of a nobody

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