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On December 4, 1925, Albert Bandura was born in Mundare.

a little settlement on northern Alberta's grasslands.

He was raised by five elder sisters and was the only boy in the family.

His sisters pushed him to develop independence and dependability.

Once he had registered at the University of British Columbia, he made the decision to pursue a career in

Early works by Bandura tended to be clinical psychology articles that mostly discussed psychotherapy
and the Rorschach test.

He has held more than a dozen positions in eminent scientific organisations and has been given several
honorary degrees from academic institutions, as well as prizes and recognition on a global scale.


Agency refers to the human capability to influence one's functioning and the
course of events by one's actions. There are four functions through which
human agency is exercised. One such function is intentionality. People form
intentions that include action plans and strategies for realizing them. The
second function involves temporal extension of agency through forethought.
People set themselves goals and foresee likely outcomes of prospective
actions to guide and motivate their efforts anticipatorily. The third agentic
function is self-reactiveness. Agents are not only planners and forethinkers.
They are also self-regulators. The fourth agentic function is self-reflectiveness.
People are not only agents, they are self-examiners of their own functioning.
Through functional self-awareness, they reflect on their personal efficacy, the
soundness of their thoughts and actions, the meaning of their pursuits, and
make corrective adjustments if necessary.
People exercise their influence through three forms of agency: individual,
proxy and collective. In agency exercised individually, people bring their
influence to bear on what they can control. In proxy agency, they influence
others who have the resources, knowledge, and means to act on their behalf
to secure the outcomes they desire. In the exercise of collective agency,
people pool their knowledge, skills, and resources and act in concert to shape
their future.

When we hear social cognitive what comes into your mind? So SC describes the
influence of individual experiences, the actions of others, and environmental factors on
individual health behaviors.
They have the ability to direct their own behavior to result in the desired outcomes. anticipate likely
outcomes of their actions, behaviors that will produce desired outcomes and avoid undesirable ones

People also have the ability to plan ahead, foresee the results of their actions, and choose behaviors
that will lead to the results they want while avoiding those they don't.

People don't only think about and plan their actions for the future. They can also act independently.

reactiveness while motivating and controlling their own behavior. People make decisions in addition to

keep track of how they're doing in implementing their decisions.

They may contemplate and assess their own behavior since they are inspectors of their own functioning.

individuals might reflect on the appropriateness of their own motives, beliefs, and life objectives.


Efficacy refers to people’s confidence that they have the ability to perform certain behaviors, whereas
an outcome expectancy refers to one’s prediction of the likely consequences of that behavior.

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