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Writing » A2 Writing Exercises and Tests » Writing an essay about someone’s job » Page 3

Exercises Explanation Downloads 2 I work in _____

a. hours a day
Exercises: 1 2 3 4 b. a factory
c. a multinational company
d. a bartender
Writing an essay about someone’s job e. in charge
f. job
g. ten to six
Exercise 3 h. does he earn
i. responsible for
j. long hours
Check the ‘Explanation’ tab above before doing these exercises. Choose the
correct option to complete each gap.

3 The Head Chef is _____ of the kitchen.

a. hours a day
You have completed this test. b. a factory
c. a multinational company
d. a bartender
Correct answers: 9/9. e. in charge
f. job
Your score is 100%. g. ten to six
h. does he earn
i. responsible for
Check your answers: j. long hours

4 The manager is _____ planning and organising all the operations.

1 She works very _____
a. hours a day
b. a factory
a. hours a day c. a multinational company
b. a factory d. a bartender
c. a multinational company e. in charge
d. a bartender f. job
e. in charge g. ten to six
f. job h. does he earn
g. ten to six

i. responsible for
i. responsible for Login j. long hours Login
j. long hours

8 It's a full-time _____.

5 How much _____?
a. hours a day
b. a factory
a. hours a day c. a multinational company
b. a factory d. a bartender
c. a multinational company e. in charge
d. a bartender
e. in charge f. job
f. job
g. ten to six g. ten to six
h. does he earn
h. does he earn i. responsible for
j. long hours
i. responsible for
j. long hours

9 It's a hard job. They work ten _____.

6 He works as _____.
a. hours a day
a. hours a day
b. a factory b. a factory
c. a multinational company c. a multinational company
d. a bartender
d. a bartender e. in charge
f. job
e. in charge g. ten to six
f. job h. does he earn
g. ten to six i. responsible for
h. does he earn j. long hours
i. responsible for
j. long hours

Exercises: 1 2 3 4
7 She works for _____.

a. hours a day
b. a factory
c. a multinational company
d. a bartender
e. in charge
f. job
g. ten to six Related tests:
h. does he earn
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