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Online shopping is the modern way of purchasing, this shopping method
uses mobile phones or any gadget that enables us to shop from online
stores. Through the digital space, you can buy anything you want from the
comfort of your own home.
● We would like to show you how online shopping became very
convenient to the consumers on this generation.
● We are conducting this research not only to know the perspectives of
the online consumers but also to show how much it has helped and
changed the world of marketing and businesses.

● Online shopping has really helped a lot in terms of shopping and
marketing. Specially to students or teens like us who are absorbed
with online shopping.
● When the pandemic came, that is the time that businesses had
opened their mind and grabbed the opportunity to open an online
stores instead of physical stores. And now, the world of online
shopping has grown even bigger.


What are the convenience of online shopping to grade 11 students of
colegio de calumpit?
● We chose this question because we want to highlight the
convenience, benefits, and use of online shopping. And we also aim
to provide answers to the conflicts or problems of other consumers
with online shopping by the means of our research.
● Identify respondents
- How we must identify the respondents who are qualified to take part
on our research and
● Conduct a survey to the respondents
- How we must conduct a survey to the respondents

● Does online shopping ensure that the expectations of the
consumers can be meet?
- We chose this question to answer how online shopping can satisfy
the needs and wants of the customers.
● Is online shopping more convenient than a walk in store or a
physical store?
- We chose this question because this research will answer this
question and will explain how can online shopping be more
convenient than the physical stores.
● How did online shopping became convenient to the students
and teens?
- We chose this question because we want to give further explanation
on how online shopping became convenient and why is it essential to

● To test how convenient online shopping is
- - Because we know how much online shopping is enjoyed today,
especially among children and the elderly, we should know if it
provides ease when it comes to shopping online or not.
● To see how much it actually helps customers or consumers
- We also need to know if this helps customers or not because at the
same time online shopping makes life easier for others because there
is no need to go out to order what you need especially if you are
online shopping you will not spend on gas or fare
● To find out if it provides savings or costs
- Another thing is that we also need to know if it saves money or if it
costs us more, we can say that we will no longer go out to buy what
we need but online but its use also needs to be well known in order to
be able to use it. correctly
● To know if it is safe or close to fraud
- This is the best way to know if it is safe or a fraud because online
frauds are rampant, especially if the customer who will be victimized
is not very knowledgeable about online like the elderly, so we need to
be careful and be aware of online fraud and have video awareness or
intensify the security of online shopping sites
● Because Online shopping has a big contribution to the country since
the pandemic
- Speaking of the pandemic, when we were in lockdown, we cant go
outside for the risk of having covid-19,online shopping has made an
impact in the philippines since that year, because of online shopping,
the e commerence transaction value grew by 11.8% and it worth 229
billion pesos in the philippines in 2020
● So we find better and more affordable items online
- So we find better and more affordable items online Comparing to
malls and other stores, its hard to the items you need and to find
discounted items and sometimes it became expensive but in online
shopping you can find anything there, it has better items and more
affordable prices

● Grade 11 Students in Colegio de Calumpit Inc.
● Seller and Student Consumer

- Online shopping offers numerous benefits to sellers, making it a
convenient and profitable way to sell products and services allowing
them to reach a wider customer base, reduce overhead costs, and
improved their sales and customer service.
- it helps students to not waste time and fare to go to stores that are far
away or need's to walk.
- and no matter how long it takes to choose or find what you want to
buy, the seller will not be bothered.
- in online shopping you can get free shipping, discount, and cashback.
- through online shopping you can enjoy shop for things you want to
buy and if you have something you want to buy but don't have the
money yet you can add it to cart so that when you have money you
can return it to buy it.
- online shopping guides students how to choose good quality of every
item that wants to buy.

● Colegio de Calumpit Inc.
- In our research we choose the students from Colegio de Calumpit
Grade 11 SHS students to be pur respondents because we want to
know why it is convenient for them to shop online when it is possible
to go to malls because in mall they can see it if the quality is really
good in person, but if you shop online you will only see pictures. So
we want to know why they prefer to shop online.

The respondents that we aim to seek are also students, specifically the
grade 11 students, that’s why we know they also have a tight schedule,
that’s why we chose to interview them during:

● Dismissal Time
● Weekends
● Free time/vacant

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