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Name: Padilla, Justine Rein P.

Section: ACT21A
ASSIGNMENT 1 (Module 1)
1. Define the following.
a. Humanities
Humanities is defined as a field of study that is focused with human
beings, their way of living, and appreciating the forms of expressing
themselves through various methods. This also refers to the study of all
languages, arts, literatures, philosophy, and history (Encyclopedia
Britannica, 2021). Basically, it provides us the knowledge to understand the
way of people, the factors that contributes on how they present themselves
in the society. Knowing the people that surrounds us including ourselves.

b. Art appreciation
Studying and understanding visual arts are the main definition of art
appreciation, these includes architectures, paintings, and more. In addition,
according to Gustlin et al. (2021), Art appreciation is defined as opening
your perspective through art, it is knowing what goes beyond those arts in
the four corners of the museum. Knowing its background and how does this
explain the environment around us. It is to acquire skills to understand and
comprehend arts, learn methods to discuss the artwork in verbal or in
writing, and the ability to know the shift of forms and techniques coming
from the early period up to the contemporary arts. By appreciating art, we
can develop the knowledge to understand history and culture of individuals.

c. The 3 basic assumptions of arts

➢ Art is Universal. It is timeless, which means it is perfectly acceptable
and applicable to any era it was in.
➢ Art is not Nature. Artworks are created by human. It comes from
their idea and it is deemed to exist. On the other hand, nature was
there beforehand, and art is the way for human to interpret this.
➢ Art involves Experience. Art is a medium where people expresses
themselves. It might be a representation of their culture, behavior,
feelings. Therefore, it needs experience. (Buer, 2019)

2. Explain the following UNDERSTANDING ABOUT ART.

Cerbo et al (2010) explains the following as,
a. Art as a skill or mastery.
Art is a skill or mastery that is a product of effort exerted by a person that
shows their emotions and ideas. This means that art is a repetitive action to
acquire the highest result that explains what the experiences and emotions
the artist wants the audience to feel and perceived. It takes time and
practice to be able to create an art.

b. Art as a process or a product of a creative skill

Art is a process because it needs a system where the artist incorporates
various art elements and methods that is important in order to present an
artwork in an aesthetically pleasing manner. On the other hand, art is
depicted as a product of creative skill for the reason that it uses the human’s
skill to create a visual art that can be in any form of activities. Creations like
painting, music, sculpture, performance art, and a lot more.

c. Art as a universal language.

Art is a universal language because it has no boundaries. Art is diverse in
any forms. Every artwork has a personality and characteristics that can be
decipher based on one’s perspective. It has no limitations, and it speaks to
everyone and reaching its goal, which is to deliver emotions, feeling, and
knowledge to its audience. Touch our hearts and process in our minds the
visual representation that it wants to convey. May it be in the form of music,
literature, and other visual arts.

d. Art as a representation of reality.

Art can be defined by its power to represent what is the reality. As Aristotle
said that “Art imitates nature”. This means that art can show what is
happening in our daily lives and important events that is essential in our
history. However, this is not always the case as art is more on the perception
and how an artist views a certain phenomenon.

e. Art reflects the characteristics of a period.

Most visual arts like architecture and materials they used tells us what
period they came from or which period is the inspiration behind the artwork.
The periods emphasized are medieval, renaissance, and modern.

Medieval Period – this is a time where church is dominant, therefore most

of the arts depicted biblical practices and spiritual truths. Visuals for this
period is explains as “flat” because the aesthetic is simply unrealistic and
almost look the same.

Renaissance Period – the shift from abstract to a more realistic side and
form of the human body in visual arts presented. It is now showing more
movement, expression, gesture and not flat. Its focus is more on the
material world that is presented in a “three dimensional” manner.

Modern Period – Idealistic search for the truth that often unattainable, also
it is done in a more experimental side and artistic representation. It uses
vibrant color palette, often abstract with expressive shapes and forms,
exploring new concept.

f. Art shows the manner of existence of the people of long ago.

Through art we have the knowledge to know that existence of human in the
early stages of the world is possible. One example of this are the writings,
sketches, and drawings of people from Old Stone Age in the caves. These
artworks are representation of the way of living of people back then and how
do they survive certain events. This show us what are the things that they
see during those times, the way they hunt to survive and eat, or maybe it is
their daily logs on new things that they do, maybe it is their view on art.
Nonetheless, it helps us become aware of their existence and help us know
where we came from as well.
Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2021, April 22). humanities.
Encyclopedia Britannica.
Buer, R. (2019, June 22). What is Art: Introduction and Assumptions. Retrieved
De, C. (2019, December 2). Lesson 1: What is Art Appreciation?: Introduction
and Assumption. Retrieved from:
Gustlin, D., & Gustlin, Zoe. (2021, March 9). What is Art Appreciaion. A World
Perspective of Art Appreciation. Retrieved from:

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