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Hello there!

I’m Teresa O. Addangna.

Follow me at @teresa.addangna on FB
GNED 01:
Huguenot by John Everett Millais (1852)
Course Description
Art Appreciation
- Art appreciation develops students’ ability to appreciate,
analyze and critique works of art. Through interdisciplinary
and multimodal approaches,
- this course equips students with a broad knowledge of the
practical, historical, philosophical, and social relevance of the
arts to hone students’ ability to articulate the understanding
of the arts.
Course Description
Art Appreciation
- Art appreciation develops students’ ability to appreciate,
analyze and critique works of art. Through interdisciplinary
and multimodal approaches,
- this course equips students with a broad knowledge of the
practical, historical, philosophical, and social relevance of the
arts to hone students’ ability to articulate the understanding
of the arts.
Art Appreciation
- The course also develops students’ competency in researching
and curating art as well as conceptualizing, mounting, and
evaluating art productions.
- It aims to develop students’ genuine appreciation for Philippine
arts by providing them opportunities to explore the diversity and
richness and their rootedness in Filipino culture. It is
synonymous with skill, artifice, and craft, which all mean the
faculty of what devised.
Art Appreciation
- Unit 1: Defining Art
- Unit 2: Who Makes Art – Process and Training
- Unit 3: How Art Speaks – Finding Meaning
- Unit 4: How Art Works – The Elements and Principles of Visual Language
- Unit 5: Artistic Media
- Unit 6: Architecture
- Unit 7: Our World – Nature, the Body, Identity, Sexuality, Politics, and Power
- Unit 8: Other Worlds – Myths, Dreams, and Spirituality
- Unit 9: Art in Time and Place – The Western World

Performance Task#1:
A. Meaning of Humanities
Group Discussion and
B. The Scopes of Humanities
C. Importance of Humanities


A. Nature and Definition
B. Functions and Importance

III. Functions of Art and Art as viewed by Philosophy

IV. Subject and Content

V. Art/Artisans and his: Medium


VI. Elements and Principles of Art

A. Meaning of Humanities
B. The Scopes of Humanities
C. Importance of Humanities

A. Nature and Definition
B. Functions and Importance

VIII. Functions of Art and Art as viewed by Philosophy

Art Appreciation
Lesson 1

Definitions, Scopes &
Objective of Define Humanities.

the Study Understand the Scope of


Determine the importance

of Humanities

Definitions of
The study of how people process Generally refers to arts, literature,
those branches of knowledge that
and document the human music, architecture, dance and
concern themselves with human
experience. theatre.
beings and their culture or with analytic
and critical methods of inquiry derived
from an appreciation of human values The humanities include the study of all (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 1998)

and of the unique ability of the human languages and literatures, the arts,
spirit to express itself. history, and philosophy.

Scope of
Title or Position

Title or Position Language Arts

Scope of Title or Position

Humanities Visual Arts

Performing Arts Title or Position
Title or Position

Culinary Arts Law & Religion

Title or Position
Title or Position
- The humanities include the studies of foreign languages,
history, philosophy, language arts (literature, writing, oratory,
rhetoric, poetry, etc.), performing arts (theater, music, dance,
etc.), and visual arts (painting, sculpture, photography,
filmmaking, etc.); culinary art or cookery is interdisciplinary and
may be considered both a humanity and a science. Some
definitions of the humanities include law and religion,

Importance of
Importance of Humanities

It connects us It gives us experience It helps us to respect

It connects us to the place we have It let us experience between culture It increases our respect to culture
not visited and in past or history and community through museum and individual differences through
which has significance in the present visit, concerts, theatre performance knowledge of achievement of world
etc. civilization
Art Appreciation
Lesson 2

Nature, Definitions, &
- The word ART comes from the ancient Latin, ars which
means a “craft or specialized form of skill, like carpentry or
smithing or surgery” (Collingwood, 1938).

- the conscious use of skill and creative imagination

especially in the production of aesthetic objects the art
of painting landscapes. (“Definition of Art,” 2023)
- Ars in Medieval Latin came to mean something
different. It meant “any special form of book-
learning, such as grammar or logic, magic or
astrology” (Collingwood, 1983)
- The fine arts would come to mean “not
delicate or highly skilled arts, but “beautiful arts”
(Collingwood, 1983)
- “The humanities constitute one of the oldest and
most important means of expression developed by
man” (Dudley et al., 1960).

- Human history has witnessed how man

evolved not just physically but also culturally,
from cave painters to men of exquisite
paintbrush users of the present.
- “The humanities constitute one of the oldest and
most important means of expression developed
by man” (Dudley et al., 1960).
- Human history has witnessed how man
evolved not just physically but also culturally,
from cave painters to men of exquisite
paintbrush users of the present.
- Art is “human ingenuity in adapting natural things to
man's use.” (Webster)
- It is synonymous with skill, artifice, and craft, which all mean
the faculty of what devised.
- For many people art is a specific thing; a painting, sculpture
or photograph, a dance, a poem or a play. It is all of these
things, and more.
- They are mediums of artistic expression. Webster's New
Collegiate dictionary defines art as the "conscious use of skill
and creative imagination especially in the production of
aesthetic objects."
Joseph Brodsky hints at a definition of art in his poem New Life:
Ultimately, one's unbound, curiosity about these empty zones,
about these objectless vistas, is what art seems to be all about.
- Art is uniquely human and tied directly to culture. It takes the
ordinary and makes it extraordinary. It asks questions about
who we are, what we value, the meaning of beauty and the
human condition.
Visual art is a rich and complex subject whose definition is in
flux as the culture around it changes. Because of this, how we
define art is in essence a question of agreement. In this respect,
we can look again to the dictionary's definition for an
understanding of exactly what to look for when we proclaim
something as 'art.'

- .
As an expressive medium it allows us to experience sublime
joy, deep sorrow, confusion and clarity.
It tests our strengths, vulnerabilities and resolve. It gives voice
to ideas and feelings, connects us to the past, reflects the
present and anticipates the future.
Along these lines, art history, combined with anthropology and
literature, are three main sources in observing, recording and
interpreting our human past. Visual art is a rich and complex
subject whose definition is in flux as the culture around it
changes. Because of this, how we define art is in essence a
question of agreement. In this respect, we can look again to the
dictionary's definition for an understanding of exactly what to
look for when we proclaim something as 'art.'
Art appreciation is the knowledge and
understanding of the universal and timeless
qualities that identify all great art.
The more you appreciate and understand the art of
different eras, movements, styles and techniques,
the better you can develop, evaluate and improve
your own artwork.
Art appreciation is the knowledge and
understanding of the universal and timeless
qualities that identify all great art.
The more you appreciate and understand the
art of different eras, movements, styles and
techniques, the better you can develop,
evaluate and improve your own artwork.
Thank you!
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