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Target Outcomes
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
1. discuss the relationship and importance of Arts and Humanities;
2. examine the meaning of Arts and its changing perceptions throughout history;
3. demonstrate understanding on the role/s of Arts and Humanities in gaining better
perspective in life;
4. identify and analyze the assumptions and nature of Art

Humanities are branches of knowledge that attempt to understand and interpret human
culture and experience through methods of inquiry that are analytical, critical, and systematic.
These branches of knowledge include, but are not limited to, arts, language, linguistics,
literature, history, philosophy, archeology, religion, among others. They are necessary in
providing context about the past and the present so we can look clearly into the future. We study
Humanities because they constitute one of the oldest and most important means of expression
developed by man (Dudley et al., 1960). They shape and cultivate our identity as humans and
ultimately, direct our steps in understanding who we are and in making sense of the world that
we live in.
Consequently, the study of the Arts has also taken its place of utmost importance in
understanding ourselves, our expressions, and to a huge extent, the complexity of our world.
Studying the Arts matters because it is the most fundamental yet the highest form of human
expression. It is among the highest expression of culture embodying its ideals and aspirations,
challenging its assumptions and beliefs, and creating new visions and possibilities for it to pursue
(Sayre, XVI).
Further, Aristotle defines art as an imitation of an action that is complete, serious, and of
a certain magnitude effecting the proper purgation of pity, fear, and other similar emotions
(Poetics, p.10).
Gaining understanding of who we are and the world we live in also translates to being
perceptive of the environment that surrounds us. Thus, art is a tool through which humans extend
their senses; it reaches out from the inside to the outside as mirrors of our thoughts and emotions,
the past and the future. It is a channel through which the expression of human culture is
embodied and celebrated. It allows for us to be more aware of not only of the world around us,
but also, of our own selves; our thoughts, motivations, and ultimately, what makes us who we
are. Moreover, studying the arts may lead to a greater understanding of our own cultural values
and those of the others.
Therefore, in studying arts and humanities, it is important to note that we are trying to
learn about the creation (arts), the ones who make these creations (artists/artisans), and the
society that produced or prompted these creations.
It is then the purpose of the viewer and maker of art, to not only to release or channel
emotions, but also, and more importantly to gain new and better perspective.


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