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Arts and Humanities

Name:_Niel Jeff C. Panis Date: Feb. 20, 2023

Sub. & Sub. Code: GE447

Activity I –

1. Define Humanities.
2. Give the importance of Humanities.
3. When can a person be referred to as an artist?

Activity II –
1. Discuss the values and importance of the Arts and Mankind.
2. Reflect on the influencers/effect of the Art in the development of
your personality.

Activity III –
1. Look for an expert/ artist to discuss how the mediums of visual
Arts are need to create work of arts.

Activity I –

Define Humanities.
come from the Latin humanus, which means human, cultured, and
refined.To be human is to have or show qualities like rationality,
kindness, and tenderness. - the term humanities refers to the arts---
the visual arts such as architecture;painting and sculpture; music;
dance; theater or drama; and literature.
The humanities that are also regarded as social sciences include
technology, history, anthropology, area studies, communication
studies, cultural studies, law and linguistics. Scholars working in
the humanities are sometimes described as "humanists". However,
that term also describes the philosophical position of humanism,
which some "antihumanist" scholars in the humanities reject. The
classics, in the Western academic tradition, refer to cultures of
classical antiquity, namely the Ancient Greek and Roman cultures.
The study of the classics is considered one of the cornerstones of
the humanities; however, its popularity declined during the 20th
century. Nevertheless, the influence of classical ideas in many
humanities disciplines, such as philosophy and literature, remains
strong; for example, the Gilgamesh Epic from Mesopotamia, the
Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Vedas and Upanishads in India
and various writings attributed to Confucius, Lao- tse and Chuang-
tzu in China.

Give the importance of Humanities.

1. The humanities are the stories, the ideas, and the words that help
us make sense of our lives and our world.
2. The humanities introduce us to people we have never met,
places we have never visited, and ideas that may have never
crossed our minds.
3.The humanities help us address the challenges we face together
in our families, our communities, and as a nation.
4. the humanities emphasize analysis and exchange of ideas rather
than the creative expression of the arts or the quantitative
explanation of the science.

When can a person be referred to as an artist?

an artist is considered to be a person with the talent and the skills
to conceptualize and make creative works. Such persons are
singled out and prized for their artistic and original ideas. Their art
works can take many forms and fit into numerous categories, such
as architecture, ceramics, digital art, drawings, mixed media,
paintings, photographs, prints, sculpture, and textiles. Of greater
importance, artists are the individuals who have the desire and
ability to envision, design, and fabricate the images, objects, and
structures we all encounter, use, occupy, and enjoy every day of
our lives.

Activity II –
Discuss the values and importance of the Arts and
Art is a way of expression, a way of joy, a way of making
people understand things which can’t be done verbally. In
fact, we can say that everything that is beautiful is art. Art
provides mankind with a diverse range of necessities and
comforts. The use of art in various political and social
issues to organise campaigns and create awareness is
indispensable. The importance of art in education for kids,
as well as adults, is undeniable.Students of art learn to
create extraordinary poems, literature and drama, for the
sole purpose of leisure.

Reflect on the influencers/effect of the Art in the

development of your personality.

Art gives us meaning and helps me understand the world.

When I create art, it elevate my mood, improve my ability
to problem solve, and open my minds to new ideas.
Further, I was able to learn about the stories of different
people, the lives they lived, the story behind the artist, and
what they went through to create that type of work.There
was a mission or an idea behind every drawing or
painting. When I collect art, those ideas begin to decorate
our home. And it feels amazing bringing those stories and
experiences into my sanctuaries.

Activity III –
Look for an expert/ artist to discuss how the mediums of visual
Arts are need to create work of arts.

Artists choose a mode of expression to create their artworks, and

their original use of the medium is what allows them to express
ideas or feelings though art. Indeed, in one medium the unique
language, possible patterns and elements are put together to create
new combinations and contrasts. “The ‘medium’ mediates”. It
translates artists’ ideas, messages or impulses thanks to their skill
and sensibility. It is a vehicle for art
Water Color Fresco Pastel and Chalk Oil Tempera
Encaustic Acrylic Stained glass Tapestry Mosaic
Crayons Charcoal

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