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Name: Arvy D.

Year & Section: BTLED 2-A

Reflection Paper # 3

In this lesson, I acquired knowledge that project-based learning (PBL) is a highly

effective and interesting approach. In my recent exploration of PBL, I learned that
creating real-world projects that align with our interests and encourage collaboration
and critical thinking are crucial factors that make PBL successful. Moreover, I
discovered that teachers play a significant role as facilitators, guiding us through the
project and providing assistance as necessary.
As a future teacher, I strongly believe that PBL will be an essential tool for me. It makes
learning more engaging and meaningful for students while also preparing them for real-
world challenges. I plan to incorporate PBL into my classroom to create an environment
that fosters curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking. With PBL, students can take
ownership of their learning, and it can be customized to suit their individual needs and
interests. This approach benefits all learners by promoting differentiation and
individualization. I am excited to continue exploring and implementing PBL in my future
classroom and to witness the positive impact it can have on student engagement and

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